Wait and SEE with 2020 mah battery


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Feb 9, 2011
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Well we've got our answers today and the doubters were right, worse battery than the SG3, but not by all that much. So probably some benefit to the S4 chip, but nothing substantial to make a 2020 battery enough. Glad I didn't wait for this.


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Jan 26, 2011
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Well we've got our answers today and the doubters were right, worse battery than the SG3, but not by all that much. So probably some benefit to the S4 chip, but nothing substantial to make a 2020 battery enough. Glad I didn't wait for this.
If u mean the verge review do this, look at each phone they reviewed, s3, etc all were subjective tests, only the day was run against their battery test...apples and oranges


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Jun 26, 2010
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Well we've got our answers today and the doubters were right, worse battery than the SG3, but not by all that much. So probably some benefit to the S4 chip, but nothing substantial to make a 2020 battery enough. Glad I didn't wait for this.

Just confused here. So the phone has the better screen, better processor, better camera, and battery life that's comparable, and your glad you didn't wait for it? Smells like confirmation bias to me.
from my HTC One X using Android Central Forums


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Feb 15, 2012
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Well we've got our answers today and the doubters were right, worse battery than the SG3, but not by all that much. So probably some benefit to the S4 chip, but nothing substantial to make a 2020 battery enough. Glad I didn't wait for this.

One review said that, but all others said the battery life was good to exceptional. In the verge's testing, the DNA beat the S3 by almost 25 minutes, IIRC. Cnet's review praised it for long battery life.

If anything, the reviews confirmed what we already knew: HTC has some wicked standby power management software, but they can't overcome the laws of physics when it comes to the screen actually being on. And even when it is on, the battery life is still pretty good.


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Dec 2, 2011
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Out of curiosity what's your battery life like now? Can you go a full day without having to charge it?

No. I have to charge it at least once during the day. Sometimes twice. It's a major hassle dragging out chargers all the time.

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Dec 2, 2011
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How many times does it need to be said the Note II isn't really in the DNA category. Just because the launches are close doesn't mean they mix. Hell the device is practically the same size as a 4.8in GS3. That's it's competitor. The Maxx is sort of in a category by itself. Unless you're a true phablet, no one else is stuffing batteries that size in phones. Should they? Wouldn't hurt. you know why the Note has a large battery? Because Samsung expects you to use it with the Pen and Tablet functions with the screen on more and thus needs to power that, not because they suddenly felt generous. HTC sees the DNA as just a smartphone. But for everyone to dump this in mass on HTC as a fail when outside of the The Verge everyone goes through a normal day ok on it seems unfair. Understand the product first before arm chair panning it. It has wireless charging, instead of messing with plugs it'll sit on the pad next to me in my office. Though the lack of easily removable storage (it does support USB Host..) deserves its criticism. Though even Samsung only half-a$$es SD card support these days anyway.

But the reality of it is I have read comments from many people saying that they are deciding between this and the note 2. I know they are different but this is a very large phone just like the Note 2. So I would disagree with you based on buyer demographic.

My beef is simply that it is pretty clear that there are a ton of people screaming for a bigger battery. We want to give our money to HTC. But we are not going to do it if the battery can't cut it. And I know I am armchairing it, but this battery will not be big enough. HTC doesn't have some magic sauce that no one else has. We know what a 2000mah battery does compared to a 3000mah battery even with all the new lower power options. The Nexus 4 has already proven that. I would rant on the Nexus 4 more too about battery but the price is so good that no one can complain. This phone needed to be better in battery if it was only to give people some faith in HTC again and they chose not to.

My SGS2 has a 1800mah battery in a much smaller size. Are you saying they were only able to squeeze another 220mah into that massive case?

Not pleased. I want this phone but I'm buying the Nexus instead. The battery will be a bit better but I will save money, be off contract, get updates and be free of bloatware.

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Mar 16, 2011
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Battery capacity, and it being nonremoveable, worries me. But I'm willing to concede that battery life may be decent or good, based on real life usage.

I'm more concerned about the lack of expandable storage.

16 GB (11 GB usable) is miniscule. It really is. I'm coming from a 4S with 32 GB, which is already full. I'm not into cloud storage, and there's absolutely no way I could manage with 11 GB's. A couple bigger apps (aren't many HD games over 2 GB?) would already put you near max capacity.. that's not even bringing music into play.

This thing has an absolute gorgeous screen. Seriously, it's ridiculous. But is a display that important when the phone has such glaring negatives against it?

