Battery life not all that bad


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Nov 12, 2010
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Not trying to flame, but you guys should really evaluate an iPhone 6 Plus as a comparison. You can keep every single feature on

First and foremost, they don't have same list of features. Maybe you can make a list to see exactly what features are actually "on" iOS, compare that to Android.


Moderator Team Leader
Apr 17, 2012
Visit site guys are sure willing to give up a lot of the features of your smartphone in the name of an extra hour of battery. I think my S6 is a fantastic phone other than battery life which is mediocre, at best, but I'm not willing to shut down half of the features of my phone to manage my battery life and lose functionality in the meantime to tweak out that extra time you guys do. I guess you guys enjoy doing that so not judging but at least to me, it's sort of ridiculous.

Not trying to flame, but you guys should really evaluate an iPhone 6 Plus as a comparison. You can keep every single feature on, never worry about managing your battery life, drain only about 1% overnight and have a solid 8+ hours of SoT, sometimes as much as 10 hours.

Apple has its share of issues and frustrations (system overly locked down, for sure), but they have absolutely nailed how to manage battery life efficiently so the user doesn't have to give it a second thought. Same is true for my Lumia 1520 and even Blackberry. Before rejoining the Android world with my S6, I truly thought those days were well behind me but coming back after a few years feels like a battery management time warp for me - nothing, at all, has changed in all that time.

My suspicion is that (other than people who visit these Forums) most people would prefer to actually use their phones, in full, and not spend their life worrying about managing their battery.

I had the 6+ .. nice phone but .. it is iOS not Android and I prefer Android so that kind of kills the other option part :). I would rather carry a spare battery pack then use another OS. I also only shut off features that I truly do not care about.. Such as the heart rate sensor and such.

Also 8+ hours of screen time sounds not so true to me from my iPhone 6 plus usage. The "usage" under iPhones battery does NOT mean screen-on time.


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Jan 13, 2015
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First and foremost, they don't have same list of features. Maybe you can make a list to see exactly what features are actually "on" iOS, compare that to Android.

That's fair. I agree, the iPhone definitely doesn't do as much. That's why I came back to Android.

That said, the only real things missing on the iPhone (at least for me) are active widgets (Apple's implementation is silly on their pulldown menu) and launcher replacements. Apple has achieved parity with many of the key features they were missing a few years ago, they just implement them differently.

Kevin OQuinn

AC Team Emeritus
May 17, 2010
Visit site guys are sure willing to give up a lot of the features of your smartphone in the name of an extra hour of battery. I think my S6 is a fantastic phone other than battery life which is mediocre, at best, but I'm not willing to shut down half of the features of my phone to manage my battery life and lose functionality in the meantime to tweak out that extra time you guys do. I guess you guys enjoy doing that so not judging but at least to me, it's sort of ridiculous.

Not trying to flame, but you guys should really evaluate an iPhone 6 Plus as a comparison. You can keep every single feature on, never worry about managing your battery life, drain only about 1% overnight and have a solid 8+ hours of SoT, sometimes as much as 10 hours.

Apple has its share of issues and frustrations (system overly locked down, for sure), but they have absolutely nailed how to manage battery life efficiently so the user doesn't have to give it a second thought. Same is true for my Lumia 1520 and even Blackberry. Before rejoining the Android world with my S6, I truly thought those days were well behind me but coming back after a few years feels like a battery management time warp for me - nothing, at all, has changed in all that time.

My suspicion is that (other than people who visit these Forums) most people would prefer to actually use their phones, in full, and not spend their life worrying about managing their battery.

My suspicion is that most people just plug in mid day or whenever they need to. Or they just have a dead phone for part of the day sometimes. I don't know anybody that "manages" their battery life outside of my super techie friends (which are honestly few and far between).


