AT&T's KitKat for Note 3...


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Jan 11, 2011
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Re: at&t 's kitkat for Note 3...

Sorry to say but you are not correct. The way Google changed access to the external storage was a huge change for many developers, you can no longer store apps or app data on the cards without root and it only allows read/write access by the core apps unless specifically written by developers and so far based on the way Google changed card access its not likely we will see any devs make the necessary changes. Many OEM's have moved away from microSD but failed to add sufficient internal storage. Samsung is the only real supporter in a major way.

I didn't say it wasn't a huge change. But they fixed a security hole that some people had a issue with. The problem is some people have issues with it because it takes away some percieved freedom. The SD Card isn't dead. In fact I would argue this will help it's use since proper security will now be in place on the card. With proper security more developers may be inclined to use it then before as they will now have assurances that there data won't be corrupted by external sources.

The fact is the SD Card will continue to work fine. A app update may be needed to make it work with any given app. Several of my apps have already been updated to use the proper API's in Kit Katt. Creating a alarmist reaction instead of educating people of the best way to move forward does nothing but create problems.


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Nov 15, 2012
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Still downloading. I have prepared for this update by moving all my pics, videos, and music from the micro sd card to internal storage so that I am hoping I can then move it all back without any issues. Not sure if this was necessary but just trying to be safe.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3.


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Nov 17, 2013
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Re: at&t 's kitkat for Note 3...

Texas, downloading it now..
Had to go to, settings, general, about device and do a search for update..
Was there waiting..


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Nov 1, 2012
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Downloaded and installed. Initial impressions:

- Upgrade was uneventful and went smoothly. Haven't noticed any issues so far, but still very early
- I like the white status icons, looks more polished IMO. I swear some of the notification shade alerts have a different font and cleaner look? Could be my imagination.
- Phone does seem more snappy and it was already fast
- Several apps I've tested definitely have less "jank" (stuttering issues when quickly scrolling) and are much smoother. G+, Play Store and Facebook are all noticeably better
- Haven't been able to test/confirm the GPS issues. I live where we have good LTE coverage, so I didn't encounter it a lot to begin with
- I could pretty frequently crash the camera app before when opening in landscape mode or quickly moving back/forth between landscape and portrait modes. Haven't been able to do that yet since the update.


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2012
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I have updated my AT&T Note 3 to 4.4.2. I looked at various things....settings, etc. and then moved all my pics, videos, and music back to the micro sd card. Everything seems snappy, no lag, and no problems opening any of my applications. Wake Lock Detector has lost some functionality and must have root to obtain certain statistics again. The camera seems to be a little better in low light environments. This update seems to be problem free but the long term test will be battery longevity, which will be evaluated over the next few days. So far so good. I will proceed without doing a complete wipe and reset for now and see what happens.

Edit: I did wipe the cache partition via the hold 3 button, select, re-boot method.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3.
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