Galaxy Note 2 Price


Sep 22, 2012
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Okay I know US celluar decide to put Galaxy note 2 price for $299 with new contract after the rebate.
However, I do think it is little outrageous.....
I am going to buy this phone since I loved Samsung's phone so far and I am eligible for an upgrade.
However, I cannot believe the price Samsung and US carriers decide to put on Galaxy Note 2 16GB
I am willing to buy the phone if it is $199 without doubt.
However, if it is that expensive I cannot afford to buy the phone..
Does any of you think any other carriers will do lower price than $299?
really $299 for a phone with 2 year contract seems way too much since without contract is only $650
Galaxy S3 was $650 without contract when it came out and it was sold $199 with contract.
So they better lower the price from $299...
How many of you agree with me?


Sep 22, 2012
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However 16GB of new Iphone5 is only $199.
Yes it has bigger screen and all but compare to Iphone it seems too expensive.
So I really do hope they will lower the price on the Note 2


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Apr 27, 2011
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If it's not worth the price, then go buy your 16GB iPhone. Given that all of the big phones have been starting out at $299, what makes you think the Note 2 would be any different?


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Aug 12, 2010
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The Galaxy SIII was $549.99 on ATT with no commitment and $199 with upgrade. The Galaxy Note was $649.99 off contract and $299 with upgrade when it came out on AT&T in February this year.

I am sure it will be $299 and $649 when I comes out on AT&T


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Sep 21, 2012
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I have my unopened iPhone 5, and if this rumor is true, I may have to pass on this phone. I might end up selling my iP 5 later on though so we'll see


Sep 22, 2012
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If it's not worth the price, then go buy your 16GB iPhone. Given that all of the big phones have been starting out at $299, what makes you think the Note 2 would be any different?

Wow you are really touch ...
I was just asking opinion lol dude are you fuking ed that you have to react like that?
go cry more


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Dec 1, 2010
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Yes. I'm very much afraid we'll see it at $299 on contract. Which sucks, because it means I'll have to miss the launch. I just can't justify that kind of price. At $199, it is a little more bearable, seeing as it competes with every other high-end phone out there. At $300, I just find it harder and harder to cough up that kind of cash for a phone.

At $199, at least I can tell my wife that it didn't cost any more than her iPhone. And since we got that iPhone for her, maybe she'll get the Note2 for me. Fair is fair, right? But, if I try to say that my phone will be $100 more ... I just don't see myself winning that fight. Or if I do, what will I have to give up to get it. ;)


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Mar 1, 2010
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Yes. I'm very much afraid we'll see it at $299 on contract. Which sucks, because it means I'll have to miss the launch. I just can't justify that kind of price. At $199, it is a little more bearable, seeing as it competes with every other high-end phone out there. At $300, I just find it harder and harder to cough up that kind of cash for a phone.

At $199, at least I can tell my wife that it didn't cost any more than her iPhone. And since we got that iPhone for her, maybe she'll get the Note2 for me. Fair is fair, right? But, if I try to say that my phone will be $100 more ... I just don't see myself winning that fight. Or if I do, what will I have to give up to get it. ;)
Your SOUL !!! :)


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Nov 27, 2011
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Dang this is expensive my iPhone 5 cost me on att $505 with tax for the 16gb because I wasn't ready for a full update so I had to pay the $199 contract price and $250 on top so If I return the ip5 I would end up paying $605 that's with a 2year contract on att which is ridiculous.


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Feb 9, 2011
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I don't understand this hesitation with the price of the Note launching at $299? Actually, I do understand. For most people they think of the Note as a mere smartphone, and for that reason they think it should be priced like one. The problem, however, is that the Note is NOT a mere smartphone. In another thread I mention how if all you want is a mere smartphone then there are options out there at a price point of $199. Because the Note is so much more than a smartphone it's price is going to reflect that.

The Note offers the function and feature rich aspects of a high-end smartphone, the highly capable media consumption needs of a portable tablet, and the productivity and convenience of a digitized electronic notepad. Thus it stands to reason why the device should be priced accordingly.