Retired Moderator
Nov 21, 2012
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My suspicion is that most people just plug in mid day or whenever they need to. Or they just have a dead phone for part of the day sometimes. I don't know anybody that "manages" their battery life outside of my super techie friends (which are honestly few and far between).

No... you are right... most people just shrug and ask "where's my charger?" They couldn't care any less about wakelocks, or what app is causing the most drain, or if Google Location Services is acting up again and keeping the phone awake. Or, they can be like my wife and just complain that the battery is draining too fast and hand me the phone with a 'I don't care why. Just fix it' look on her face.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2013
Visit site guys are sure willing to give up a lot of the features of your smartphone in the name of an extra hour of battery. I think my S6 is a fantastic phone other than battery life which is mediocre, at best, but I'm not willing to shut down half of the features of my phone to manage my battery life and lose functionality in the meantime to tweak out that extra time you guys do. I guess you guys enjoy doing that so not judging but at least to me, it's sort of ridiculous.

Not trying to flame, but you guys should really evaluate an iPhone 6 Plus as a comparison. You can keep every single feature on, never worry about managing your battery life, drain only about 1% overnight and have a solid 8+ hours of SoT, sometimes as much as 10 hours.

Apple has its share of issues and frustrations (system overly locked down, for sure), but they have absolutely nailed how to manage battery life efficiently so the user doesn't have to give it a second thought. Same is true for my Lumia 1520 and even Blackberry. Before rejoining the Android world with my S6, I truly thought those days were well behind me but coming back after a few years feels like a battery management time warp for me - nothing, at all, has changed in all that time.

My suspicion is that (other than people who visit these Forums) most people would prefer to actually use their phones, in full, and not spend their life worrying about managing their battery.

I don't need to disable anything and I'm getting solid battery life. Yet another reference to the iPhone, though. Predictable.

Posted via Galaxy S6 edge


Well-known member
May 12, 2013
Visit site guys are sure willing to give up a lot of the features of your smartphone in the name of an extra hour of battery. I think my S6 is a fantastic phone other than battery life which is mediocre, at best, but I'm not willing to shut down half of the features of my phone to manage my battery life and lose functionality in the meantime to tweak out that extra time you guys do. I guess you guys enjoy doing that so not judging but at least to me, it's sort of ridiculous.

Not trying to flame, but you guys should really evaluate an iPhone 6 Plus as a comparison. You can keep every single feature on, never worry about managing your battery life, drain only about 1% overnight and have a solid 8+ hours of SoT, sometimes as much as 10 hours.

Apple has its share of issues and frustrations (system overly locked down, for sure), but they have absolutely nailed how to manage battery life efficiently so the user doesn't have to give it a second thought. Same is true for my Lumia 1520 and even Blackberry. Before rejoining the Android world with my S6, I truly thought those days were well behind me but coming back after a few years feels like a battery management time warp for me - nothing, at all, has changed in all that time.

My suspicion is that (other than people who visit these Forums) most people would prefer to actually use their phones, in full, and not spend their life worrying about managing their battery.

The words "give up" or "shut down" implies that what I'm turning off is somehow needed or I'll use it at some point, right there is your problem, if you read the posts I have made or even the thread I created, I've never, ever mentioned anything on that matter.

ALL "features" or Apps I disable EVERY time I get a new phone is simply because I'll never use them, if I have the suspicion that I'll use them at some point I don't disable them, so I'm not crippling my device or paying for something that I can't use. Taking 5 or 10 minutes while I'm setting up my phone to disable is not even a hassle to me.

The toggles are there for a reason, the analogy I read here on this forum is great, where it says that I can leave my TV, Radio or any other device on, all the time, but NOBODY does it, we, all, turn them on when needed, with a button, as simple as the Toggles, if I need Bluetooth, I turn it on/off with a button, the same for the Location (GPS) services, so why left them on all the time wasting resources and battery?

