Samsung Galaxy S4 - Kies Sync Problems after Latest firmware updates! "unsupported device alert"


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Nov 7, 2013
Samsung Galaxy S4 - Kies Sync Problems after Latest firmware updates! "unsupported device alert"

Annoying Sync issue:

I use one phone: business and personal. Integral to this ethos is being able to sync contacts, music, outlook calendar etc,

Kies 2.6 was great until i recently, foolishly and innocently agreed to update everything firmware, software, etc.. as you would. As a result my S4 GT-I9500 doesn't connect to kies again, and gives the error message "unsupported device alert". it then asks me to install and use Kies 3.0 which does not support the S4, (as far as i could see) but further once i open the Kies 3.0 the sync tab which was the key functionality has now disappeared!

Has anyone else been experience this problem, and can anyone offer a solution on how to Sync all my contacts, email accounts, calendar entries etc. Would welcome your advice and help.

Love Hate Android

Latest: I've worked out that Kies 2.6 Doesn't support Android 4.3. So i'm forced to go to Kies 3.0 which oddly doesn't have a sync tab anymore to sync Calendar, contacts etc. So i guess i'm stuck with purchasing a third party product as a solution.
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Re: Samsung Galaxy S4 - Kies Sync Problems after Latest firmware updates! "unsupported device alert"

I have the same issues with my S4. I have only had it a month and the prior Kies version 2.6? worked fine. I too updated yesterday and went thru the same progression as noted below and not the Kies sw is not functioning appropriately. Now the same issue. the interface is not complete in Kies only shows basic and backup...nothing for sync. It seems to recognize my phone but wont let me do anything to it in terms of syncing with Outlook, etc. After doing research on the net it seems that this sw is known for being a problem/challenge. I came across an alternative called Wondershare MobileGO but have not yet tried that out.
Re: Samsung Galaxy S4 - Kies Sync Problems after Latest firmware updates! "unsupported device alert"

you have it exactly right, kies 2.6 worked great up until a bit ago, now it is not supporting the S4.
When you log into 2.6, it asks if you want to upgrade, if you say no, it kicks you out as it is not supporting,
If you say yes, it takes you into 3.0 (3.1) that does NOT have a sync tab.... wtf... no one checked the S4?..really?... please fix this.
If anyone has a work around that they have acutally tried let us all know please...thx.
Re: Samsung Galaxy S4 - Kies Sync Problems after Latest firmware updates! "unsupported device alert"

I finally got a hold of Samsung, their position is that this is Androids fault.
So, 4.3 is only going to work on the new Kies,
However the new Kies is on BETA and not full release.
The said that once it is full release all the features will work again.
They said the the 'update' feature on Kies will auto notify you that the new version is idea on timing for this, and no suggestion for a workaround...
Re: Samsung Galaxy S4 - Kies Sync Problems after Latest firmware updates! "unsupported device alert"

I still dont understand why there had to be a new version of Kies for Android 4.3 I saw the same problem after I updated my S4 and I thought it was ridiculous. Also why the hell is Kies 3.0 a beta when Samsung knew that the older version wouldn't support its newest Galaxy devices.

Posted via Android Central App
Re: Samsung Galaxy S4 - Kies Sync Problems after Latest firmware updates! "unsupported device alert"

I had all the same problems and I have also spoken to Samsung, who politely (and presumably with a straight face) told me, "sorry that's not working yet" to several queries about Kies 3.0 and the S4, Sync, missing Contact lists etc. I have been using a Samsung Android since they first started production, but this is the same old story, they insist on releasing the new software before it is fit for purpose, and God knows when it will be. I have always liked their phones, but will very soon be forced to change if Samsung don't get their act together.
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Re: Samsung Galaxy S4 - Kies Sync Problems after Latest firmware updates! "unsupported device alert"

Those Samsung people are mostly idiots. I contacted them on three different continents to simply ask why my i505 S4 was advertised with 16GB memory only to find less than 10GB. Also, how is it possible that the phone used almost 2GB just for the O/S when my i7 desktop uses 1/10th of that. Three months later...still nothing but "we don't know".
Re: Samsung Galaxy S4 - Kies Sync Problems after Latest firmware updates! "unsupported device alert"

Thank goodness I am not the only one astounded by this. Ditto with everything above, I now have an S4 for business that is all but useless. I have had two liaisons with Samsung, and here are their official responses below:

I am sorry to hear this information was not available to you as it should be. I can understand your concern about this as you would like to use this software to its full potential. I hope we can clarify this below.

