You are all apparently unfamiliar with this "Google" company?

gone down south

Well-known member
Jul 24, 2012
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They keep products in beta for years. They roll out a half dozen overlapping products and let them all wither away.
They create and kill projects on a whim. They work on the Fail, Fail Again, Fail Better principle.

Traditional corporate values don't count for much in Mountain View. This isn't a huge snafu for them, it's hiccups. As long as the main goal of getting these products out into the market eventually is met, everyone there is happy.

I'm guessing the average age on this board is about 20, 22? Your generation's need for instant gratification and inability to deal with any slight change in plans always amazes me.


Moderator Captain
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Nov 16, 2010
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Re: You are all apparently unfamiliar with this "Google" company?

They keep products in beta for years. They roll out a half dozen overlapping products and let them all wither away.
They create and kill projects on a whim. They work on the Fail, Fail Again, Fail Better principle.

Traditional corporate values don't count for much in Mountain View. This isn't a huge snafu for them, it's hiccups. As long as the main goal of getting these products out into the market eventually is met, everyone there is happy.

I'm guessing the average age on this board is about 20, 22? Your generation's need for instant gratification and inability to deal with any slight change in plans always amazes me.

And get off my lawn.


Moderator Captain
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Nov 16, 2010
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Re: You are all apparently unfamiliar with this "Google" company?

It seems like people expect Google to be as good at online sales as Apple and Amazon are just because they're a big "web" company.


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Sep 2, 2011
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Re: You are all apparently unfamiliar with this "Google" company?

It seems like people expect Google to be as good at online sales as Apple and Amazon are just because they're a big "web" company.

They're not alone. I know plenty of people who are very smart, very good at IT, and have no clue how hard it is to get inventory management and fulfillment right. There are a shedload of Googlers who are probably slowly coming to the realization that you simply cannot program and algorithm your way out of some problems.

And many more who don't care, since the apparent new Nexus trio (4, 7, 10) is all about getting as many units into as many hands as cheaply as possible, and less focus is being placed on making sure that the process is absolutely fair or optimal.

If Google didn't have to actually make any money, I can imagine a fleet of self-driving cars roaming the country shooting Nexi in 3-packs at unsuspecting pedestrians.

Because these people are a little whacked.

And I wouldn't have it any. other. way.


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May 17, 2010
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They keep products in beta for years. They roll out a half dozen overlapping products and let them all wither away.
They create and kill projects on a whim. They work on the Fail, Fail Again, Fail Better principle.

Traditional corporate values don't count for much in Mountain View. This isn't a huge snafu for them, it's hiccups. As long as the main goal of getting these products out into the market eventually is met, everyone there is happy.

I'm guessing the average age on this board is about 20, 22? Your generation's need for instant gratification and inability to deal with any slight change in plans always amazes me.
This is a load of steaming codswallop. How so? Let me explain....

This isn't Gmail or Wave or even Google+ - you know, some free website or service that doesn't exist in meatspace (aka the real world) and is funded by ads placed on the sites - this is the launch of a physical commercial product that is being sold in exchange for money to customers who are choosing these products over an extremely crowded field of competitors with huge leads in their respective markets. As such, the expectations are vastly different and should be. Creating and killing Wave is NOT the same as working with LG/ASUS/Samsung to make Nexus 4/7/10s. You don't make thousands of handsets and tablets on a "beta" basis.

"Traditional corporate values don't count for much in Mountain View"?!? What is the first rule of ALL businesses? A: TURN A PROFIT!!! Period. End of discussion. They are a publicly-traded corporation with obligations to shareholders, not a hippie commune running a vegan diner. The sign doesn't say, "Open when we get here, closed when we leave"; it says, "We're a real business selling real products." It is not unreasonable to expect professionalism from an outfit ranked #73 on the Fortune 100 chart with $38 billion in revenues and $10 billion in profits. Sorry, but "traditional corporate values" are totally counting in Mountain View.