The only thing I know is very personal is the brightness, in my case I haven't need it above 25% in years, I only turn the Auto when I'm going outside, for the rest of you, most of you are simply leaving Brightness at Full all the time, well, I've explained that you can train your eyes to use lower brightness but I won't insist on that, again, because that's too personal.

It's up to each of you to decide what's best for you, if you paid for a phone that with simple tweaks and tricks can give you incredibly up to almost 6 hours of SoT (don't forget, a 6.8mm phone with a 2550mAh battery on a QHD display, tell me when iPhone can do the same), or just leave everything on, without using them, and then be complaining about poor battery life or that you need to be charging 2 or 3 times a day, for me, it has never been a hassle nor will ever be to maximize my devices' battery life, and I will keep doing it, and posting what I've done in forums like this for the people to decide if they want to do the same or not, I'm just doing my part as a member of this big community.


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Oct 5, 2012
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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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I don't need to disable anything and I'm getting solid battery life. Yet another reference to the iPhone, though. Predictable.

Posted via Galaxy S6 edge

Hostile to iPhone much? Not sure what was predictable but I happen to be platform agnostic. I think each of them have fabulous strengths as well as glaring weaknesses and enjoy moving between platforms getting the most exposure I can to technology. I was super excited to get my S6 and love using it. But, it is undisputed that Apple has mastered battery life with phones and laptops.

I guess you can sit on the Forums and praise your S6 all day long as the perfect phone with zero issues if you really believe that but I'm more than happy to note where it is deficient against its competitors and I believe battery life (not just for the S6 but for the Android platform) is one of them. It's what helps to make all the platforms better.

But I get that some Android people would never touch an iPhone for the life of them and the same is true on the other side, for sure.

Gray Area

Well-known member
Dec 5, 2012
Visit site guys are sure willing to give up a lot of the features of your smartphone in the name of an extra hour of battery. I think my S6 is a fantastic phone other than battery life which is mediocre, at best, but I'm not willing to shut down half of the features of my phone to manage my battery life and lose functionality in the meantime to tweak out that extra time you guys do. I guess you guys enjoy doing that so not judging but at least to me, it's sort of ridiculous.

Not trying to flame, but you guys should really evaluate an iPhone 6 Plus as a comparison. You can keep every single feature on, never worry about managing your battery life, drain only about 1% overnight and have a solid 8+ hours of SoT, sometimes as much as 10 hours.

Apple has its share of issues and frustrations (system overly locked down, for sure), but they have absolutely nailed how to manage battery life efficiently so the user doesn't have to give it a second thought. Same is true for my Lumia 1520 and even Blackberry. Before rejoining the Android world with my S6, I truly thought those days were well behind me but coming back after a few years feels like a battery management time warp for me - nothing, at all, has changed in all that time.

My suspicion is that (other than people who visit these Forums) most people would prefer to actually use their phones, in full, and not spend their life worrying about managing their battery.

All of my tweaks are just that tweaks, I do not disabled anything that I would normally use if you read my post of what I change you'll see it's nothing that effects functionality of the phone its stuff that I just don't see a purpose to use if I found a better option.

Posted on my Galaxy S6 Edge🔪(S is for Super) via the Android Central App


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2009
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I'm actually pleased with the battery life so far on my Verizon S6

Posted via the Android Central App


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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2011
Visit site guys are sure willing to give up a lot of the features of your smartphone in the name of an extra hour of battery. I think my S6 is a fantastic phone other than battery life which is mediocre, at best, but I'm not willing to shut down half of the features of my phone to manage my battery life and lose functionality in the meantime to tweak out that extra time you guys do. I guess you guys enjoy doing that so not judging but at least to me, it's sort of ridiculous.

Not trying to flame, but you guys should really evaluate an iPhone 6 Plus as a comparison. You can keep every single feature on, never worry about managing your battery life, drain only about 1% overnight and have a solid 8+ hours of SoT, sometimes as much as 10 hours.

