Cons to the Infuse?


Aug 23, 2010
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I am struggling with my BB Torch at the moment (keeps getting caught in a reboot loop) and I am eligible for an upgrade this December with ATT, and I think I am ready to kick BB to the curb and go Droid. Of all the ATT Android offerings the Infuse seems like a good choice. What are the main problems people are seeing with this phone? Does it have a reboot issue like my Torch, where you might see it keep rebooting itself?


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May 21, 2011
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I haven't really noticed any rebooting issues with this device. I think the biggest issue is that it may not be terribly future-proof. It doesn't have a dual-core processor and it doesn't support LTE. It's a great device for now, but there will probably be better offerings come December when you can get your upgrade.


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Jul 7, 2011
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I've read that the Samsung Infuse is a very stable, well built phone.

The only drawbacks are it is on v2.2 instead of v2.3 although I was told an upgrade was coming "soon" by the at&t rep.

Supposedly this had 1080p video recording but the at&t rep told me it only has 720p, although I am still trying to figure that one out. So will there possibly be 1080p with a future update?

Battery life is good but seems to only last a day of moderate use so nightly charging is required. Better than most smartphones though from what I understand.

Cellular reception is very good as well as WiFi reception. The GPS also seems to work well.

Folks complain that this is only a single core, so it isn't future proof although it can easily be overclocked to 1.5ghz I've read. And that it only has 512mb of ram instead of 1GB which the Atrix has.

This is honestly my first smartphone and everything I am saying is what I have read off of numerous reviews. :)
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May 4, 2011
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Future proof ? By the time ATT rolls out LTE we will all be up for our 2 year extensions. Have not seen anything out yet that requires dual core. I have heard that the dual core Atrix get extremely hot with extensive use. Do not know if that is a problem with all or just the Atrix but that needs to be addresses too.
I am very happy with this phone and have had very few minor problems with it.


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May 11, 2011
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I'm on my second Infuse. My first one would, occasionally, freeze up in the middle of a SMS conversation and have to be restarted. Sometimes, the power button wouldn't work and I would actually have to pull the battery to restart it. The new one has been fine.

I've been using mobile phones since right after the bag phone days. I've been through a handful of phones. The Infuse is without a doubt the best all round device I've ever had :) I checked this thread not to list any "cons" but rather to see if anyonelse did. The truth is I would have to really rack my brain to find something about the Infuse I'm not happy with.


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Dec 21, 2009
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I would say the viability of the device depends on what kind of user you are.

If you're willing to tinker around and flash custom roms, the Infuse is excellent. With the Infused ROM in particular, I've noticed the phone speeds up considerably.

However, of AT&T's flagship Android phones (Atrix, Inspire, Infuse), it's the slowest and laggiest out of the box.

Also, the lack of dual-core is troubling since it's expected that the next version of Android will support dual-core and make phones like the Atrix (which is now essentially a single-core phone as the second core doesn't get used by the Android system in most tasks) much more functional.

It's also important to consider Samsung's pathetic history with upgrades. I wouldn't hold your breath for anything past Gingerbread on this device (and even that will probably take at least six months before it's officially delivered).

However, it does have an AMAZING screen, a large virtual keyboard, and great build quality. The camera is terrific, and it's a very sleek looking phone that generally gets a lot of attention and compliments.

Johnny D

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Jun 24, 2011
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(1) Poor wifi signal strength when compared to other phones.

(2) You cannot record video with the front facing camera. You can only take photos with the front facing camera. Again, other phones allow video with front facing camera. If you have a family and want to make a personal video message to email or mms you cannot do it with the Infuse's front camera.

(3) MMS photo messages will sometimes come in as a video style play box. Very strange.

(4) New Yahoo email alerts will sometimes pop up again after you have already read the new email.

(5) Viewing photos right after you take them from the camera will not rotate. You need to reopen the photo in the photo gallery to be able to rotate them.

(6) 512 Ram is not enough and can easily gets filled up.

(7) No dedicated camera button.

(8) The Speaker and built in mics could be cleaner and louder sounding.

(9) Copy and Paste is not as good as IPhone.

(10) No kickstand like EVO 4G or Thunderbolt which would come in handy for watching movie/music videos on an airplane or video chatting from a table or desk.
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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2010
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The Infuse is a good phone. I would get it if I were you. Its probably the best phone on AT&T. I love the screen. And don't worry too much about the dual core, the phone should be fine for a long time. There aren't that many devices out that have dual core. Doubt it seriously that Android will alienate the majority of us who already have new Android devices that don't have dual processors. It will be a great phone for you.


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May 15, 2011
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(1) Poor wifi signal strength when compared to other phones.
definitely notice this. I sometimes have to toggle it on and off to get it to lock on.
(3) MMS photo messages will sometimes come in as a video style play box. Very strange.
It does this so you can have more than one picture. You can then move between them.
(4) New Yahoo email alerts will sometimes pop up again after you have already read the new email.
I don't use yahoo, but I use gmail. After initially configuring the default email client to use both my work (exchange) and gmail, I set up the dedicated gmail client. This resulted in double notifications until I finally told the default email client to never check. I can still use it if I choose, just refresh it manually. I don't get a unified inbox this way, but the gmail client is more in tune with gmail (e.g., the "archive" button is not present in the default email client. It isn't perfect, but it works well enough.

