Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie, Nexus 5, Motorola X Phone Are All Going to Miss Google I/O in May 2013?


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Apr 13, 2013
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The new Android OS version 5.0 or Key Lime Pie is expected to appear in the upcoming Google I/O in May, but something might delay this appearance by two or four months. Another news revolves around the absence of both Nexus 5 and Motorola X Phone in the same event. Are these all true?

Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie
Rumour surfaced claiming that Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie is going to be delayed by two or four months and will not appear in the upcoming Google I/O 2013. Fortunately these are all untrue, and no one should believe the speculations.

Delays on software are not impossible like with Apple having issue of delayed release for iOS 7. Gadgetronica reported from their sources about Android 5.0 delay, and it is not because of software problems but to give enough time for manufacturers to update their devices to Android 4.2 Jelly Bean first.
No matter how many devices are updated, there are some which will be left behind in the end, and the Jelly Bean update does have to stop because of Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie, in fact, it should boost their speed on doing upgrades.

Nexus 5 and Motorola X Phone Absence in Google I/O

Another speculation spreads that both Nexus 5 and Motorola X Phone will not appear in Google I/O this May. But why would these two expected devices sit on the bench as the event goes on?

Eric Schmidt and CEO Larry Page called the Motorola X Phone "phenomenal" and "unbreakable", respectively which made the public anxious about both smartphones.

So why delay them? Here are few possible reasons for Google to do that.

1. Motorola X Phone is still under development to create a so-called "future of all smartphones."

2. Google recently acquired Motorola and currently in transition phase.

3. Nexus 5 may be included to the upcoming Nexus line of devices, and Google might wanted it to be released in behalf of other new Nexuses.

4. Both companies are exercising their efforts on the two main points of today's smartphone weaknesses - durability and battery life

All of these are just rumours, but whether delayed or not, both Google and Motorola should be ready for new threats from upcoming strong players in the market - Samsung, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, among the many others.

Source:International Business times


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2010
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From what I have seen lately, no KLP, no 5.0, and no X phone. For the X phone I would not expect it to be released at a Google event. It is a Motorola device, not a Google device. Even though Google owns them, it would make more sense for Motorola to release the phone, Google only releases Nexus devices.

For KLP, it makes more sense to release that with the Nexus 5. From what I have read is that Google will be fixing bugs, and making slight improvements on 4.2, thus releasing 4.3 at I/O.

Google Is Working On And Testing Android 4.3 - It's Still Jelly Bean

Android 4.3 Jelly Bean is coming soon, not Key Lime Pie | Android Community

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