Apple has its share of issues and frustrations (system overly locked down, for sure), but they have absolutely nailed how to manage battery life efficiently so the user doesn't have to give it a second thought. Same is true for my Lumia 1520 and even Blackberry. Before rejoining the Android world with my S6, I truly thought those days were well behind me but coming back after a few years feels like a battery management time warp for me - nothing, at all, has changed in all that time.

My suspicion is that (other than people who visit these Forums) most people would prefer to actually use their phones, in full, and not spend their life worrying about managing their battery.

I just got my S6 yesterday and already thinking of paying an extra $50 and get an iPhone 6 plus. I got about 9 hours of battery life on the S6 and I am not a power user. On 2 conference calls total of about 2.5 hours and some emails checking. Screen is set to auto and I disabled most apps that I don't use.

However, this phone is fast.

Posted via the Android Central App


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Nov 6, 2013
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Hostile to iPhone much? Not sure what was predictable but I happen to be platform agnostic. I think each of them have fabulous strengths as well as glaring weaknesses and enjoy moving between platforms getting the most exposure I can to technology. I was super excited to get my S6 and love using it. But, it is undisputed that Apple has mastered battery life with phones and laptops.

I guess you can sit on the Forums and praise your S6 all day long as the perfect phone with zero issues if you really believe that but I'm more than happy to note where it is deficient against its competitors and I believe battery life (not just for the S6 but for the Android platform) is one of them. It's what helps to make all the platforms better.

But I get that some Android people would never touch an iPhone for the life of them and the same is true on the other side, for sure.

I've never once said the S6 is a perfect phone. I've also owned every iPhone since the 3GS---so no, no hostility. I just find it amusing that in almost every thread, you're constantly comparing the S6 to the iPhone 6/6+.

"It lags. My iPhone doesn't do that."

"My battery is medicore. My iPhone does better."

Rinse and repeat. Even so much as to say that Apple has "mastered" battery life on their phones. No, they use an extremely simple OS, low resolution screens, and under clocked processors to do the job. That's not mastery. That's a decision they've made. Ask a lot of iPhone 6 users how masterful their battery life is---amusing results.

If you want to compare the 6+, well then compare it to the Note 4. Samsung still wins that round. I'm sorry you're not having the experience you'd like with your S6, but the broken record routine is getting old. Some of us don't have faulty devices and most of us don't care about your iPhone.

Posted via Galaxy S6 edge


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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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I've never once said the S6 is a perfect phone. I've also owned every iPhone since the 3GS---so no, no hostility. I just find it amusing that in almost every thread, you're constantly comparing the S6 to the iPhone 6/6+.

"It lags. My iPhone doesn't do that."

"My battery is medicore. My iPhone does better."

Rinse and repeat. Even so much as to say that Apple has "mastered" battery life on their phones. No, they use an extremely simple OS, low resolution screens, and under clocked processors to do the job. That's not mastery. That's a decision they've made. Ask a lot of iPhone 6 users how masterful their battery life is---amusing results.

If you want to compare the 6+, well then compare it to the Note 4. Samsung still wins that round. I'm sorry you're not having the experience you'd like with your S6, but the broken record routine is getting old. Some of us don't have faulty devices and most of us don't care about your iPhone

Posted via Galaxy S6 edge

Sorry that you don't like when the comparisons between the S6 and iPhone in 2 areas (screen lag and battery life) are not favorable to your "cause" but I'll keep pointing them out, notwithstanding that it seems to bother you so much. Oh, and my wife has the Note 4 and while it has far better battery life than the S6, it's still nowhere near the 6 Plus

That said, glad you are enjoying your S6 so much! You do have acceptable battery life - I wish I could get much more than 3 hours SoT with my T-Mobile "Cell standby" battery drain but I burn roughly 5% per hour on WiFi standby (even with 2 Factory Resets) unless I turn WiFi off, which you apparently don't have.