(6) 512 Ram is not enough and can easily gets filled up.
This is the single biggest con on the phone IMO. My girlfriend has an inspire. In most ways I greatly prefer the infuse (better screen, faster processor, etc) but on this one point the inspire's extra 256k makes a big difference. Some games take much longer to start up on the infuse (specifically "Cut the Rope" is bad). I get force closes in some apps that never do that on hers. Most of these do it on initially booting, so not like I lose work in progress, and the next time (immediately after) they start up just fine.
(7) No dedicated camera button.
Yeah I briefly used a samsung focus before settling on the infuse and that's like the one thing I miss. Are there any roms that can hack this onto the volume buttons for at least taking the pic (if not starting the camera)?

(9) Copy and Paste is not as good as IPhone.
That is an android issue, not an infuse issue...

(10) No kickstand like EVO 4G or Thunderbolt which would come in handy for watching movie/music videos on an airplane or video chatting from a table or desk.
Surely some cases can do that. I made a doodad out of cardboard and a binder clip that works.

All in all though I think it was the best phone available on AT&T at the time for me. When the Thrill and Attain come out that may no longer be the case... but hey that's life in the world of smartphones.

None of these cons offset the positives of the phone, nor does it drive me crazy or anything like some of the other phones i've used.


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Mar 27, 2011
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(1) Poor wifi signal strength when compared to other phones.

(2) You cannot record video with the front facing camera. You can only take photos with the front facing camera. Again, other phones allow video with front facing camera. If you have a family and want to make a personal video message to email or mms you cannot do it with the Infuse's front camera.

(3) MMS photo messages will sometimes come in as a video style play box. Very strange.

(4) New Yahoo email alerts will sometimes pop up again after you have already read the new email.

(5) Viewing photos right after you take them from the camera will not rotate. You need to reopen the photo in the photo gallery to be able to rotate them.

(6) 512 Ram is not enough and can easily gets filled up.

(7) No dedicated camera button.

(8) The Speaker and built in mics could be cleaner and louder sounding.

(9) Copy and Paste is not as good as IPhone.

(10) No kickstand like EVO 4G or Thunderbolt which would come in handy for watching movie/music videos on an airplane or video chatting from a table or desk.
1) cant be anyworse then my torch
2) doesn't bother me i don video chat and i usually record with on of my tablets
3)curiouse but ill see how that plays out
4)i use gmail
5)im comming from a bb torch so i gotta change applications after taking a picture to view it anyways
6)i dont have that problem with my gtab with 756mb of ram but i dont go widget nuts. i also dont plan on doing much gaming on it so i wont have that issue to much. going from a 10.1 inch screen and gaming on a 4 inch screen is silly. ill probably only put angry birds on there because i own all three with no adds. whats sad is i have more android apps then blackberry apps, even between my playbook and phone.
7) again torch so im already used to it. i use my playbook alot because i bring it everywere, so im more likely to snap a pick with that.
8)as long as making phone calls isnt effected i dont care
9)the playbook is the absolute worse copy and paster ever..... EVER!!!!! so the infuse cannot be any worse.
10) kickstand is kinda silly because my phone will be in a otterbox. plus with a 7inch tablet at hand all the time with atleast 18 movies i would rather flip off the back cover unfold the stand and sit back.
i debated spending the extra money and buying a new phone off amazon wireless or who ever. well after a few more frustrations with my torch i decided to really look at the phones. i played with the infuse and inspire for a good 1hr, i really liked the infuse but the otterbox wasnt available until recently.
im bad at dropping my phone, my torch has nicks and cracks all over it. so the otterbox is important, plus working as a plumber i really really like something that can take a little abuse.
i did look into the motorola atrix and i kept remembering all the bad experiences with every motorola product ive ever had. the htc has problems like everything else but the infuse is so skinny and light. after owning a xoom and samsung gtab i expect glitches from android, i know its two different os's but it seems from the research ive done that they share alot of characteristics.
what really concerned me with the atrix is froyo, does it take full advantage of the dual cores or would it be like xp without the dual core patch and flood one core and leave the other as a energy hog. so i decided to buy the infuse and ill be getting it tommorow. i kept a close eye on this topic and thread.
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Italiano Papi
Jul 12, 2010
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Future proof ? By the time ATT rolls out LTE we will all be up for our 2 year extensions. Have not seen anything out yet that requires dual core. I have heard that the dual core Atrix get extremely hot with extensive use. Do not know if that is a problem with all or just the Atrix but that needs to be addresses too.
I am very happy with this phone and have had very few minor problems with it.

I have owned the Atrix and Ive never felt a phone get so hot before like that one did. It would get really hot and fast to. Thats the main reason why I gave up on it. Thanks to the Dual Core trying to outcompete everyone else. It was fast dont get me wrong, but the heat didnt justify the means.


(2) You cannot record video with the front facing camera. You can only take photos with the front facing camera. Again, other phones allow video with front facing camera. If you have a family and want to make a personal video message to email or mms you cannot do it with the Infuse's front camer.

Thats a true bummer Ill agree with you. But I believe the Application "Qik" allows you to record a message throught the front cam and have it stored in the account. From what I remember, I tried it when I first got the phone and it worked. The phone is capible of doing it, but Samsung decided not to have it work on there software for some reason. What a shame.