HTC EVO 3D: Issues and Problems...let's talk about them here!


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Oct 13, 2009
Re: EVO3D Issues and Problems...let's talk about them here!

Sorry if I hadn't seen this in the 52 pages of comments, but has anyone had issues with Youtube? I have the problem that if I try and view a video, I will get a RANDOM video. I have had more random videos than the actual video I have selected. Kinda embarrassing to try and show your friends the Youtube in 3D video only to have a Mariah Carey video play. I've done a battery pull and uninstalled the app. I refuse to do a hard reset just to see Youtube videos. Has anyone else had this problem?

Evo Longoria

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May 11, 2010
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Re: EVO3D Issues and Problems...let's talk about them here!


I just went through that whole thing you did last night and it's complex and cumbersome to explain, but I thought maybe a little more detail might help some others if they get caught in this. I was on with a Sprint tech for a very long time because I didn't understand what Handcent could have to do with Visual Voicemail. When I set up the 3D, I made the mistake of telling Handcent to be the Default Messaging Application, which I had not done on the 4G. This somehow serious fouled Voicemail up completely, making all VM messages go back to the old dial-in style, accompanied by unannounced text messages to number 9016.

The solution is to not have Handcent be the default messaging application, but then every time you get a text message, you'd be notified twice: by Handcent and by the built-in messaging app. What you have to do--and what I'd forgotten--is to go into the settings of the built-in app, Messages, and turn off all send and receive notifications and Failure Notification. That effectively renders the Messages app "mute"; it's still active but you won't know it, and you can get back to using the best text messaging app out there, Handcent.

'Hope that makes things clearer.


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May 18, 2010
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Re: EVO3D Issues and Problems...let's talk about them here!


I just went through that whole thing you did last night and it's complex and cumbersome to explain, but I thought maybe a little more detail might help some others if they get caught in this. I was on with a Sprint tech for a very long time because I didn't understand what Handcent could have to do with Visual Voicemail. When I set up the 3D, I made the mistake of telling Handcent to be the Default Messaging Application, which I had not done on the 4G. This somehow serious fouled Voicemail up completely, making all VM messages go back to the old dial-in style, accompanied by unannounced text messages to number 9016.

The solution is to not have Handcent be the default messaging application, but then every time you get a text message, you'd be notified twice: by Handcent and by the built-in messaging app. What you have to do--and what I'd forgotten--is to go into the settings of the built-in app, Messages, and turn off all send and receive notifications and Failure Notification. That effectively renders the Messages app "mute"; it's still active but you won't know it, and you can get back to using the best text messaging app out there, Handcent.

'Hope that makes things clearer.

Thanks for the clarification! Man, that was a frustrating few hours, so it's good to know the exact cause of the error :)


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Apr 22, 2010
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Re: EVO3D Issues and Problems...let's talk about them here!

anyone have an isssue with the light indicator--- whn charging the phone turns red. Charge it all night wake up about 8 hrs later and still same color. Doesn't indicate its fully charged, the light indicator isn't green.... An I missing something??

Tried factory reset -- no change...



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Jan 17, 2011
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Re: EVO3D Issues and Problems...let's talk about them here!

Ok....i read this thread backwards from this page ask the way back to page 35. I have pretty much ALL the problems stated in here with this phone (stock mail app not syncing with YAHOO, icons stored on sd not displaying correctly on home screen, TERRIBLE battery life, etc). I hope they get all this fixed soon. Sense is nice but I feel like it hogs too much space when comparing to the nexus which feels much more fluid.

I came from a nexus s which suffered from the low signal problem, but in all honesty I never dropped a call. Even with low internet speeds, it still processed the web and applications MUCH faster and than any other device I've had (hero, evo, epic) including my current device the evo3d. The battery life on the nexus was also incredible. I consider myself a "heavy" user and it would easily last me 13 hours, enough to last me the day. Only thing I really hated on it was the poor video recording, a feature I frequently use.

IMO, the evo3d is a nice phone. The 3d is awesome and the camera/camcorder are of good quality as well. I also love the clarity of the screen and the physical appearance of the phone, but if these issues aren't addressed within 30 days I'm taking this puppy back for a nexus or possibly a SGS2.

