25% drain in 1 hour?!


Oct 31, 2011
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I tried it a bit. You need to pay for it to get any use out of it. There are other apps that don't take such a proactive approach in adjusting services and settings to save juice. I've been using CPU tuner. I like having a few simple presets that change based on my screen and battery level. I get enough of the CPU's time when I need it and save when I don't. I can make it through a day with occasional surfing sessions, but nothing serious.

Although I did purchase the $0.99 version of Juice Defender, I was seeing the 15+ hours of battery with the free version. At the free price, it is worth installing and enabling it, and just see how it goes over 2-3 days. In fact I only bought the paid version to support the developer since his free version worked so well.


Apr 25, 2011
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Its simple you want 6plus hours leave your phone alone maybe use it 5% of time but stop olaying games stop doing any thing. I git 11hours but thats because i was sleeping with my phone. 5hours isnt bad on huge super amoled dual core 4g phone.

Right. Don't use your phone, don't play games, don't make phone calls and don't text... Did you expect to actually use your new cell phone and get 4 hours of battery life? :confused:

Everyone in this thread is telling the OP not to use his phone the way he wants to... I'd recommend returning the Nexus and getting something with a smaller screen.


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Apr 20, 2010
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. Use one of those golf GPS apps and leave it on and see how fast it goes. You won't make 18 holes.

I use SkyDroid on my Galaxy Nexus and easily make it 18-holes. In fact, I played Monday and had 62% left at the end of my round (extended battery). I have disabled Google+, which was using an inordinate amount of data and my battery life improved dramatically.


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May 14, 2010
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Mine has been off charge since 930 pm yesterday and is now at 2%. This includes 3 hours of streaming audio over 4g and long text convos, and 4g on the whole time.

So what are you doing different that's giving you such great battery life? I'm sure everyone in this thread would love any suggestions/tips.


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Apr 13, 2011
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This is with 2.5+ hours of my screen being on. I do have the extended battery but this is the first Android phone I've had that would last me all day like this and I have been around since the G1 days.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus


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Apr 6, 2010
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Sign out of Google + and facebook. The apps keep you phone awake when the screen is off.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

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And that's exactly why your phone lasted so long...you don't use it. :p

OP's screen is @ 60%. I had a Nex for the weekend and screen hovered @ 75%. The screen got warm, the battery disappeared. It was the same story w/ the Fascinate, also an AMOmunchmunchmmmbattery!LED.

IMO, Gnex would have been perfect with the Rezound screen, a shorter profile, a better speaker, and a backside illuminated sensor in the camera lens.


Sep 15, 2010
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My issue with battery life was resolved by turning off NFC. I have my phone dimmed to 25%. I use my phone alot, mostly on wifi. I turned 4g off also, but always leave gps, bluetooth and wifi on. I use google+, friendcaster, check email every few min, play games and have my work phone always ring my cellphone.

I was dropping 30 to 50 % in an hour of use. Turning off auto brightness, face unlock and 4g helped. But my issue wad solved after turning off NFC. Still running stock os.


Oct 31, 2011
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Here are my battery stats for today. I was working from home so using WiFi instead of 4G, and I used it a little less than normal. My screen on time over this 10 hour period was 1 hr 20 minutes. On pace to hit about 20 hours, but with "normal" usage I'd be looking at more like 14-15 hours. I attribute this battery life to Juice Defender because as I mentioned in my earlier posts, I was only getting 4-6 hours of battery when I first got the phone. After a factory reset and Juice Defender, this is what I'm seeing every day.


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Feb 23, 2011
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I don't know what to tell you. I got a good 10 hours with GMail and Twitter pushing, IMing, screen at auto, G+ running, goodness knows what else. There was a solid 90 min where the screen was on at a high brightness level as well. This was completely stock. Then again, I don't live in an LTE market.


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Jun 25, 2011
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My battery drained pretty quickly at first. But, I began not bump-charging throughout the day and let it go all the way down to the warning (15% remaining charge) before completely charging. Meanwhile, I popped in a spare and kept going. Now, after a couple of weeks of this, they are lasting over 20 hours of normal use. I also have the extended life batteries. They also need a "burn-in" period. Charge completely, let fall to 15% or less before plugging in. Do this for at least a week. Life builds astoundingly. Give it a try. Oh yeah, I don't sign off of Facebook or Google+. They stay on all the time. At home, I leave wifi on, but turn off gps and bluetooth, and leave brightness on auto over night. I've been charging the battery in the spare battery charger. After the burn-in period, I'm very impressed with the G-Nex's battery life.
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Nov 11, 2010
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There is battery drain on this phone that is unique to ICS. One may immediately say "It's an LTE phone what do you expect." I know, but the fact is It isn't the LTE that is killing the battery. In an effort to save battery, I've been using this phone on CDMA, strictly 3g.

The screen uses a lot of battery, even on auto brightness settings, but the battery drainer that I have a problem with is "Android System". In previous phones, "Android OS" would be low on the list on the battery stats. However, this "Android System" takes up way too much battery. I've taken this phone off the charger at 100% and within one hour, its down to 83-83% range, Android System taking up over 20% over the battery usage, the screen being slightly above in the high 20% range. So not only is Android OS draining battery, but now Android System is draining more. So the two of them combined make up 40% of the battery's usage, both when idle and in use. Also, when I looked further into the Android System usage I have noticed that it has been running for almost twice as long as my screen has been on, sometimes more. So there is something syncing or going on in the background that is sucking this battery and it is NOT LTE, Screen, or Google+, which is currently disabled. I also have all of the network location settings off, and froze apps and widgets via Root Explorer that I do not use. What is ICS doing in the background, when the screen is off, that is using all this battery? It clearly states that it is running when the screen isn't on and it is idle in my pocket. It says "Keep Awake" for 5 hours when the phone has only been off the charger for a little of 6. I'd love to know what process(es) it is running that is causing this. Any ideas??

