ARGH! Why does Evo only connect sporadically as USB storage???


Addicted 2 Mobile Gadgets
Jun 6, 2010
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You know, when you plug the Evo in there is a window that is supposed to pop up so you can 'Choose connection type' (USB, etc.)? Well, it just simply happens sometimes and doesn't happen others.

I connect to one of two Windows 7 laptops (one full size and the other a netbook). My main computer is the one that seems most inconsistent. My netbook I tether to the Evo using Easy Tether. Ironically, this problem started long before I ever tethered, and it almost always shows up as a USB storage device when I am tethered. However, it's my main laptop that often just does nothing when I plug in the Evo--charging light comes on and an F: drive shows up in Windows Explorer, but no option on the Evo, and the F: drive on my computer tells me to insert a disk whenever I click on it.

This is frustrating me to no end, I as am unable to transfer files and pics back and forth without removing the SD card and plugging it in directly. (BTW, I have tried connected with USB Debugging checked and unchecked--same result both ways.)

PLEASE help...thanks!



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May 15, 2010
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Mine does show up, but it takes a while. Maybe it's the cable. Unfortunately, I am on vacation and don't have access to another cable.


Addicted 2 Mobile Gadgets
Jun 6, 2010
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Mine does show up, but it takes a while. Maybe it's the cable. Unfortunately, I am on vacation and don't have access to another cable.

Well, the thing is, it DOES still charge on both computers, and on one I even see a generic F:drive (just asks for a disk when I attempt to open it), so it seems unlikely it's a cable issue for me.



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Aug 20, 2010
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Since I started using a 32GB SD card, the time for USB disk mode to kick in has gone up significantly. I have a lot of apps on the SD card and that most likely has an effect as anything lSD-based oaded/running would have to be cleanly closed out before USB disk mode can take effect.



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Mar 12, 2010
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When I plug my Evo into the computer's USB, i get a notification that the Evo is charging.

If that's all I want, I just leave it. If I want to connect as a USB drive, I pull down the notification bar and click on the icon for the "charging" entry. That brings up the dialog where you get to choose the connection type. I click "USB Drive" and everything works just like I want.

Dave Blake

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May 7, 2010
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When I plug my Evo into the computer's USB, i get a notification that the Evo is charging.

If that's all I want, I just leave it. If I want to connect as a USB drive, I pull down the notification bar and click on the icon for the "charging" entry. That brings up the dialog where you get to choose the connection type. I click "USB Drive" and everything works just like I want.

What he said and if that doesn't work try downloading HTC Sync from this link.

HTC Mobile Phone Support - HTC EVO™ 4G (Sprint) - Downloads

This has the necessary drivers in it to connect your EVO to your PC. You don't have to Sync anything but if you are having driver issues this should fix it.

Hope that helps,


Addicted 2 Mobile Gadgets
Jun 6, 2010
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Since I started using a 32GB SD card, the time for USB disk mode to kick in has gone up significantly. I have a lot of apps on the SD card and that most likely has an effect as anything lSD-based oaded/running would have to be cleanly closed out before USB disk mode can take effect.

I use the SD card that came with my Evo and it is <20% full.

When I plug my Evo into the computer's USB, i get a notification that the Evo is charging.

If that's all I want, I just leave it. If I want to connect as a USB drive, I pull down the notification bar and click on the icon for the "charging" entry. That brings up the dialog where you get to choose the connection type. I click "USB Drive" and everything works just like I want.

That's just it, I'm not getting any such option when I pull down my notification bar. I only get the charging light and no other visual notification nor option to change my connection type.



Addicted 2 Mobile Gadgets
Jun 6, 2010
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Jul 31, 2010
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This may be a stupid suggestion, but make sure debugging isn't turned on. Pretty sure I've seen phones that wont give you the option if that's turned on.


