3D (&2D) Pictures & Videos Taken With Evo 3D


Well-known member
May 26, 2011
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here are some close up 2D shots i took the other day. i'm sure if i had better lighting these would be better but still good though. oh and the gecko in the pics is hardly the size of my thumb. pretty tiny. i tried taking some normal pics overlooking a marina with cloudy weather and the camera sucked. all the pics were really dark. the front camera surprisingly did well for some reason. HTC needs to fix the camera and the stupid green flash problem that mine has.


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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2011
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This has been my main question since I bought mine. I've been going through this thread and I must say, initially I wasn't sold on 3d on this phone but these shots are amazing. The only thing I was concerned about was the quality of the 2d camera. Drop in mega pixels and all. I'm no expert but I thought droping numbers meant lower quality. Have to start taking pics. By the way I like that now I can print straight from my phone instead of uploading first. I'm living this phone more than my 4g and I didn't think that would be possible.

Look in any (reputable) primer to digital photography and one of the first things they try to drill home is that megapixels is not something to judge a camera by. All it does is say how many pixels the camera has packed into an image, not the quality. And in fact, the more pixels means it has more sensor elements. Each sensor element produces "noise," so the more you have, the more digital noise because they are packed closer and closer together. The better judge of quality is how large the sensor is in comparison to that number of megapixels and also taking pictures and blowing them up to see how much noise there is. Many professional photographers will opt for much lower megapixels for added sensor size. Manufacturers have gotten better and decreasing noise levels, but given the choice, pros will go for the larger sensor vs. more megapixels. About the only thing that more megapixels get you is a bit more flexibility in being able to crop an image and still have a reasonable amount of pixels to display/print, but if by blowing up a region of the screen you get lots of noise, it's not really worth that much...

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