You guys ready for the z4c?? lol!!


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Dec 10, 2013
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Ha, just what I need.
All joking aside;
If the Z1 compact had the correct LTE bands I would have bought that.
My belief is that non-replaceable battery's last about 3 years +/-.
That would be my ballpark EOL for the Z3C.
By that time I suspect there will be a flip phone with a 6" screen or thereabouts.
But who knows what will come with a gotta-have feature, so I never say never.


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Nov 8, 2010
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I'm ready replaced my wife's nexus 4 with the Z3C. I'm insanely jealous of her phone's battery life compared to my n4.

I almost grabbed a Z1C off of eBay but am really trying to hold out until post holiday.

Z4C would be perfect, drop the 3s price real nice like.

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Oct 19, 2010
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But it's false info. Since the days of he G1, not joking, there have been articles like this. Shortly after a new device launches, an article appears with supposed leaks about the successor. It always has amazing specs and gets people way too excited. But it never happens. If a leak article like this isn't covered by one of the reputable Android or tech blogs, then don't believe them. It's as simple as that.


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Aug 29, 2011
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But it's false info. Since the days of he G1, not joking, there have been articles like this. Shortly after a new device launches, an article appears with supposed leaks about the successor. It always has amazing specs and gets people way too excited. But it never happens. If a leak article like this isn't covered by one of the reputable Android or tech blogs, then don't believe them. It's as simple as that.

Yes generally speaking that is correct. But the difference is that most manufacturers have an annual release which would make a rumor a few months after really grasping. The difference with Sony as you know is that they have been on a 6 month cycle with the Z line. Yes it's only been three months since the last release of the z3 but that would bring us at this point to an equivalent of any other flagship being out for 9 months. After all with Sony schedule, this would bring us to another three months until release. Now with that said, there are numerous reports that Sony will do away with the bi yearly release by many tech sites, even some well known guys. This would bring them to make this iteration to compete with the likes of Samsung and LG with the s6 and g4.. same time of year.. and spec'd to make it relevant and last a whole year. So this makes perfect sense to me that it would be loaded with the latest features. My point was that the z4c and z4 could very well be right around the corner. Actually I'm convinced of it. We will just need to see the exact specs. :)

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Oct 14, 2012
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I fully expect the Z4 to be announced in January and available shortly after. Not sure there will be another compact until the Z5 Compact perhaps in the summer.


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Nov 25, 2014
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I'm ready replaced my wife's nexus 4 with the Z3C. I'm insanely jealous of her phone's battery life compared to my n4.

I almost grabbed a Z1C off of eBay but am really trying to hold out until post holiday.

Z4C would be perfect, drop the 3s price real nice like.

Posted via Android Central App

I have just done exactly this. Replaced my N4 for a Z3C and I haven't looked back. I can highly recommend this phone. The biggest selling factor for me was the fact that the Sony's are so stripped back in terms of OS, very close to the stock android like on the N4.

I installed Google Home launcher and all the other Google apps and it's virtually the same + in my opinion better settings drawer options and a better laid out settings menu + battery saving functions.

I'm a fairly heavy user, so 2 days (according to Sony) is not possible, but I definitely get a whole days use out of it. On Friday last week I used it through the day on WhatsApp, sent a few emails, used it for 45mins on WiFi hotspot over lunch for Netflix on my Nexus 7, then listened to music on the way home from work for an hour in my car, went to a friends house for drinks and used my phone as a music player and a virtual pack of cards for drinking games - being waterproof this is perfect. By 2am I was drunk and browsing funny videos on reddit whilst falling asleep on my friends sofa with around 12% battery left, if I remember right. It was dead by the morning.

This post has gone on longer than planned but hope it gives some real world insight into how good this phone is! Z4C i can imagine will only be better but like the above said, it will also push down the Z3C price!

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