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Apr 16, 2010
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Sounds like the Phone is getting charged, and therefore there's power on the usb bus, but the phone doesn't recognize that a data connection can be possible. This could be your computer's usb port, your cable, or your phone microusb port. Use the process of elimination and try and pinpoint where the problem is.

If its the microusb port. On the phone, that's a hardware failure after (hopefully ;)) normal usage so it sounds like a warranty replacement is justified. Just eliminate the other possibilities first though. Good luck troubleshooting.


Addicted 2 Mobile Gadgets
Jun 6, 2010
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GO FIGURE!! IT'S MAGICALLY WORKING AGAIN NOW! FWIW, I am on my netbook now and was also on this computer when I made my last post before this one (i.e., as I originally posted, this problem was not unique to one computer). Anywho, following my last post I took Big D5's suggestion and downloaded the Sprint patch; however, I HAVE NOT RUN THE PROGRAM YET. In fact, I closed my computer immediately following the download (didn't power down) and did not re-open it (wake it up from sleep) until now. As usual, because I do not have wi-fi where I usually use this computer, upon opening it I plugged in my Evo to tether. To my pleasant surprise, my Evo immediately showed the USB connection type screen, as it USUALLY does (though not always) on this computer. Now, as expected, I CAN pull down the notification bar and see the connection type option (as well as see the USB icon in my notification bar when it is closed). Still, there is no apparent rhyme or reason as to why the 'disk drive' connection works sometimes and why it doesn't at other times (see below for additional info).

This may be a stupid suggestion, but make sure debugging isn't turned on. Pretty sure I've seen phones that wont give you the option if that's turned on.

Per my original post, I have tried with USB debugging turned on and off. Also, when I plug into my netbook (as now), I always do so to tether, which means USB debugging is ON (as now). Usually in such insurances (again, as now), I am able to tether and see my Evo/SD card as a USB storage device in Windows Explorer.

Sounds like the Phone is getting charged, and therefore there's power on the usb bus, but the phone doesn't recognize that a data connection can be possible. This could be your computer's usb port, your cable, or your phone microusb port. Use the process of elimination and try and pinpoint where the problem is.

If its the microusb port. On the phone, that's a hardware failure after (hopefully ;)) normal usage so it sounds like a warranty replacement is justified. Just eliminate the other possibilities first though. Good luck troubleshooting.

On the computer that usually doesn't recognize my Evo/SD card, I have routinely tried each of its three USB ports. One time, I got it to work on one of the USB ports but not the others. I have also tried unplugging and cleaning the microUSB port on the phone. But, more often than not, I still only get the charging light and nothing else. :confused:

Thanks for all the suggestions. I still welcome others, as I still can't seem to get a proper connection with my other computer.



Well-known member
May 14, 2010
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when this happened to me, my after-market USB cord was to blame. I bought a new "proper" USB cord and had no more problems. The only other thing I can think of is that sometimes it takes a ridiculously long time for my computer to recognize that my phone is hooked up.


Addicted 2 Mobile Gadgets
Jun 6, 2010
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Not long after my previous post, I plugged into my main laptop at home to see if I could transfer some music to my SD card and--VIOLA!--it worked like a charm. However, now it's NOT working on my netbook that I am using to update this post. Again, no rhyme or reason--it either works right away or not at all. So perplexing.

when this happened to me, my after-market USB cord was to blame. I bought a new "proper" USB cord and had no more problems. The only other thing I can think of is that sometimes it takes a ridiculously long time for my computer to recognize that my phone is hooked up.

The cord I am using is the one that was supplied with my Evo, so I presume it's a 'proper' as I'm gonna find. I did just order a couple new USB charging/data cables just so I'd have them in all the places I need them, so I'll definitely check them all out to see if the aforementioned behavior changes with any of them.



Feb 21, 2011
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Re: ARGH! Why does Evo only connect sporadically as USB storage??

i was getting can't connect usb device on my win7 machine. eventually tried a different usb port. it worked fine on that one.