Alternatives to Pulse app?


Trusted Member
Aug 23, 2014
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I have tried to get "Feedmesh"
via my LG Google Android
it always asks me
"did you mean feedmersh"
and nothing comes up at all in the search (right now)

Feedmesh is in beta right now. You have to get the beta version directly from their site, not the Play Store.


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Jan 29, 2016
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I've been using an app called FeedMe. It pulls your feed from your Inoreader account, and can download and cache the pages you have in your feed. This works pretty well for my subway commute with no-connection reading. It's not as slick or attractive as Pulse was, though. I'll try Feedmesh out, it looks like it has that slick graphic look.


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Feb 17, 2012
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I know this thread is 5 months old but I just stumbled on it. I had been using Pulse since 2010 when I got my first Android phone and I loved it. I had a backup I kept moving from phone to phone as I rooted. Now I have a 6p, unrooted. The current Pulse app sucks and I'm looking for an alternative. I liked how in Pulse your sources were listed vertically with horizontal scrolling for browsing articles. It was functional and allowed for quick scanning through many sources and articles to find what you're interested in. So far I've tried a few apps and they seem more interested in making things pretty. I tried Flipboard a couple years ago, just recently I've tried Feedly, I still have had no luck finding anything that is remotely similar in functionality to Pulse. Recently I've just been reading things that Google Now is feeding to me but there's no way to customize that and I get way too much stuff I have no interest in. Also I've recently been using Google Newsstand and it's OK but I still miss Pulse.

My question is... How has your luck been over the last several months since you started this thread? Have you found anything that has effectively replaced Pulse and/or what are you using now? What apps, if any, have you found that replicate the functionality of Pulse?

I went through this exact same scenario as well, well almost 😅. Never thought that a lot of people were in the same situation. LinkedIn screwed up big time!

Going to try out newsify and feedmesh as recommended in this thread.

Posted via the Android Central App

Inc Xoonity

Jan 29, 2016
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If you want to customize the flow of information and share simply, we develop a new application RSS Reader Xoonity.

Our goal is to provide a free app with many features, e.g. search sources and articles (future development).

We're listening to users to improve the application and provide useful new features.

Wknd At Bernies

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May 4, 2016
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Had this exact problem. Feedmesh APP has been my saviour. Highly recommend it.

Is basically the same of the original Pulse. Nothing like the new and terrible Pulse.

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