9GB of Miscellaneous Files on my New Note 5?

  • Thread starter Disappointed Customer
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Disappointed Customer

Today, I bought the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 with 32 GB because the 64 GB was not available. Under Settings -> Storage, is says that out of 32 GB, Miscellaneous files take up 8.55 GB. (Applications are 2.33GB, and everything else is less than 1GB.) When I click on Miscellaneous files, I can only delete a couple KB, which doesn't scratch the surface of these Miscellaneous files. What can I do to free up space on my phone? I deleted or disabled as many apps as I could that came with my phone. I had a 64 GB SD card in my old phone that held about 30GB of pictures and videos. I am very worried about filling the memory on this up, and I am extremely disappointed that I only have 20 GB of free memory, not 32 GB like the Verizon sales rep told me. I can switch out my phone in the next 14 days, but it is not easy for me to go very long without my phone. Any suggestions?


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Jun 10, 2014
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'Miscellaneous' might include the OS. On all devices, a substantial part of the total internal storage is occupied by the OS and other basic stuff.