I regret to inform you that KIES 3 does not support syncing your contacts, schedule, memo and multimedia information and you are unable to edit music information or playlist management. Further to this you will not be able to use KIES 3 for contact editing, store applications or podcast.

We have raised this with our engineers to try have something implemented to access this feature, at this time we have not had a response and cannot predict if , or when the feature will be restored.

I apologise this was not made clear to you and thank you for your continued patience and input.

If there is anything else we can help with, please let us know.

Kind regards,

[ Name Removed]
Online Support Team
SAMSUNG Customer Support Centre

We have contacted the Kies development team regarding the Sync function for outlook. As the Kies 3 Software has only been released alongside the Note 3 and other device updating to 4.3, there have been some areas that are not currently available.

The updates are essential to the running of your device and cannot be removed. As a result you cannot revert your device back to the previous firmware.

At present, Samsung have no way of syncing the information held on outlook with your S4. You may be able to download a third party Outlook application which will sync the information on your outlook with your device. You can locate compatible applications on the Google Play store.

If there is anything else we can help with, please let us know.

Our Customer Support Team love feedback! Share your thoughts on this response by completing the survey at the bottom of this page.

Kind regards,

[ Name Removed ]
Online Support Team
SAMSUNG Customer Support Centre

Is it astounding that not only was Sync removed, but we were given no warning about this or the new incompatibility with Kies 2.6. The Samsung download site still says that Kies 2.6 is necessary for the S4 which is totally incorrect. Does the left arm know what the right arm is doing in that company?

I have also tried quite a few apps over the weekend as a Sync replacement, and all of them are absolute c**p.
Re: Samsung Galaxy S4 - Kies Sync Problems after Latest firmware updates! "unsupported device alert"

I hope someone from Samsung is viewing these posts. As I said before this is not new, when kies first came out it had the same issues. you would have thought they would learn the lesson and have it consumer tested and ready before releasing it. This has already caused me problems and time having to manually update diary information etc., and don't even start me on Knox. Who the hell had the idea that we want something like this running in the background, blocking processes, and worse, leaving us unable to uninstall it, I already run anti-virus on the phone and don't need it. The idea of an app to separate business from personal is not a bad idea ,but choice would have been nice with the add ons. Unfortunately, relatively new phone and on contract, so I cannot change at the moment, but after many years putting up with this sort of c**p from Samsung, I will definitely consider a different manufacturer next time. This practice of forcing software and apps on to us, is precisely why I didn't chose apple in the first place.
Re: Samsung Galaxy S4 - Kies Sync Problems after Latest firmware updates! "unsupported device alert"

In the mean time, use CompanionLink to sync. We support 4.3, 4.4 and all older devices running Android OS 1.6 and higher.

Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, Notes, Journal, and Categories are supported. Your choice of USB, WiFi or Cloud sync. Free US-based telephone support, so you can get a hold of us if you need to.

