Android 4.1.2 OTA Update Now Rolling Out to Nexus 7 - Adds Landscape Mode


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Jun 18, 2012
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Cleared framework, installed with no problems, but before install, I deleted third party screen rotator app in case of any conflicts happening.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Android Central Forums


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Sep 9, 2010
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Do you realise that no one is interested that you haven't got the update? No need to keep posting that you haven't got it.

Two posts and already u are being rude. Chill

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Android Central Forums
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Well-known member
Jul 31, 2012
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Do you realise that no one is interested that you haven't got the update? No need to keep posting that you haven't got it.
How true. So we might as well shut down the Android forum (and all forums, for that matter), since some people may not be interested in what some other people have to say. God forbid that we post something (even if it's on topic) that someone else doesn't find interesting. I suspect that nobody is interested in what I wrote, so there was really no need for me to post it.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Android Central Forums


Jul 21, 2012
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Bingo! Just got it, took multiple tries of clearing services framework and rebooting (I think in total it was 4) but it finally picked up the update. Downloaded and installing now. I've been trying the past 2 days - located in Arizona.


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2012
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Those of you who got the update after doing clear framework can you tell me exactly what you did, I've tried a few times now but still get nothing, not sure if I'm missing something. Please bear in mind I'm not very technical minded so make it easy :)


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2012
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Wow, followed the directions and just upgraded on my second try. To clear the framework look at early posts on this thread. If i can do this, anyone can because I'm only a very mediocre techy.
Here's my version: Go to Settings> apps> all apps (it's on the far right on top and you may have to swipe to get there. On mine it shows "downloaded" first, then "running", then swipe to all)>Google Services Frame> and push "clear data". (I only had 316kb, 400kb the first time) Go back but stay in Settings and go directly down to About Tablet in and push "System Updates". It happened immediately. Very quick to finish.
If it doesn't say the download is about to start, repeat the process. Clear the Google Framework Settings again and go to About Tablet and push System updates. BTW, after you clear the Framework my tablet said the last update was in 1969. Don't panic. As soon as you press to get the update, it'll list that date and time next time you look. Maybe that's why you have to clear it each time.
I am in the middle of Indiana, C70, bought Aug 21, Had the J...D build.
Hope that helps.


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2011
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last update was in 1969. Don't panic.

On my new Nexus Seven,
4.2.1 was in place,
I heard of an upgrade,
Have to get; it's a race,
So I wiped out the framework,
"please send it" I whined, it said,
You haven't checked with me since 1969.
Welcome to the Nexus 2.1 upgrade
Such a lovely fix (such a lovely fix)
Plenty of bugs died in the 2.1 upgrade
But to get the fix, you gotta play some tricks...

(with apologies to the Eagles, the Nexus 7 community, and the planet at large)


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2012
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Wow, followed the directions and just upgraded on my second try. To clear the framework look at early posts on this thread. If i can do this, anyone can because I'm only a very mediocre techy.
Here's my version: Go to Settings> apps> all apps (it's on the far right on top and you may have to swipe to get there. On mine it shows "downloaded" first, then "running", then swipe to all)>Google Services Frame> and push "clear data". (I only had 316kb, 400kb the first time) Go back but stay in Settings and go directly down to About Tablet in and push "System Updates". It happened immediately. Very quick to finish.
If it doesn't say the download is about to start, repeat the process. Clear the Google Framework Settings again and go to About Tablet and push System updates. BTW, after you clear the Framework my tablet said the last update was in 1969. Don't panic. As soon as you press to get the update, it'll list that date and time next time you look. Maybe that's why you have to clear it each time.
I am in the middle of Indiana, C70, bought Aug 21, Had the J...D build.
Hope that helps.

Yea, it worked, don't know what I did wrong before but I followed your instructions exactly and it worked first time:)


Aug 24, 2012
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Just got the update by checking in settings, system update. Took about 5 minutes to download. The interesting thing is that in landscape mode, on the homescreen My Library, the books and music artwork has disappeared. When I tip it back to portrait, it comes back. No big deal, just odd.


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2011
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Yea, it worked, don't know what I did wrong before but I followed your instructions exactly and it worked first time:)

Chances are you did nothing wrong before.

From the pattern I'm seeing from the upgrades, it's sounding like Google may be using an availability algorithm with some form of gating internal to the device. In other words, when you request the upgrade, if a slot happens to be open on a server at that moment you get the upgrade. If you fail to get it, to save overloading from people mashing the upgrade check button every 2 seconds for an hour, the device is taken out of the round for a certain amount of time - I'd be willing to bet the "check for updates" button acts as a placebo 90% of the time and is programmed to do an actual check every hour or two at most.

Clearing the Google Services Framework makes your device think you haven't checked for a long time, and your device then actually checks the server - and if a slot happens to be available at that moment, you're in.

So if my wild-ass guess is correct, clearing the Framework simply allows you to perform the check for real more often, increasing your chances of getting a "hit" on an open slot on the upgrade server. So, in your case, it's probably that you successfully cleared the framework, but your attempt to connect was met with an "all servers busy" and your device went back into placebo mode. This time, your reset resulted in a connection during a split second when a server slot was available, and you're in.

Over the course of the next few days or so, the number of devices that are asking for the upgrade will dwindle (as they've already been upgraded) and your chances of getting the upgrade will increase.


Well-known member
Nov 18, 2009
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Just got the update by checking in settings, system update. Took about 5 minutes to download. The interesting thing is that in landscape mode, on the homescreen My Library, the books and music artwork has disappeared. When I tip it back to portrait, it comes back. No big deal, just odd.

Remove the icons then re-add them. Should fix the problem.


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2011
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I woke up my Nexus late yesterday evening and it notified me that an update was available. I fired it off and all is good so far. Landscape on the home screen is working as it did when I had Rotation Locker(?) running.