Does google supl 2.0 server support LPP protocol?


AC Question

I am implementing a minimal SUPL 2.0 client on android. I have added SUPL ASN1 specification and LPP ASN1 specification with my application and compiled it. I am trying to implement a SET initiated Immediate services scenario.

I have filled all the fields to SUPL START message with LPP protocol information and LTE cell id (location id) information. I am sending this message to, but I am not able to receive any response from the google supl server. Does google supl server support LPP?

I have tried with also. Similarly I am not getting any response with nokia supl server also.

The same application code is working fine for RRLP protocol.

Please let me know if anybody has come across the similar issue or have some information regarding LPP protocol usage with google SUPL 2.0 server.