Droid Incredible backorders


May 20, 2010
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[For those with the phones, sorry for yet another shipping thread]

There's way too many threads and confusion over what is happening with the Incredible situation, so I have decided to go through all the information posted to compile a list of shipping dates that seem to be official. Hopefully it will calm people down a little.

Phones ordered - When will the phone be shipped:

Before 5/8 - Shipped

5/8 - 5/9 - By 5/26 [update 5/21: starting to ship] - Shipping complete

5/10 - 5/11 - By 5/28 [update 5/21: starting to ship] - Shipping complete

5/12 - By 6/1 [update 5/23: orders placed on 5/12 starting to ship] - Shipping complete

5/13 - By 6/1 [update 5/26: orders placed on 5/13 starting to ship]

5/14 - By 6/1 [update 5/26: orders placed on 5/14 starting to ship]

5/15 - By 6/4 [update 5/28: orders placed on 5/15 starting to ship]

5/16 - By 6/4 [update 5/28: orders placed on 5/16 starting to ship]

5/17 - By 6/7 [update 5/30: orders placed on 5/17 starting to ship]

5/18 - By 6/7

5/19 - 5/20 - By 6/11

They *might* very well arrive before the above assigned date, but customer service won't generally know about it, really.

Any corrections, let me know.

A couple of points:
  • Order numbers (6 digits) for phone orders DO NOT work with the online status check page. To check the status of phone orders, you must call customer service.
  • Call Fedex to check whether there is a package being sent to your address. If not, you don't have to wait for the truck the next day.
  • Calm down, it will be worth it in the end?
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Master of the Universe
May 14, 2010
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good idea, although I am sure there will be a troll or two.... as for me, I purchased on the 12th and was told shipping *by* the 29th, however; recently I got an email from Big Red and said that payment was taken on the 14th therefore I would be shipped *on* the 4th....


Well-known member
May 1, 2010
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A troll? Guess that will be me, maybe a mod will sticky this, because honestly we really have enough shipping threads. Even though this one pushes across ACTUAL useful information.


Master of the Universe
May 14, 2010
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it is exactly what I asked for in my thread...I just asked for each person to enter their own information, so I hope you were not referring to me as not pushing useful information


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May 1, 2010
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What part of that did you not understand.

#1 I hope a mod will sticky this.
#2 The reason being we don't need anymore of these threads.
#3 This one, unlike the others actually has useful information.

I never said anything about you? And your information is the same as every other thread. So is it useful to you, not really to everyone else because everyones information is different. The OPs information is the overall information from Verizon's site, to get an overview of things.

So what are you talking about? The only information you can get from the other threads is, he order his the same day he already has his I didn't get mine, whine whine whine. That's all I've pulled from those threads they have been taken over. To quote the OP of this thread:

dimanchi said:
There's way too many threads and confusion over what is happening with the Incredible situation...

Bottom line is if you know what date you ordered your phone you look at the information above and know when your phone will be there.

Your example posted above is perfect. Transaction was entered into the system on 5/14 probably means it hit shipping info waiting for fulfillment of the phone by 5/15, which by looking above means you will get it by 6/4 which matches your email. Pretty useful information if you ask me.

Sorry if you took my previous post personal dude, get over it it wasn't pointed at anyone.
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Master of the Universe
May 14, 2010
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ACTUAL useful information:

I checked the online orders section at VZW.com and instead of seeing the Dinc shipping in 2-3 days, it now says

"Order Status: Your order has been processed and will be shipped based on inventory availability and shipping method. You will receive shipment notification and tracking details via email."

good news or not, its something different....

P.S. I love how other people always feel the need to express their opinion on how many threads there should be of any certain topic.... One could either enter said thread and make their opinion known, to which others may or may not appreciate and then there is two, the objector could simply not waste his or her time complaining about something and move on... sadly to see that some still go with the first option....
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Well-known member
May 16, 2010
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ACTUAL useful information:

I checked the online orders section at VZW.com and instead of seeing the Dinc shipping in 2-3 days, it now says

"Order Status: Your order has been processed and will be shipped based on inventory availability and shipping method. You will receive shipment notification and tracking details via email."

good news or not, its something different....

P.S. I love how other people always feel the need to express their opinion on how many threads there should be of any certain topic.... One could either enter said thread and make their opinion known, to which others may or may not appreciate and then there is two, the objector could simply not waste his or her time complaining about something and move on... sadly to see that some still go with the first option....

EXACTLY .. Qazme - I've noticed the last couple days that you enter the shipping threads and have nothing good/constructive to say. If you don't like people complaining about not getting their phone or being impatient - here's a "helpful" tip for you - don't go in the thread! If it honestly bothers you that much, then just don't even open the thread. You already have your phone, so why are you in a shipping thread anyways? If you do have something to add to the thread then go ahead and do it. I know, I'm not a mod so I can't do anything about it, it's just gotten really annoying. I'm not saying you do this with every post, because you don't .. I've enjoyed reading your other posts that actually pertain to what is being said in the thread. /rant


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2010
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Ok ok...lets all play nice now. :) and Kainz15 I am sure you understand it works both ways with the annoyance factor...maybe Q seems annoyed that there are constantly threads about shipping being pushed to the top only to see stuff like "watched the fedex truck go by my house today...it didn't stop" over and over again.


Well-known member
May 16, 2010
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Ok ok...lets all play nice now. :) and Kainz15 I am sure you understand it works both ways with the annoyance factor...maybe Q seems annoyed that there are constantly threads about shipping being pushed to the top only to see stuff like "watched the fedex truck go by my house today...it didn't stop" over and over again.

