Recent content by ScottsdaleHokie#AC

  1. S

    Is this phone junk?

    Hilarious thread. OP is trolling and gets four pages of responses.
  2. S

    Who NEVER uses the slide out keyboard?

    Never. Landscape keyboard works perfectly.
  3. S

    Downloading mp3's?

    Download iMusic from the App market. Works just like LimeWire except it's for your phone.
  4. S

    Coating rubbing off??!

    That's why I'm having Ghost Armor put on the phone.
  5. S

    is it possible to have more home screens?

    Panda only has the stock 3 right now. More are coming from what I hear.
  6. S

    Coating rubbing off??!

    You can try to get it replaced, but chances are they're going to tell you you dropped it and chipped that corner, or something like that.
  7. S

    Attatch Contact Info?

    Ummmm, there's an app for that. A couple as a matter of fact. ContactSender Power Call - SendContact SendContact First two are free, third cost $1.00.
  8. S

    Multimedia Dock Question

    Good luck getting either the car dock or the multimedia dock unless you're extremely lucky like the guy above me. I've been trying for the last week to get the car dock and every place is sold and has no idea when more are coming in. Hell even the Motorola website is back ordered.
  9. S

    Anyone's Battery Life Getting BETTER?

    I don't know for sure. I'm getting better battery life because I'm done downloading and trying every app in the marketplace. I have my phone customized exactly the way I want it now, so I'm not constantly on it anymore.
  10. S

    DX Top

    This thing works so much better than the other ones it isn't even funny. Is there any way to get rid of the second tab though? The one that lists apps and services.
  11. S

    sms popup recomendation??

    SMS Popup. I'm not sure if Handcent has a popup or not.
  12. S

    handcent sms

    So turn off notifications from the stock app.
  13. S

    Facebook Notifications?

    At the very bottom there is a link to "show more" applications. It's there. I checked it, and I'm still not getting notifications, so take it for what it's worth.
  14. S

    How do I enable Street View?

    Yeah, if it's available wherever you are, it pops up as an option.
  15. S

    How happy are former storm owners?

    You couldn't pay me to go back to that POS. My phone is an extension of my PC, so the Storm is pretty much worthless if you ask me.