Moto X: 4.4.4 Update


Moderator Captain
Trusted Member
Nov 16, 2010
Looks like Motorola stopped all 4.4.3 rollouts due to the OpenSSL bug.

Here's an update from David Schuster of Motorola on Google+:

Sorry for the delay in giving an update on the 4.4.3 upgrades but I had to wait unit Google announced KitKat 4.4.4 today (I am bound by a NDA). A significant security vulnerability was discovered by OpenSSL ( and is fixed in KitKat 4.4.4. We had to wait until KitKat 4.4.4 became available. Consequently, all of our 4.4.3 upgrades that were in carrier labs worldwide (including the 2013 Droid's) had to be respun, tested and resubmitted again. This was a significant unplanned effort that we had to undertake. We should be re-entering labs next week and hopefully getting TA (technical approval) in 3 to 5 weeks later depending on the carrier.
Do you know if 4.4.2 is affected by the OpenSSL bug you mentioned? Guessing yes, I did a quick Google check but didn't see a definite answer.
So roughly September for Verizon to see 4.4.4 (not complaining, I just know the question will be asked and I might as well guess).
So roughly September for Verizon to see 4.4.4 (not complaining, I just know the question will be asked and I might as well guess).

..yeah because they've been so slow to update the Verizon Moto X. :confused:
So roughly September for Verizon to see 4.4.4 (not complaining, I just know the question will be asked and I might as well guess).

3-5 weeks is Mid July to the end of July so August/September makes sense to me.
3-5 weeks is Mid July to the end of July so August/September makes sense to me.

Sounds like they'd probably want to rush 4.4.4 since it has a more widely known SSL fix. :)

But with Google I/O coming, a 4.4.5 or 4.5 could further change plans.

Still love the transparency though.
..yeah because they've been so slow to update the Verizon Moto X. :confused:
Pretty sure Verizon moto x's 4.4.2 was 3 months after 4.4.2 was released. Way faster than anything else in Verizon, but at the time it was a drag to wait because if the 4.4 exchange issues.

/edit looking back through the news they were all 3-4 months after 4.4.2 came out (4.4.2 came out in December, T-Mobile pushed Feb 11 and version ~10 days later).

Even if 5 weeks from the google+ post is right we're into August almost. Wonder what the x+1 will launch with.
So is this heartbleed or something different? So i can be hacked by using the google browser over a public wifi line? IS this correct? If not what situation do i have to be in for this to affect me. TIA
So is this heartbleed or something different? So i can be hacked by using the google browser over a public wifi line? IS this correct? If not what situation do i have to be in for this to affect me. TIA

This is not heartbleed but is also related to OpenSSL. They haven't specified what the vulnerability is (which is good, because that protects people from exploiting it while users are waiting for updates).
Sounds like they'd probably want to rush 4.4.4 since it has a more widely known SSL fix. :)

But with Google I/O coming, a 4.4.5 or 4.5 could further change plans.

Still love the transparency though.

My exact thoughts. With 4.5 (or 5.0, whatever it'll be) may change it again. However, I would think the unlocked and Sprint versions should get 4.4.4 very quickly to fix 4.4.3 issue since they got it already. Sometimes its good not to be the first with an update. Doubt anyone learned from this...
My exact thoughts. With 4.5 (or 5.0, whatever it'll be) may change it again. However, I would think the unlocked and Sprint versions should get 4.4.4 very quickly to fix 4.4.3 issue since they got it already. Sometimes its good not to be the first with an update. Doubt anyone learned from this...
Unless I'm reading this incorrectly: this is a SSL issue, 4.4.3 isn't the problem but doesn't fix it.
I'm on sprint but haven't got the 4.4.3 update yet. Did they shut it down as well?

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And just like that the 4.4.4 soak is hitting VZW X's. :) Pretty quick turn around. Hoping to see it on my xt1053 soon, although I'm rocking 4.4.3. Guessing that's maybe why they're doing the VZW X first.
And just like that the 4.4.4 soak is hitting VZW X's. :) Pretty quick turn around. Hoping to see it on my xt1053 soon, although I'm rocking 4.4.3. Guessing that's maybe why they're doing the VZW X first.

Obviously you don't know the meaning of keeping soak tests PRIVATE. Now, when Motorola pulls the test we all suffer and the update will only be delayed further.

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Obviously you don't know the meaning of keeping soak tests PRIVATE. Now, when Motorola pulls the test we all suffer and the update will only be delayed further.

Posted via Android Central App
People always post when the emails go out, and someone always freaks out about it. The soak test and general launch will happen at the same time, just like last time.

In the mean time, relax.