Anandtech: Galaxy S4 doesn't use Snapdragon 600


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May 17, 2010
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Hmm didn't I mention that earlier...

You mentioned the theory of it being a modified 600 by Samsung. You didn't mention anything about part IDs. ;) Not to mention, I don't think Qualcomm would take kindly to handing over chip schematics to Samsung for them to muck around with. If it is a modified chip, it is purely a Qualcomm affair. Whether Samsung asked for a specific line or not is up for debate. It could be Samsung wanted an 800, but they aren't due out for a while, so Qualcomm cooked this up as an in-betweener. All guesswork unless Qualcomm or Samsung comment on this.
Also, it seems that the S4 pro only has N networking, not the AC standard. So, even if this is a modified S4 Pro, it has some of the innards of a 600 series.


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To me it's not about making a totally epic high end spec chart topping 2010 style device with a more modern look. It's about making the next device and changes how we use them.

More power to you in your quest. I guess I just don't see the last couple of Nexus phones offering anything I would consider as "changing how we used them." Personally, the last couple of Nexus devices have been a real let down in my mind and the likes of HTC and Samsung have been providing more real-world improvements to usage patterns.

Personally, I just see people beating the drum for "nexus or nothing" and they just look like Google-homers no different than HTC fanboys or Samsung fanboys.

Finally, I don't see any handset being released in the next 2 years that will "change how we use them" or allow us to "see evolution of concept." I think you should be looking down the hall where the nerds are fitting themselves with google glass'es.


Kevin OQuinn

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May 17, 2010
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Personal opinions aside, when you guys constantly harp against Samsung (and LG and others) about physical menu buttons being staid and lacking in "future-ness" please be aware that you are talking against the desires of a sizable portion of the android buying community. Namely, there are a lot of us that actually *prefer* dedicated and/or capacitive buttons and feel that onscreen buttons on phones is a bad design choice that Google has made.

So while you are personally rooting for one design feature vs. another please dial it back with the insinuations that continuing those features is "lacking" creativity or willingness to change. Because a lot of us don't want that change.

As for helping Google to press forward with new standards, I personally would prefer that some of the larger OE manufacturers continue to force Google to keep the options open. And you guys should cheer that in addition to pointing out the downsides of it.


Buttons don't have to be on-screen. I can deal with capacitive buttons. Google has also said that capacitive buttons are fine. But the menu button (and HTC's two button arrangement on the ONE) are the wrong direction to go.

Also, as long as Android remains open-source nobody can/will force any company to do things in a particular way, except of course for the Nexus devices. It just might take longer for cool new features to make their way to mainstream consumer devices. Photosphere, for example, is not a necessary feature, but it's really cool and is still only officially on Nexus devices.


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but in my vision of the future of these devices, button interaction is extremely limited if used at all (even the on screen sort).

Sounds like you should be looking to the past. Circa June 2009. The Palm Pre already offered you buttonless navigation. Moreso there than anything that Mateas (SP?) guy has proposed for android.

Finally, buttons placed on (and taking up space from) the screen are still buttons. I really don't understand people's infatuation for them.



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Feb 24, 2012
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Bottom line is that the most important spec is, "this is what I wanted". When it comes to that spec, I'm right about what I want and I'm probably wrong about what you want; vice versa, etc. I think the button thing needs a new thread because I haven't said a word about processors in this one. My bad on that.


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For you to call me out like that takes guts. I own the One. It's not a secret. I love the One, but I don't hate the S4. It'll sell like hotcakes I'm sure.

If samsung is using some type of one-off chip that qualcomm made specifically for them and yet are still calling it an S600 then that's shady. That being said, it WOULD account for the performance issues some reviews have noticed.

So now that you've called me out I will no longer ignore your trolling. Since nowhere in the rules of being a Moderator does it say that I can't voice my opinion and participate in discussions.

I'm noticing major performance issues that I don't notice at all with the HTC One. I have both phones and the One us Much faster. Lots of lag present in the S4

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Jul 21, 2010
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Also, it seems that the S4 pro only has N networking, not the AC standard. So, even if this is a modified S4 Pro, it has some of the innards of a 600 series.

This doesn't matter at all. As I've previously stated, the WiFi (on both the HTC One and Samsung Galaxy S4) is provided by a separate Broadcom chip.

(Although Qualcomm does advertise support for Wifi and Bluetooth, they mention that a separate chip is required for the physical/analog layer. It must have been a minor difference in price to simply use the BCM4335 which does everything in a single package.)


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Buttons don't have to be on-screen. I can deal with capacitive buttons. Google has also said that capacitive buttons are fine. But the menu button (and HTC's two button arrangement on the ONE) are the wrong direction to go.

Says you. I disagree. I'd much rather have a menu button than a multi-tasking button. That's one of the reasons I have a GS3 and not a nexus or a One X.

You claiming in absolute terms that it is "the wrong direction to go" is one thing when your just some random J6P. When you are saying it as a member of the website, it is unbecoming. For a place that loves to tout how they're "the Greatest Android Community in the World" and claims things such as: "But, really, it comes down to you. You're the reason we're here, working late into the night" having such an off-putting and exclusionary attitude towards features or products that you just personally don't like is counter to these claims.

In any case, nobody thinks you guys shouldn't have your personal opinions about these gadgets. Heck listening to guys geek out about specific things you might like to see helps to better gauge other aspects of a review or an opinion put forth in the forums. But listening to you guys take sides on topics and using phrases insinuating that one way is right while another way is wrong is exclusionary to those of us that disagree with you, and quite frankly, makes us not want to participate as much as we might otherwise do.