Dont flame me, its just my unbiased opinion. I want to inform those who are thinking bout getting this phone of the issues it has and hope that HTC/Sprint is listening.


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Jan 18, 2011
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Re: EVO3D Issues and Problems...let's talk about them here!

I believe a lot of these issues lie just in certain phones...I'm not having any of these issues...battery usage actually varies from day to day, but it doesn't bother me cuz i have constant access to a charger at fact, I was listening to tunein radio over WiFi yesterday and only lost about 8% of my battery over about 2 and a half hours, and during that time i called someone for about 6 minutes, sent 2 texts, and jumped on FB for about 1 minute, but that was obviously a very good day...

Evo Longoria

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May 11, 2010
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Re: EVO3D Issues and Problems...let's talk about them here!

Thanks for the clarification! Man, that was a frustrating few hours, so it's good to know the exact cause of the error :)

Glad to help.

I've got a couple of questions for anyone out there:

How can I set a particular location in the Weather Clock?

It kind of does what it wants. It was what I wanted for a few days then it changed again. I'm in the same place. No idea why.

And why is it now necessary to have location services on in order for weather to work? This was not the case on the 4G, but now Google seems to insist on some form of locator being on and over the course of days Google Maps begins to open by default pretty much right at your home location. Do you want that?

Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles won't run on the 3D.


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Jun 28, 2011
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Re: EVO3D Issues and Problems...let's talk about them here!

Another issue I came across, I have my screen brightness to about 30%. When i launch the camera in 3D then exit my brightness goes up and stays at a bright lvl until I lock and unlock it again


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Oct 15, 2010
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Re: EVO3D Issues and Problems...let's talk about them here!

Is anyones screen look like it's shiftted to the left a bit? I noticed some of my touch inputs seem kinda off on some sites and my volume control widget it's hard to go all the way right to turn the volume up. I noticed on the left the creen goes all the way to the black on the front glass digitizer but on the right the screen doesn't go to th black it's just a small amount but can this be causing some touch inacuracy?


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May 8, 2010
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On the EVO 4G and maybe it was a GB thing when we got the update but other HTC widgets there was one called call faker it had a picture of a black telephone on it. You could make it look like someone in your phone book was calling you. I know there are similar ones in the market but was wondering how to get that back. My coworker has an EVO and it wasn't in her list of HTC widgets but it was in mine and my friends.

you guys should look up the flashlight app in the forum, someone posted the apk link containing the actual htc app for the flashlight: Flashlight.apk - - online file sharing and storage - download, all second party ones just don't add up, also if any of you miss the other htc apps/widgets (such as battery level) download the following zip file onto your micro usb and then download them with an app like androzip:


Jun 29, 2011
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Re: EVO3D Issues and Problems...let's talk about them here!

Hey all, new user here with a few quetions..

1) The built-in email app isn't working with my Hotmail account. I've restarted, manually set up and deleted my account twice just in case, but it still won't receive/display any emails. Anyone else having this problem?

2) The news feed doesn't update automatically every time I open it, even though I have this option selected in the settings menu. I have to open it, close it, then re-open it in order for it to refresh. The first time I open it it only displays the stories from my last viewing session. The "refresh" button doesn't even update the news stories, I have to close out of it and re-open as I mentioned.

3) Is there any way to officially close the internet from within the browser? Or do you have to go to the built-in app killer to officially quit? I don't like that it stays open and constantly runs in the background.


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May 8, 2010
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My friend had wifi problems with his Netgear router. He could connect to mine but not his. He had connected just fine with his EVO 4G right before selling it back to Sprint. Then he was told to reset the router by sticking a pin in the back somewhere is a reset button not just power cycling the router but resetting it and then he was fixed.

I cant seem to get wifi on my 3d dont know why gave my old 4g to my sister and she gets a perfect wifi signal(which is weird considering how bad the wifi radio was supposed to be on the 4g) anyways if anyone has any ideas for me let me know plz, also cant get any of the music that ive sideloaded to my SD card to play will only play the preloaded songs grr. meaning no ringtones bigger GRR!