Right, I understand that... but im saying if he gets so annoyed by seeing those threads then just don't go in and read them. I'm not saying he doesn't have the right to get annoyed..sure he does. He just doens't need to rain on everyone else's parade that enjoys talking about it. That's all I was saying. - No harm meant!


Well-known member
May 1, 2010
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Ok ok...lets all play nice now. :) and Kainz15 I am sure you understand it works both ways with the annoyance factor...maybe Q seems annoyed that there are constantly threads about shipping being pushed to the top only to see stuff like "watched the fedex truck go by my house today...it didn't stop" over and over again.

That's exactly my point. I come here to see information about Android, the latest problem or question or to help the new guys with their new phone. It's just gotten really annoying seeing ANOTHER shipping thread being pushed to the top every day with nothing useful.

Hence the reason of making this one a sticky. And I came into these threads originally to help people, but now it's just an annoyance. I mean honestly you know the date they told you your phone would ship by, you know there is a shortage. So what's the point of everyday coming into a thread and saying, "still no word from Verizon".....I understand it's important to you it would be me too if I was waiting. But it's not important to anyone else, and it's not helping them figure anything out about the status of their phone.

Sorry but the annoyance goes both ways. I was pro for this thread as long as it was made a stick so no more had to be created but that seems to have been lost somewhere along the bash on Qazme route.

EXACTLY .. Qazme - I've noticed the last couple days that you enter the shipping threads and have nothing good/constructive to say.

My point exactly THREADS....there really only needs to be one. I'm done on it, hope when you get your phone some of you guys know how to use the search feature.

Right, I understand that... but im saying if he gets so annoyed by seeing those threads then just don't go in and read them. I'm not saying he doesn't have the right to get annoyed..sure he does. He just doens't need to rain on everyone else's parade that enjoys talking about it. That's all I was saying. - No harm meant!

Wait so by me saying to someone who just posted such wonderful quips as........."Fedex just went by no phone again today for me, I ordered on 5/20" honestly you've only been waiting a freakin day dude......."Just got off the phone with Verizon they told me they didn't process my order till two days later and gave me an exact date of when it would ship but I still refuse to accept I won't be getting my phone today"............

I mean really......none of that crap is useful. When people come in when they GET their phone and say hey I ordered this day, it arrived this day so it took me X number of days to get the phone Verizon shipped it to me X number of days earlier or later than they promised would be much much much more useful than, "Hey ordered my phone 3 days ago I'm here to complain cause its not here yet even though I know they are still on backorder" etc etc etc. It just gets tiring seeing the threads come to the top.

And ignore them, don't go in them, don't read them??? I did wow I posted up what TWICE maybe THREE times in how many pages of that thread? You can only ignore something for so long before it becomes an annoyance....I guess like me huh? Maybe people will start seeing the point.
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Master of the Universe
May 14, 2010
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so instead of ignoring this, you felt you had to put in your two cents and push this thread back to the top..... great point!


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May 1, 2010
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No actually I was agreeing with this thread until you started this emo slap fight. Either way I'm done. lol.


Master of the Universe
May 14, 2010
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Well, technically I'm not the emo one..... my grass is though..... but I like it that way because it cuts itself.... OK, back on topic.... looks like some people are getting shipping emails that ordered on the 10-11 of May.... good news for all, our time is coming.

ABad Santa

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May 13, 2010
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Qazme- Right now the shipping thread is more of a medium for members to vent. We all know the phone lives up to its name, which is why its backordered. We're just temperamental right now because we're anxious for our phones.


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May 1, 2010
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I know and I would like to take the opportunity to apologize to izzyncade and anyone else that feels like I've attacked them in the couple of posts I've made on the threads about shipping. If I was waiting on my phone I would be impatient too, I didn't get mine in the 2 days it was promised I ended up waiting for 4 days which made it hard on me. I took those days and watched god knows how many unboxing and review videos.

I know the threads are for venting, and I should ignore them which I did for many days as people where just posting their shipping information. It just gets hard to go, "man that sucks" and turn into a "you have got to me kidding me!" moment when you see the thread go from information to useless none communication.

An ongoing thread of discussion is one thing. But nobody is talking to each other about the shipping or giving out information, they are just fragmented discussions on how bad it sucks the fedex or ups man didn't run today and that doesn't help anyone. That's the point, I suppose, I failed to push across or was misinterpreted in making. Either way I will try not to stomp anymore, cooler heads will prevail, especially since my bad days seem to be getting a bit better. YMMV lol.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2010
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Sorry Qazme, I must second everyone's frustration with your un-helpful, condescending comments in the shipping threads. Please just avoid these threads...

I learned some valuable info today about people receiving shipping emails from VZW today. Furthermore, this is a blog. People are entitled to idle chatter and banter as well as sharing "important" information.


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May 1, 2010
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Wow....see it's responses like these that cause things to go south again. So I guess you should read a bit more before responding. People talking about their email received with shipping information is useful, idle chatter about their shipping information is useful which IS the important information. Jumping into a thread to simply say, "still no delivery today", instead of keeping an ongoing topic of discussion is not so useful.

Climb back under your bridge.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2010
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Wow....see it's responses like these that cause things to go south again. So I guess you should read a bit more before responding. People talking about their email received with shipping information is useful, idle chatter about their shipping information is useful which IS the important information. Jumping into a thread to simply say, "still no delivery today", instead of keeping an ongoing topic of discussion is not so useful.

Climb back under your bridge.

You're lowering the quality of these threads repeatedly...Is it that hard for you to stop checking the shipping threads?


Well-known member
May 1, 2010
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Only when people keep replying "attacking" me. I have the right to respond to attacks I suppose.

My last response as this is going nowhere.

Sorry Jeremy I'm done with it.
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