Personally, I prefer the plastic of the Galaxy models to the ID on the One and One X. However, all I hear about the topic from this website is that plastic is cheap and aluminum is cool. Time after time. Similar thing about stupid on screen buttons that doing it is right and not doing it is hurting Google. ...makes me less interested to read articles about new devices and has certainly resulted in less forum activity for me.

Anyway, take that however you want. At the end of the day it's your guys' website.


Michael Purtee

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Apr 25, 2013
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its actually nice to see a moderator being honest. I have the galaxy3, I do have to say that it is the worst phone ive ever owned. it makes me sick owning one. if, and when it works there is barely enough reception to do anything of enjoyment.
so it is refreshing to see someone actually voice their opinions.


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Mar 16, 2011
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its actually nice to see a moderator being honest. I have the galaxy3, I do have to say that it is the worst phone ive ever owned. it makes me sick owning one. if, and when it works there is barely enough reception to do anything of enjoyment.
so it is refreshing to see someone actually voice their opinions.

Your post literally reads that you are happy about a mod being honest *because* you hate your galaxy3. Would you still be happy if Kevin was "honestly" saying that he loved the GS3/4 and hated other handsets?



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Jul 16, 2012
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its actually nice to see a moderator being honest. I have the galaxy3, I do have to say that it is the worst phone ive ever owned. it makes me sick owning one. if, and when it works there is barely enough reception to do anything of enjoyment.
so it is refreshing to see someone actually voice their opinions.

So by "being honest" you mean agrees with your opinion. Got it.

I really dislike the types of 'discussions' that the One and S4 have brought out of the community. They remind me of a couple years ago when people would argue the same points for and/or against Apple and Android in general. I have always loved reading android forums because of the insightful posts and discussions people would have. Lately though things seem to have really gone down hill. I have always been more of a lurker and just enjoy reading as you can tell by my post count. I just hope that this isn't the future of Android.


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Dec 3, 2009
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So by "being honest" you mean agrees with your opinion. Got it.

I really dislike the types of 'discussions' that the One and S4 have brought out of the community. They remind me of a couple years ago when people would argue the same points for and/or against Apple and Android in general. I have always loved reading android forums because of the insightful posts and discussions people would have. Lately though things seem to have really gone down hill. I have always been more of a lurker and just enjoy reading as you can tell by my post count. I just hope that this isn't the future of Android.

Check out, their posts are WAY more bleak. It's like their are purposely destroying the platform from within, starting with it's own users. Almost every thread turns into a bashing thread and gets locked.

Michael Purtee

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Apr 25, 2013
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when I have my countless issues with my gakaxy3, this thread is about exactly what I hear from customer service. like some kind of programed response. now im just stuck basicly with an over hyped piece of junk, because they at customer service cant give u anything but what they r told to say. nice to see someone who isnt afriad to give an opinion


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Sep 3, 2012
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This thread is an exhausting read. Where does all this hostility come from on a forum for mobile phones?

I'm curious why the different product numbers for the S4 as well. I wouldn't jump to shady, but it does beg the question what're the differences?

If it matters, I have the Nexus 4, I don't like Galaxy phones, and I'm quite fond of the One...

I mean, the One is for users looking for the best all around Android experience, while the S4, on the other hand, is for... Exactly the same people.

Cheers to competition, it breeds excellence (and Internet wars).

Michael Purtee

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Apr 25, 2013
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I have had 4 galaxy3s my g/f has one as well as her niece. these phones are junk. over hyped!! I have a few friends that have htcs they walk all over the galaxy3. it seems like ever galaxy owner has ***** envy, if they think another phone might actually be better.
the ads all said this is the phone we all been waiting for. well I'm still waiting and the phone is the htc1


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Sep 3, 2010
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For reference, the GS4 I played with inky lagged AT ALL, ever, when I had either air services enabled (gestures) once I turned those off...I didn't notice any hitches outside the gallery weirdness...which I think has something to do with the way preview images are generated the first time rather than a general failure in the application.

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May 16, 2010
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For reference, the GS4 I played with inky lagged AT ALL, ever, when I had either air services enabled (gestures) once I turned those off...I didn't notice any hitches outside the gallery weirdness...which I think has something to do with the way preview images are generated the first time rather than a general failure in the application.

Sent from my EVO using Android Central Forums

Then you got lucky. I own the GS4 and there is definite lag.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk 2


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2009
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Then you got lucky. I own the GS4 and there is definite lag.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk 2

I have both the One and the S4 and have the same live wallpaper running on both. The One doesn't stutter AT ALL. Flipping through the app drawer, opening/closing apps, switching screens, not a single stutter what so ever. Installing apps, no lag..

The SG4 however, sometimes as I flip through the app drawer it'll pause, and then catch up all quick-life. Sometimes flipping the homescreens it'll pause and catch up. As I install apps, the phone will pause after it's installed. I'm blown away that the S4 is doing this.


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Sep 16, 2012
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Says you. I disagree. I'd much rather have a menu button than a multi-tasking button. That's one of the reasons I have a GS3 and not a nexus or a One X.

No, that's wrong. You may prefer a menu button to a multitasking button, but anything more or less than a back button, a home button, and a multitasking button is wrong. Period. Because that's what Google specifies in their Android design spec. Google makes Android. So whatever they specify to be used on Android phones is right. And anything else is wrong. This may sound like a sort of dictatorial decree, but based on logic and the given spec alone, it's true.

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