Which leads to the most insulting aspect of your post, the idea that it's only whiny entitled kids who are impatient who are upset that instant gratification takes too long who are complaining. Sorry, but as someone who has frequently pushed back at the emo crybaby diaper-filling that has flooded this board, this isn't remotely the same thing. As the situation melted down over the past couple of days, it's become clear that Google has made bad decision after bad decision, compounded failure upon failure, and has left a LOT of people justifiably upset over the mismanagement of the situation.

The irony is that if they'd simply used their own search engine, they could've seen that it's lack of planning and communication that makes things go from bad to worse. It's not as if they're the first company to attempt to sell stuff on the Internet, but considering the endless snafus we've witnessed, you'd think they'd found someone who lived their life isolated from civilization and technology in the Amazonian jungle, dragged them to the city, sat them down in front of first computer they've ever seen in their life and told them to sell some phones and tablets. (But worse than that would've worked out.)

With the examples of Amazon and Apple and countless other successful e-tailers to learn from and the experience of launching the Nexus 7 several months ago, their is literally no excuse to not have hardened their systems to not be overwhelmed or, better yet, simply done a pre-order process where the past two weeks were spent taking orders up to the initial shipment quantity and then saying, "We have reached our limit for pre-orders and all future orders will be fulfilled as soon as possible, probably within [X amount of time]." Who would've been angry if they'd done that? Not many and those who were would be those entitled brats you're speaking of.

The public has the capacity to be very understanding of inconveniences IF THEY ARE PROPERLY COMMUNICATED WITH. But we weren't communicated with at all. People who signed up to be notified, weren't. There was no announcement of what time sales would begin, leading to people staying up all night or running scripts to refresh the page and be alerted; massive inconveniences. When it was found out what time the sales were to start, the store jumped the gun and put them live early. Then the scrum that was like a virtual stampede on Black Friday as people hack and slash their way in to get at the year's hot toy for their brats who will be insufferable if Santa doesn't leave a Tickle Me Wii Patch doll/console under the tree. Then the taunting promises of "Shipping estimate: November 15, 2012" which turned out to be "SOL. See ya maybe in three weeks. kthxbai!"

You see, this has nothing to do with expecting too much, it's not receiving the BARE MINIMUM of service, information and responsiveness that EVERY OTHER FIRM DELIVERS. Imagine Apple or Amazon or Applebee's or American Eagle botching the sale and delivery of their respective products. You can't because THEY DON'T SCREW UP like Google just has. People aren't angry because they're over-entitled; they're angry because Google has failed to meet the legitimate expectations of what a competently-run multi-gazillion-dollar enterprise should deliver. If you hire the local slacker stoner to mow your lawn and he only does half of it, running through your wife's flower beds in the process, you can't get too angry because expectations are low.

However, this isn't Jeff Spicoli botched the edge trimming; this is #73 on the Fortune list saying that they're making a bold move into providing high end consumer electronic products to the general public in mass quantities and utterly botching the process in every phase. If Google wants to be treated as a big boy in the biz, then they must be judged by the standards the big boys are judged by and take their licks if they don't stack up. To try and claim that they're not a traditional company and thus shouldn't be held to account is ludicrous.

gone down south

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Jul 24, 2012
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Again, you've completely misunderstood the role Google envisions itself in.
It's not a major retailer, it's not a big boy in the electronics field. It's a data mining slash advertising company.

These hardware products only exist because Google reluctantly realized that no OEM was ready and willing to shake up the status quo.
The Nexus line exists to blow things up and create a new normal - always on unlimited data, portability of personal info, cloud storage, etc.
Once that takes off, Google will stop wasting their money on physical products and move on to it's next project.

They're not going to reengineer the whole company for a once-a-year product release; give it two weeks and you'll be able to buy all the Nexus' your heart desires.