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Sep 19, 2014
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I don't need to disable anything and I'm getting solid battery life.

Posted via Galaxy S6 edge

Same. I mean I'm coming from a Nexus 5 so maybe that's the difference here (lol) but this phone more than meets my mobile battery needs, and I have nothing I need disabled. This includes having Bluetooth on all day, location settings (-GPS, battery saving mode ala Nexus brand) on all the time, WiFi on all the time, my Moto 360 connected, 20% screen brightness (not auto).


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2013
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Sorry that you don't like when the comparisons between the S6 and iPhone in 2 areas (screen lag and battery life) are not favorable to your "cause" but I'll keep pointing them out, notwithstanding that it seems to bother you so much. Oh, and my wife has the Note 4 and while it has far better battery life than the S6, it's still nowhere near the 6 Plus

That said, glad you are enjoying your S6 so much! You do have acceptable battery life - I wish I could get much more than 3 hours SoT with my T-Mobile "Cell standby" battery drain but I burn roughly 5% per hour on WiFi standby (even with 2 Factory Resets) unless I turn WiFi off, which you apparently don't have.

What "cause" is that? Sharing with people what the S6 can actually do as opposed to hearing you whine about it and claim your iPhone is better? When (or if) the iPhone ever goes QHD, this will be a relevant discussion. Until then, keep comparing the S6 to your beginner's smartphone and keep whining about a phone you purchased instead of returning/exchanging it.

Posted via Galaxy S6 edge


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May 17, 2012
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What "cause" is that? Sharing with people what the S6 can actually do as opposed to hearing you whine about it and claim your iPhone is better? When (or if) the iPhone ever goes QHD, this will be a relevant discussion. Until then, keep comparing the S6 to your beginner's smartphone and keep whining about a phone you purchased instead of returning/exchanging it.

Posted via Galaxy S6 edge

You're fighting an unarmed opponent. Don't go any further down the rabbit hole with him. Surprised the Mods haven't warned him yet.


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May 12, 2013
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What "cause" is that? Sharing with people what the S6 can actually do as opposed to hearing you whine about it and claim your iPhone is better? When (or if) the iPhone ever goes QHD, this will be a relevant discussion. Until then, keep comparing the S6 to your beginner's smartphone and keep whining about a phone you purchased instead of returning/exchanging it.

Posted via Galaxy S6 edge

I've been telling this guy since he began posting almost 2 weeks ago to not waste any more time and ask for a replacement, he hasn't even mentioned one time that he may had a defective unit just keep posting the same posts with the same tone again and again, just at the end he tries to disguise it with a "if it wasn't for the lag and battery is a great phone" line.

Like I've been saying all this time I still don't get this guys, they come here complain, we give them ideas or suggestions based on our own experience and they don't even try them or if they do, they don't even tell us back what they have done so others can learn from it.

If you don't want to do your part on trying to find and fix your issues and think that it will fix itself by a miracle or have tried some things and still have issues, please, just go to your carrier and get a replacement or if you don't want another one pay the restocking fee and get your money back, it's that simple. People that comes to this forums should be willing to help others and allow others to help them. I decided yesterday just to begin ignoring all this threads with the same complaints, there are already dozens of threads with the same issue and possible fixes and solution, but it seems that is easier to create a new one than to read the previous ones.

Enough said to this guy, like I told him in the other thread that he went against me after I was just trying to help him for a couple days and basically asked him for a response after not getting one, that it was my fault for just trying to help, that I knew what I needed to do to my device if it had any issues, he accused me of having an obsession with him, jeje, funny guy.

So far, time has proved me right, my T-Mobile device doesn't have any Standby issue, my Wifi is always on and I'm getting over 5.5 hours of Screen time 4 days in a row. If the same device is not giving you even half of that either you have some rogued app or you have a defective device, why you insist on keeping it is beyond me or any logical explanation.
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Apr 1, 2012
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I think this very acceptable battery life.

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