Galaxy S5 shutting off, won't turn on without charger connected


Sep 9, 2014
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Beginning yesterday afternoon my Verizon GS5 decided to shut itself off after being fully charged that morning. I could not get it to power on with power button until I connected it to a charger at which time the battery showed >80% power. That battery was almost a year old (recharged nightly).

So this morning I popped in a backup battery I had used previously that was about 10 months old, same thing, had been charged nightly during the 10 months it was in my phone.

That battery was fully charged this morning (usually around 75-85% by end of day, reason being I don't use my phone at all during my work day). When I arrived home from work, same thing, the phone had shut down completely and would not power on until I connected it to a charger. This time batter power was at 24% when it came back on.

So the question is, do you think this is a battery problem or am I looking at something else maybe? Anyone else recently having this issue? Thanks for your insight.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2013
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Hello, HighSpeedlane!

I'm afraid it's looking a little more Sinister than just the battery. It is possible, and I'm saying possible, that it could be a software related issue, but I doubt it.

What that means is, you may be able to go into recovery if you can, and do a wipe on the system partition cache. It is more likely an actual physical connection that the battery is involved in., causing the problem, in my opinion that is. If I were you I would try to back up all my personal data any chance you get.

If wiping the cache partition doesn't help, if you don't have the means to get it to a repair shop, you can try to do a factory reset of the device to see if that might help.

I can't State the importance enough, that you backup everything on your device before bring it to a repair shop, or doing the factory reset.

Hope this helps, good luck! Keep us posted!


Sep 9, 2014
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Thank you H3aTeRzz, I also suspect there is something else going on and what you said concurs and makes sense. I will see how it does over the next few days and go in that direction (reset) if this continues. Thank you again.

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