Check out some of these screen shots
View attachment 19742

View attachment 19743

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Oct 8, 2010
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There is battery drain on this phone that is unique to ICS. One may immediately say "It's an LTE phone what do you expect." I know, but the fact is It isn't the LTE that is killing the battery. In an effort to save battery, I've been using this phone on CDMA, strictly 3g.

The screen uses a lot of battery, even on auto brightness settings, but the battery drainer that I have a problem with is "Android System". In previous phones, "Android OS" would be low on the list on the battery stats. However, this "Android System" takes up way too much battery. I've taken this phone off the charger at 100% and within one hour, its down to 83-83% range, Android System taking up over 20% over the battery usage, the screen being slightly above in the high 20% range. So not only is Android OS draining battery, but now Android System is draining more. So the two of them combined make up 40% of the battery's usage, both when idle and in use. Also, when I looked further into the Android System usage I have noticed that it has been running for almost twice as long as my screen has been on, sometimes more. So there is something syncing or going on in the background that is sucking this battery and it is NOT LTE, Screen, or Google+, which is currently disabled. I also have all of the network location settings off, and froze apps and widgets via Root Explorer that I do not use. What is ICS doing in the background, when the screen is off, that is using all this battery? It clearly states that it is running when the screen isn't on and it is idle in my pocket. It says "Keep Awake" for 5 hours when the phone has only been off the charger for a little of 6. I'd love to know what process(es) it is running that is causing this. Any ideas??

Check out some of these screen shots
View attachment 19742

View attachment 19743

View attachment 19744

Try better battery stats or cpu watch dog to see what's causing that. Android system usage like that is an app acting up - wake locking your phone in this case. It has nothing to do with ICS specifically.
Oct 14, 2011
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AMOLED screen are much less efficient than LCD when displaying black text on a white background, but much more efficient with white on black background.

As a test change your wallpaper to the darkest theme you have (ideally black). Avoid using applications that have a white background (unless that can be changed). Nothing you can do about the browser so use as normal (otherwise not a fair comparison).


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Jan 19, 2011
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I'm posting in the official battery life thread but it's getting buried with no responses.

I am getting TERRIBLE battery life on my GNex. I love this phone, but a phone is not a phone when it must be plugged in all day long. Please help...

I'm testing all sorts of methods on how to conserve the battery. I've installed Juice Defender. I'm not using 4g. I use WiFi only at home. I do not have GPS on. I have 2 emails set to sync every hour, one gmail and one yahoo. I have twitter set to sync. I usually use auto brightness but have since switched to darkest.

I text and use GroupMe most often. Play words with friends and read twitter lightly. No web browsing today, no videos. After charging up my battery at work, and taking it off, I've lost 25% in 1 hour! I have done nothing but text and play words with the screen on the darkest setting. I use the Beautiful Widgets clock and weather on my home screen.

I have all touch sounds and vibrations turned off. I uninstalled Skype. I don't know what else to do. How are people getting 15 - 20 hours on this when I'm barely getting 5?

My stats are:
Screen - 60%
Words Free - 18%
Android OS - 13%
Android System 3%
All others - 2% or less

Thanks for any help / :'(

I'm getting about 8% loss/per hour with pretty heavy usage. It used to be a lot worse, similar to yours. I disabled the verizon apps, google+ and got rid of beatiful widgets (which could be the culprit). I had a few other apps that I uninstalled but have since been reinstalled with no excess drainage. I think some of the apps aren't optimized for ICS yet.
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Apr 19, 2011
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First off, download and run watchdog and see if a certain app is "misbehaving" and causing your battery drain.

Aside from that, here are a few tweaks that have worked for my Nexus:

Disable Google plus
Don't use auto brightness, set it to around 30%
Disable NFC
Set to CDMA only if you're not in a 4g area.
Manage your accounts and syncs as you may, but I have mine set to manual.
Uncheck anything under gps services when not needed.
Use dark wallpapers/themes. Tapatalk themed to dark on my phone. White backgrounds use more battery on these screens.

Most importantly, get a set cpu screen off profile. Set it 350/350 to avoid standby drain.

I'm getting over 15 hours a charge on my Nexus. I'm rooted running a custom rom and kernel though.
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Feb 28, 2011
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I really think there are a fair number of bad devices or borked software installs out there. I burn though about 10% of my battery an hour when in an area with poor signal, while listening to audio. If the phone is just in my pocket, it goes much longer. Occasionally something goes sideways and I see more drain. not sure why, but I never get the terrible results some people here are reporting. I don't mess with disabling Google+ or Facebook, I don't turn off sync, and I leave GPS on.

If any of you have LightFlow installed, try removing it? I felt like it was causing more battery drain than I was comfortable with, but maybe it was just confirmation bias.


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May 16, 2010
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OP I haven't read throught he whole post yet, but I know you stated that you try and use WiFi as much as possible, you might also want to check into your advanced WiFi settings on if it stays on WiFi when the phone is asleep or what setting you have it on. Having it stay connected "Always" should help your battery life if you are using the phone on and off on WiFi with turning the screen on and off a lot.