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Nov 28, 2009
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I'm guessing the average age on this board is about 20, 22? Your generation's need for instant gratification and inability to deal with any slight change in plans always amazes me.
Really? Was the generation slam really necessary? You couldn't have made your point about Google without bashing a whole generation? I mean, you obviously did not bother to actually figure out what the average age on this board is (or did you? And if so, can I see your proof?) - and just decided to venture a guess. Then you used that guess to slam a whole age group. If someone were to generalize this type of cavalier attitudes about unverified claims to YOUR generation or age group, how would that make you feel?

Frankly, I think it's just as bad to make broad, negative generalization about an age group as it is to do the same about a race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, income group, or regional residency.


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Nov 28, 2009
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Oh lord. Don't start that kinda crap. I would say he's pretty accurate.
Again, is there verification? Besides, the point is that there is no need to go around making "your generation [fill in the blank]" comments in order to make what was originally a good point (Google lives in the beta culture - that is a provable point). Change that "average age group" comment to "average person here is black/white/asian/latino" and tell me it's not offensive. Oh and guess what? This "generation" are also the people writing the code for the sweet Android 4.2 inside Google and designing the Nexus 4 hardware.


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May 17, 2010
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Again, you've completely misunderstood the role Google envisions itself in. It's not a major retailer, it's not a big boy in the electronics field. It's a data mining slash advertising company.
It is absolutely irrelevant how you wish to say Google envisions themselves, because when they slap their brand on a product that's only available through their online retail outlet, they are a de facto consumer electronics product maker and retailer. What the internal philosophy of Google is is irrelevant; they're making phones and tablets and selling them through their store, so they're a CE company and e-tailer. End of story. I can say I envision myself as People magazine's Sexiest Man Alive and a lover of Victoria's Secret models, but one look at my tubby middle-aged arse would put the lie to that delusion right quick.

I don't get this rush to protect Google from justified criticism of their poor handling of everything connected to this launch. They get to screw up and compound the errors and we're supposed to accept the pitiful excuse that they're not really what we foolishly thought they were, so we should shut up about it. Yeah, right. Imagine rushing a dying loved one to the building with a "HOSPITAL" sign on the front and when they die, the guy in the scrubs coming out and saying, "What do you want from me? I'm an accountant who faints at the sight of blood. It's your fault to think I was a doctor." That's what you're doing. I can understand someone like ziptied who works for the Big G trying to foist this manure; what's your interest in covering for them?

gone down south

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Jul 24, 2012
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I'm not an apologist for Google's lack of communication or their website being unable to handle the traffic for a brief couple hours, but if you honestly expected Google to behave like you've set yourself up for disappointment. You want a professional and organized release? Buy your phone at Radio Shack.

A better analogy would be getting mad at your baseball team for running out of bobbleheads quickly. It's a promo item, it got a lot of attention, it's not part of their core business and the team was just as surprised as you that people were lining up hours before the gates opened to snag one.


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Oct 31, 2012
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Im sure some one at some time made a similar statment about the OPs generation. And im sure us 20 some things will say it about a generation and life goes on. Back on topic tho. I don't feel like google completly ruined this but its not how even google or thier customers wanted it to go down

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Downtown Taco

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Jan 19, 2012
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I'm not an apologist for Google's lack of communication or their website being unable to handle the traffic for a brief couple hours, but if you honestly expected Google to behave like you've set yourself up for disappointment. You want a professional and organized release? Buy your phone at Radio Shack.

A better analogy would be getting mad at your baseball team for running out of bobbleheads quickly. It's a promo item, it got a lot of attention, it's not part of their core business and the team was just as surprised as you that people were lining up hours before the gates opened to snag one.

I tend to disagree. While it is true that Google failed with this release, saying that the Nexus line is just a promo type product is incorrect, IMHO. The Nexus 7 is selling at 1 million a month, and Google's whole objective is to get the Nexus brand recognized. They want everyone to have a Nexus, not to say "Oh look what I got! Yaylolcatz!" They want to distribute good products to sell content...

Hey wait, I think I just agreed with you...

Shuck. :confused:

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