Outlook sync for Android 4.3 and Android 4.4
Re: Samsung Galaxy S4 - Kies Sync Problems after Latest firmware updates! "unsupported device alert"

I got the same stupid interchange with SAMSUNG SUPPORT. I tried Kies 2.6 again and it comes up and says it does not support the Galaxy 4 with I now have a new phone for business and personal use that is effectively not usable for those purposes. I am so annoyed I could scream. At this point, I am going by Verizon W today to see if they will allow me to switch to an Iphone for little to nothing. If not, I am going to look into the question of trading the phone into Walmart or one of those programs and see if I can get an Iphone that way. I may even email Apple and Google. This is a black eye on the face of Samsung, Google and Verizon. People may carry on about Apple controlling their ecosphere but frankly I never had an issue in the 3 years I had an Iphone. I gave it up when I changed jobs and liked the fact that the S4 had a larger screen which helped my aging eyes. But if the device cant do somehting as simple as help me easily update my contacts and calendar then tahts a big issue. I got that done easily 10 years ago with a separate device....why is Samsung unable to plan and execute such a straightforward change in 2013?
Re: Samsung Galaxy S4 - Kies Sync Problems after Latest firmware updates! "unsupported device alert"

I am so annoyed I could scream. At this point, I am going by Verizon W today to see if they will allow me to switch to an Iphone for little to nothing.


You should ask VZW to buy you a license to CompanionLink, since that fills the gaps left by Kies. For $39.95 (PM me for the $10 discount code), I'm sure they would do that to keep you as a customer.
Re: Samsung Galaxy S4 - Kies Sync Problems after Latest firmware updates! "unsupported device alert"

I don't want to turn this thread into a developer ad space, however since the companion link guys want to basically spam us here, how about this?
!!Hey Companion link guy, how about a FREE trial period for your software and a better price? !!
divide by 10 would be better
Re: Samsung Galaxy S4 - Kies Sync Problems after Latest firmware updates! "unsupported device alert"

]Kies 3.0 is now no longer ]Beta as it upgraded recently but still does not have the Sync option. [/SIZE]
Re: Samsung Galaxy S4 - Kies Sync Problems after Latest firmware updates! "unsupported device alert"

I agree with the sentiments expressed here entirely.

More to the point, I too have searched long and hard for an app to sync Outlook contacts, calendar etc etc. and tried several.

None of the free ones work and I'm not about to pay $30 or so for ones that might.

Sync indirectly using Google apps may work but that's so clunky it's just ridiculous.
Re: Samsung Galaxy S4 - Kies Sync Problems after Latest firmware updates! "unsupported device alert"

yep, update was availalbe, still no sync...
Re: Samsung Galaxy S4 - Kies Sync Problems after Latest firmware updates! "unsupported device alert"

I seriously cant believe this.
I have just bought the new Galaxy Note 3 and was ready to sync Outlook data and hey-presto... no love.
They had better sort this out quick smart or I will request my money back.
Was there any time frame indicated in any correspondence with Kies 3 developers?
Re: Samsung Galaxy S4 - Kies Sync Problems after Latest firmware updates! "unsupported device alert"

Nope, no time frame, no work around......LOL, but I've heard companion link is avaialble for a lot of money..
Re: Samsung Galaxy S4 - Kies Sync Problems after Latest firmware updates! "unsupported device alert"

On a Dutch "complaints" site, I have found following reaction from Samsung Benelux to a similar complaint (short translation follows):


Geplaatst op: 13-11-2013, 19 uur 12 min geleden.

Geachte Stenger,
Wij betreuren het dat u op dit moment niet uw agenda en contacten kunt synchroniseren met Outlook via Kies. Inderdaad klopt het dat Kies3 een Beta versie betreft en dat de mogelijkheid om te synchroniseren hier niet bij zit.
Op 15 november zal er een nieuwe update van Kies beschikbaar zijn wat u kunt downloaden en installeren, waarbij de synchronisatie functie weer te gebruiken is.
Tot die tijd vragen wij u om uw geduld hiervoor.
Hopende u hiermee voldoende ge?nformeerd te hebben.
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Samsung WebCare

What Samsung Benelux announces is a new release of Kies3 AGAIN WITH OUTLOOK SYNC FUNCTIONALITY for November 15, 2013 (tomorrow)! Uptill now, I haven't found a confirmation elsewhere on the Internet. Let's hope it's true.

Nevertheless, as a loyal Samsung user I'm still very disappointed by their crappy firmware update and "beta Kies3" communication...

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