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Jun 9, 2011
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Re: EVO3D Issues and Problems...let's talk about them here!

The only problem that I'm experiencing with my 3D is that when I am connected to my bluetooth headset the person that I'm talking to says that they can hear their voice echoing. When I turn off my bluetooth the echo goes away and they say the call quality sounds very good. Anything I can do to eliminate this bluetooth echo? I'm using the same headset that I used on my Palm Pre and I never had this issue on that phone.

I have experienced this with many phones and BT headsets with no commonalities other than just being a bad pairing. I just turn off/on the BT headset and let it re-connect. It has worked every time...even when it happens with my car's BT.


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Mar 25, 2011
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Re: EVO3D Issues and Problems...let's talk about them here!


I just went through that whole thing you did last night and it's complex and cumbersome to explain, but I thought maybe a little more detail might help some others if they get caught in this. I was on with a Sprint tech for a very long time because I didn't understand what Handcent could have to do with Visual Voicemail. When I set up the 3D, I made the mistake of telling Handcent to be the Default Messaging Application, which I had not done on the 4G. This somehow serious fouled Voicemail up completely, making all VM messages go back to the old dial-in style, accompanied by unannounced text messages to number 9016.

The solution is to not have Handcent be the default messaging application, but then every time you get a text message, you'd be notified twice: by Handcent and by the built-in messaging app. What you have to do--and what I'd forgotten--is to go into the settings of the built-in app, Messages, and turn off all send and receive notifications and Failure Notification. That effectively renders the Messages app "mute"; it's still active but you won't know it, and you can get back to using the best text messaging app out there, Handcent.

'Hope that makes things clearer.
I use Handsent for my default and don't have any problems with visual voice mail. Git my 1st voice mail last night and it worked perfect. I would try going back to default then when you get a text it will ask which app to use to view it and select Handsent, which is what i did originally to get mine to work.


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Jan 7, 2011
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Re: EVO3D Issues and Problems...let's talk about them here!

I have experienced this with many phones and BT headsets with no commonalities other than just being a bad pairing. I just turn off/on the BT headset and let it re-connect. It has worked every time...even when it happens with my car's BT.

Interesting. I hadn't tried just turning it off then right back on. I'll give it a shot. thanks!

Evo Longoria

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May 11, 2010
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Re: EVO3D Issues and Problems...let's talk about them here!

I use Handsent for my default and don't have any problems with visual voice mail. Git my 1st voice mail last night and it worked perfect. I would try going back to default then when you get a text it will ask which app to use to view it and select Handsent, which is what i did originally to get mine to work.

If that works, fine, but the Sprint tech had conniptions when she asked, after a long troubleshooting session, if perhaps I was using Handcent. As I said, I hadn't made the connection between the text messaging app and voicemail, so I didn't realize that was causing the problem. Soon as I removed the Handcent default, everything worked fine again. Also take into consideration that my problem didn't occur immediately; I'd had Handcent set as default for a day or two before the trouble started. You may or may not begin to have trouble later, so keep these things in mind, just in case.

I don't know that I've heard the number of anomalies in a single model of a phone that this one has. My 3D's 4G radio wouldn't work at all when I first got it; a phone tech had to slap it around a bit to get that to happen, but others have told horror stories. Yet others are totally in love. Me, the damned thing has so much more memory and is so much faster than my OG EVO, I can't go back, no matter what. (It had me at the spinning home screens... :) ) But the speaker sucks, the voicemail volume is always too low, some of the apps don't show on the screen properly. There are issues, for sure, but I'm an HTC guy, so there's no jumping ship.

Not that you asked...
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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2011
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Re: EVO3D Issues and Problems...let's talk about them here!

In reply to Evo Longoria regarding Handcent,

I am new to Android and went to the HAndcent FAQ to figure out what to do.
I initially was getting two texts so all I had to do was go into the default messaging app and turn off notifications.

Now I only get the Handcent messages and voicemail works fine.
Jun 21, 2011
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Re: EVO3D Issues and Problems...let's talk about them here!

My screen goes blank when using my bluetooth. Is there a setting to change this?

I found this question on the EVO 4G forum but there wasn't a resolution. Does anyone have a suggestion?


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