Many people who buy the Note, rightly see it as an all-in-one device. The price of a good smartphone, as many have indicated, is about $199, the cost of decent Android tablet is between $199 - $399, and I won't even mention the cost of a Wacom Digitizer (it would blow your mind). So IMO a $299 price tag is a steal considering with the Note you don't need to carry two or three devices, and you get all this goodness without the need to have two data plans.

Uncle Louie

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Jun 14, 2010
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I don't understand this hesitation with the price of the Note launching at $299? Actually, I do understand. For most people they think of the Note as a mere smartphone, and for that reason they think it should be priced like one. The problem, however, is that the Note is NOT a mere smartphone. In another thread I mention how if all you want is a mere smartphone then there are options out there at a price point of $199. Because the Note is so much more than a smartphone it's price is going to reflect that.

The Note offers the function and feature rich aspects of a high-end smartphone, the highly capable media consumption needs of a portable tablet, and the productivity and convenience of a digitized electronic notepad. Thus it stands to reason why the device should be priced accordingly.

Many people who buy the Note, rightly see it as an all-in-one device. The price of a good smartphone, as many have indicated, is about $199, the cost of decent Android tablet is between $199 - $399, and I won't even mention the cost of a Wacom Digitizer (it would blow your mind). So IMO a $299 price tag is a steal considering with the Note you don't need to carry two or three devices, and you get all this goodness without the need to have two data plans.

I don't think that they think that it's a mere smartphone...I think it's the fact that it's $100 more than a "regular" smartphone, and some people can't justify paying that high of a price, regardless of the quality/functions of said device.

That said, I'll be preordering mine as soon as it's available! :cool:


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Feb 9, 2011
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I don't think that they think that it's a mere smartphone...I think it's the fact that it's $100 more than a "regular" smartphone, and some people can't justify paying that high of a price, regardless of the quality/functions of said device.

That said, I'll be preordering mine as soon as it's available! :cool:

This was the whole point of my post. Because the quality, functions, and features of a device do ultimately determine price (the same is true in any industry). The only reason a person couldn't justify the price is because they are not considering quality, functions, and features. Because if a person did consider those things then they would see that a $299 price point is more than fair and reasonable.

I purchased the Note 5.3 for $650 back in February because I understood all I was getting, and could clearly see the value. As a result, I sold my Gs2, and Galaxy Tab 7.0 and used the 5.3 for everything. When the Note 10.1 came out I saw the quality, functions, and features of that device and decided again the $499 price point was more than reasonable for what I was getting.

I understand that some don't or won't see the value and so they argue and fuss about the price. I was trying to point out that because it's functions and features are so much superior to a smartphone then folks could see that the additional $100 IS justifiable.

Please understand that I'm not arguing in any way. But this issue reminds me of people who think they can should be able to carry the Note in their pocket like other smartphones. Again, their position on the matter is failing to take into account the Note is NOT a mere smartphone, and so adjustments must be made in how one carries it.

Well, since the first Note was launched I have been discussing this issue, and if a person really thinks about what I'm saying I believe they'll see my position has merit.

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Jan 25, 2011
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I agree DAS, when im purchased my original note, it was $299 on contract, but the extra $100 gave me the ability to take handwritten notes with the s pen, that is what sold me on it. I also had a GS2 and easily sold it when i bought the note.

The larger screen also allowed me to utilize the internet without having to zoom in on everything, as well as helping my aging eyes with everyday apps.

You are also right in the sense that i stopped looking for a tablet to fill my needs for the digitizer, as there weren't any for under $1000 at the time.

I too, purchased a note 10.1 and am using it right now. I got it for the same reason, the digitizer and the s pen. So, $299 for the note 2, that seems like the right price point to me.

Besides, if you give Samsung a chance, they may put it out cheaper to sell more units at launch. Just have to wait and see. Also, the international models that are unlocked usually always sell higher than US unsubsidised units, from my experiences.

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