Aviate has hijacked my Droid X2, how do I get rid of it?


AC Question

Aviate has hijacked my Droid X2

When I turn on my Droid X2 I see "AVIATE" and "Simplify your phone" and a start button.

I don't remember downloading Aviate, but in any case it's preventing me from using my phone.

If I click on the Aviate start button, I get "Please come back to setup Aviate when you're online" -- but I'm unable to get online because Aviate has taken over my phone and won't let me go online, make calls, or anything else.

I've tried removing the battery and restarting the phone, but that doesn't help.

What can I do to get rid of Aviate and get back to normal?


Terry S.

Javier P

Feb 21, 2014
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Re: Aviate has hijacked my Droid X2

It seems that Aviate is set as your default launcher. You could try this. Use two fingers to swipe down from the status bar, tap on the settings icon, tap on home and change the launcher, then press home button. If it doesn't work maybe you'll need to boot your phone into safe mode and uninstall/disable Aviate. Tell us how it goes and if you need help with this process.


New member
Aug 24, 2015
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Re: Aviate has hijacked my Droid X2

I'd didn't realize that there was a way to boot the phone in safe mode, but figured it out and managed to uninstall Aviate. Thanks for the help!