Speaking for myself only.. no, it isn't. And my last experience with HTC soured me on them as is, so even if I could get past my worries about the battery and storage, I'm not sure about this phone. I've got an upgrade in a week's time. I think I'd rather hold out another week after that for the Note 2 on the 29th.


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Apr 14, 2010
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But the reality of it is I have read comments from many people saying that they are deciding between this and the note 2. I know they are different but this is a very large phone just like the Note 2. So I would disagree with you based on buyer demographic.

Face.Desk. Already stopped reading there.

So let me get this straight a phone that's nearly identical in size to the GS3...is somehow just like the Note 2. So by your logic we don't need a Note 2, the GS3 is just like it. Got it.

Is this distorted math and physics you do to make yourself feel better or....
did you just skip Phil's own post..."But pound for pound, the Droid DNA and the Note 2 really are in different classes. "
Droid DNA and the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 | Android Central


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Dec 2, 2011
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Face.Desk. Already stopped reading there.

So let me get this straight a phone that's nearly identical in size to the GS3...is somehow just like the Note 2. So by your logic we don't need a Note 2, the GS3 is just like it. Got it.

Is this distorted math and physics you do to make yourself feel better or....
did you just skip Phil's own post..."But pound for pound, the Droid DNA and the Note 2 really are in different classes. "
Droid DNA and the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 | Android Central

Okay calm down. We are all friends here. :eek: Lol.

I'm not saying they are in the same class but people buy all kinds of phones for different reasons. Someone may just be looking for a new larger screened device to upgrade from a smaller phone. The other specs don't mean as much. This is happening now all the time. So someone goes in to the store and looks at the note 2, the DNA, the S3, Razr maxx and maybe other devices. We on AC are very informed about what each phone does, but most buyers just see big. And although this phone is trying to compete against the s3, it looks much bigger when side by side with the s3 in my opinion.

To prove my point read post #50. He was considering this phone but is opting for the Note 2 instead.

So I agree on paper they are different, but not necessarily in a buying decision for many people.

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Jun 25, 2010
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...And although this phone is trying to compete against the s3, it looks much bigger when side by side with the s3 in my opinion.


I don't think that is a common thought among those who have reviewed and have the phone. Most say it is nearly the same size as the GS3 for all intents and purposes. It is certainly exactly the same width, and perhaps , what 1/2 cm taller? It is MUCH MUCH closer in size to the GS3 than to the Note 2, both in person and on paper ..

Here is a screen cap from a Slashgear video comparing the DNA to the GS3 (and to others). They are almost identical in size ...


The video is here:

Slashgear video
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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2011
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I don't think that is a common thought among those who have reviewed and have the phone. Most say it is nearly the same size as the GS3 for all intents and purposes. It is certainly exactly the same width, and perhaps , what 1/2 cm taller? It is MUCH MUCH closer in size to the GS3 than to the Note 2, both in person and on paper ..

Here is a screen cap from a Slashgear video comparing the DNA to the GS3 (and to others). They are almost identical in size ...

The video is here:

Well we can agree to disagree. My point wasn't so much about whether this phone is as big as the Note 2 or as small as the S3 as much as that people will opt to buy the Note 2 or the S3 compared to this phone simply because it doesn't measure up as well when you look at the needs of Mr. and Mrs. Average. I hope I'm wrong but this device is playing the exact same tune as the One X played. Sgs3-1 HOX-0

My neighbor has the One X primarily because I suggested it. He loves the phone but says the battery is horrible. He said to me today that with moderate use his phone is dead before 7pm daily. This phone may be a bit better but not by much.

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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2011
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Btw I just read another comment in another thread where someone was saying they were deciding between the GN2 and the DNA. Seems to be a trend.

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Nov 29, 2010
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Btw I just read another comment in another thread where someone was saying they were deciding between the GN2 and the DNA. Seems to be a trend.

Sent from my SGH-T989D using Android Central Forums

I am not gonna start the different class discussions again, but for someone who thinks that the n2 is just too big, the dna is a nice compromise.

Not to mention, they are the two new bada++es on the block right now and everyone like new Shiney things.

Yes, I left the N4 off on purpose.

Sent from my X-Band Modem... TY Genesis

Phil Nickinson

Android Central Editor Emeritus
Apr 21, 2009
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My tl;dr after 5 days of use:

8-10 on LTE only.
14+ on Wifi most of the day.

It's at least as good as the GS3.

Folks need to chill. :p

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