[BUG] Serious black clipping / gamma issue on Galaxy Notes


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Jan 5, 2011
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Well written summaries and links to this and other threads is by definition an acknowledgment of your submission.

It's not an acknowledgment or confirmation of the problem, but in fairness it does acknowledge you submitted the problem.
I meant that I wrote the summaries and provided the links when I submitted the tips to all the blogs. None of the sites have bothered to respond to the tips or post an article about the issue -- so no, there hasn't been any acknowledgment of my submissions by any of them, including AC.

Maybe someone else will have better luck...


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Feb 9, 2011
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@paleh0rse: I see. I misunderstood your earlier comment. I can appreciate how frustrating this has been.

I wish you, and the others who see this as a major issue, all the success in getting a response and resolution.

Naturally no one knows why this has not received the attention it should, but I guess I'm hopeful that Sammy will address the matter in a future update.

The biggest problem you have is that as long as it's not hurting sales, they don't see it as a priority. Their position is strange I must admit, but the only effective thing you can do in protest is refuse to give them or their partners your money.
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Apr 21, 2011
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I've submitted it to AC twice, Samsung twice, Engadget twice, Android Police once, and half a dozen others -- each time with a well-written summary and links to this thread and those on XDA. Sadly, none of them have so much as acknowledged the submissions or the issue. :(
I wouldn't take it personally. Bugs are rarely discussed in the media. If your goal is to be a hero, good luck with that. I worked on bugs at a company similar to Samsung. We could only discuss bugs in certain secure rooms. No way is Samsung go to discuss a bug with you.


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Feb 9, 2011
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I wouldn't take it personally. Bugs are rarely discussed in the media. If your goal is to be a hero, good luck with that. I worked on bugs at a company similar to Samsung. We could only discuss bugs in certain secure rooms. No way is Samsung go to discuss a bug with you.

I agree. I wouldn't take it personal. They undoubtedly read every post about this and every consumer product they make.

I'm sure they have a whole staff who's job it is to monitor and report back on forums and thread comments.

They have chosen to not discuss this issue for whatever the reason, but I'm sure they are aware of it, and their silence is not a personal rejection of you Paleh0rse.

You've brought a legitimate issue to the table, and now we'll just have to wait and see.


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Jan 5, 2011
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I agree. I wouldn't take it personal. They undoubtedly read every post about this and every consumer product they make.

I'm sure they have a whole staff who's job it is to monitor and report back on forums and thread comments.

They have chosen to not discuss this issue for whatever the reason, but I'm sure they are aware of it, and their silence is not a personal rejection of you Paleh0rse.

You've brought a legitimate issue to the table, and now we'll just have to wait and see.
That may explain Samsung's reaction, or lack thereof; but, it doesn't explain why all the Android and tech blogs are ignoring the issue as well. I expected Samsung to refuse to acknowledge it, but not the others...
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Jan 5, 2011
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My note seems much better on the ics Rom
if you read back a bit, you'll learn that Samsung simply shifted the black clipping point to a higher value by adjusting the system-wide contrast value in the ICS leak. In other words, sadly, the problem is still there in most dark media... :(
Mar 27, 2012
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I personally bought the Gnote because of the screen size, This black clipping is a serious issue to me and i have searched for solutions all over the internet but still nothing has turn up yet....in XDA supercurio promised a solution but this is almost 6 month still nothing yet but i am optimistic about his work and i hope he can find a solution...... Galaxy Note colour rendering issue: started working on it. - xda-developers If all of us with the Galaxy Note will keep posting our complains to Samsung at Samsung Developers maybe they will help us. And at the same time we can keep trying to force their hands by alerting sites like GSMarena.... Tip us - GSMArena.com someone claim to have his Gnote black clipping solved at Galaxy Note colour rendering issue: started working on it. - Page 96 - xda-developers so Who ever want to try can do that and report back to this thread(I still have my Gnote at the Samsung Service Center due to eMMC bug Super brick)
Mar 27, 2012
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Nearly all Samsung Galaxy Note screens suffer severe gamma issues (black clipping). It is still not known whether or not this is a software or hardware problem, or both, but most are leaning toward it being a kernel-level software issue.

We have tried to report this issue to Samsung itself, AC, Engadget, Android Police, Phandroid, and quite a few others -- yet NONE of them have bothered to so much as acknowledge the problem.

I have also been asking everyone to report the issue to the same blogs and media outlets. PLEASE DO SO to help us gain traction on this issue!!! :)

The following links demonstrate the prevalence and severity of the issue:

1. XDA -- [Bug] AT&T NOTE (i717) Experiencing Screen Problem with Dark Images and Video
[Bug] AT&T NOTE Experiencing Screen Problem with Dark Images and Video - xda-developers

2. If nothing else, please read this thread and test your device per the instructions in the OP:
XDA -- Black Clipping test image and Poll for AT&T Note Owners
[POLL] Black clipping / black crush - xda-developers
IMPORTANT: If you have a Galaxy Note, run the gamma test yourself to see the issue. The gamma test image is all you need to accurately identify, acknowledge, and measure the problem.

Using the gamma test image:
On a properly calibrated display, there should never be a severe dropoff from grey to black between any of the numbers (21 down to 0). Instead, a proper display will show a smooth/gradual transition all the way from grey (21) down to true black (0).

The problem on the Note running GB roms (including stock) is that it shows grey all the way down to 1 before dropping off a cliff to true black at 0. In the i717 ICS leak, it looks like Samsung tweaked something (possibly just the contrast) to move that severe grey/black drop to between 7 and 6. In other words, they simply shifted the point where the severe black clipping (dropoff) occurs in the dark spectrum.

To see what the gamma test image is supposed to look like, simply view it on any other decent display -- a different phone, laptop, PC, etc...

3. XDA -- Technical discussion regarding the same black clipping problem on the International Note (N7000) as well
Galaxy Note colour rendering issue: started working on it. - xda-developers

Hello,i ve been following so many topics on so many thread about this issue,did you find any solution yet or any concrete explanation when to expect it?;)


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May 14, 2012
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Hi all,
Just wanting to add my comments here...

This black/gray/blocking/pixelation is definitely a problem. I noticed it the first day (around Jun 2012) I bought the phone (Galaxy Note) for my wife. I thought it was my video (mp4 ripped from a DVD) being played on a bigger screen so I didn't pay much attention to it. Besides, when I played a Netflix movie (in bright room light), the problem was not noticible.

Then AT&T, near the end of August 2012, sold these phones (refurbished) for $49.99. I couldn't resist and bought one for myself. In general, I am happy but still don't like the issue with this black clipping problem because I am a movie lover. Usually I watch a movie in bed before sleeping, and the previous phone (HTC Inspire 4G) played any movie I threw at it flawlessly, night or day, dark or bright. I was surprised to see all of my mp4 movies and Netflix movies looked really crappy with a lot of black/gray blocks in the background. I played the same movies on my HTC Inspire (I still keep it) side by side with the GNote and the differences were very obvious (in a dark room or low light environment).

Upgraded both GNote phones to official ICS ROM and the problem still exists.

Today (09/09/2012), I called AT&T and reported the problem, the tech support just downplayed it and their response was sort of denying the issue and suggesting me to live with it.

Searching the web landed me on this page. I just want to thank everybody for bringing together a place where customers can report problems similar to this.
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