Exchanging my RAZR


Android Addict
Feb 25, 2011
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After dealing with the idiots at the VZW store for over an hour (I won't get in to that), I ran out of the store in a hurry to make it to an appointment, with my new RAZR in hand.

I get done with my appointment and look at the phone (first time looking at it really) and I'm disappointed in a few things. Looking at the screen of the phone, the top left corner is coming apart. It is like it wasn't glued enough...there is a gap that corner big enough for me to be a fingernail, or two business cards in. The other corners aren't this way. Also, when looking at the screen, the bottom right corner "clicks" when any pressure is applied. So, everytime I pickup the phone it "clicks". It's almost like the adhesive in there is sticky enough to make a little "pop" sound as the two pieces separate, but not sticky enough to hold it together.

Looks like I get to go visit with my idiotic friends at the VZW store once more to get an exchange.

Hopefully this RAZR experience gets better quickly.



Well-known member
May 11, 2011
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My RAZR had two, very visible scratches out of the box, I am returning that one today. I received a replacement, and though there is a minor scratch, this one is not really visible.


Android Addict
Feb 25, 2011
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The guy at the store argued with me and wasn't going to replace it. Then, I watched in horror as he went all "hulk-a-mania" on the little door that covers the sim card and micro sd card...ripped it clean off the phone. The guy got frustrated and gave it the manager and walked in back, and the manager tried to tell me they wouldn't replace it because it was damaged.

All settled now, but all in all today I lost two hours time dealing with this crap and I'm sure my blood pressure is through the roof...

the one and only M

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Nov 7, 2009
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The guy at the store argued with me and wasn't going to replace it. Then, I watched in horror as he went all "hulk-a-mania" on the little door that covers the sim card and micro sd card...ripped it clean off the phone. The guy got frustrated and gave it the manager and walked in back, and the manager tried to tell me they wouldn't replace it because it was damaged.

Allstate settled now, but all in all today I lost two hours time dealing with this crap and I'm sure my blood pressure is through the roof...
Wow that is some horrible service. Part of the reason why I don't even bother with store reps. The sim door is the part I hate most about the hardware.


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Aug 15, 2010
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Yup, the employees at the VZW store built your phone. They specifically singled you out to give that one too.

If you can't handle the wait, maybe don't buy a popular phone on launch date.

So yours is one in a million. There are always a few defective units that get out, from ALL manufacturers.

These VZW employees deal with customers like YOU pretty much all day every day. So try taking a breath, and enjoying being alive in this time to have a mini super computer communication device in your pocket that is only 7mm thin. Give your heart and these eemployees a break.

Your phone will be replaced whether you are a jerk or not. And chances are, if you're polite, things will go 10x smoother.



Well-known member
Mar 28, 2010
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Yup, the employees at the VZW store built your phone. They specifically singled you out to give that one too.

If you can't handle the wait, maybe don't buy a popular phone on launch date.

So yours is one in a million. There are always a few defective units that get out, from ALL manufacturers.

These VZW employees deal with customers like YOU pretty much all day every day. So try taking a breath, and enjoying being alive in this time to have a mini super computer communication device in your pocket that is only 7mm thin. Give your heart and these eemployees a break.

Your phone will be replaced whether you are a jerk or not. And chances are, if you're polite, things will go 10x smoother.


wow!!! really? where you there to witness him/her being a jerk or rude? i am guessing not. so your complaint/rant there doesn't hold water until you know the whole story. it is people like you that make living life so miserable. you go on and make an assumption on very little facts. in my opinion the world would be a whole lot better without people like you on it .


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Sep 3, 2011
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The reason he would not take it back is because it hurts their numbers for return take rate even being a exchange. However they are obligated to due it just call customer care right there and then they will remark the account and will have not option but to honor it by doing a doa exchange.


Android Addict
Feb 25, 2011
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Yup, the employees at the VZW store built your phone. They specifically singled you out to give that one too.

If you can't handle the wait, maybe don't buy a popular phone on launch date.

So yours is one in a million. There are always a few defective units that get out, from ALL manufacturers.

These VZW employees deal with customers like YOU pretty much all day every day. So try taking a breath, and enjoying being alive in this time to have a mini super computer communication device in your pocket that is only 7mm thin. Give your heart and these eemployees a break.

Your phone will be replaced whether you are a jerk or not. And chances are, if you're polite, things will go 10x smoother.


I wasn't rude at all....let me guess, you're a VZW store rep that got yelled at today? I wasn't a jerk at all, and I wasn't upset with them about the phone. I was a little disappointed, but it was no big deal. At least not until the guy was a total jerk. Even then I stayed calm, didn't raise my voice or anything. I'm a professional businessman, and I acted just as I would in front of my clients, friends or family. I wasn't out of line at all, and I'm sure the VZW rep would agree. He would say he thinks I'm too picky because he thought the phone was fine.

These guys are boneheads. I posted on here in another thread about having to cancel my credit card numbers due to theft, and therefore not having a credit card to prepay my pre-order, so I cancelled it. The brilliant rep in the store today tried 5 times to sell me the phone at retail because of my "pending order". I told her countless times what happened, and that the pre-order she is referencing should be cancelled, and then that will free up my upgrade. She couldn't figure it out. After nearly an hour I called customer care, and they had the problem fixed in less than 45 seconds. The rep had called 3-4 people over to try and help, and they were all saying the problem lied in the fact that my wife has a warranty replacement for her Thunderbolt in route. The rep's at this store are plain stupid and rude, it wasn't my fault.

And, like I said, I wasn't upset with them at all about the hardware being bad. I just got a little upset when the guy told me he wouldn't exchange because he thought it was fine, and then proceeded to rip the door off that covers the two card slots.

I don't know why I'm typing all this, I don't owe you an explanation.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2011
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If you have a complaint about any Verizon wireless representative, either at a store or call center just go to the contact us link on the vzw main page and complete the complaint form with as much information as you can.


Well-known member
Oct 23, 2011
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That sucks that they gave you such a hard time. I would definitely complain. If yours is an isolated incident it won't mean much but maybe others have had complaints about that store and corporate might see the need to make changes. I'd also go out of my way to find another VZW store.

I've been going to one near my house for years and never had a problem. Once i left something there by accident. The saleswoman called to tell me and even stayed there 10 minutes past closing so that I could get it. There are good ones.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2011
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After dealing with the idiots at the VZW store for over an hour (I won't get in to that), I ran out of the store in a hurry to make it to an appointment, with my new RAZR in hand.

I get done with my appointment and look at the phone (first time looking at it really) and I'm disappointed in a few things. Looking at the screen of the phone, the top left corner is coming apart. It is like it wasn't glued enough...there is a gap that corner big enough for me to be a fingernail, or two business cards in. The other corners aren't this way. Also, when looking at the screen, the bottom right corner "clicks" when any pressure is applied. So, everytime I pickup the phone it "clicks". It's almost like the adhesive in there is sticky enough to make a little "pop" sound as the two pieces separate, but not sticky enough to hold it together.

Looks like I get to go visit with my idiotic friends at the VZW store once more to get an exchange.

Hopefully this RAZR experience gets better quickly.


Why would you buy the first run of a product? Do you really feel like being part of the group that discovers all the manufacturing defects that were caused by faulty design and/or the rush to market? Why not wait a couple weeks?


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2010
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Why would you buy the first run of a product? Do you really feel like being part of the group that discovers all the manufacturing defects that were caused by faulty design and/or the rush to market? Why not wait a couple weeks?

That's not really a valid argument. Just because you are first to get something doesn't mean you should expect the quality if the item to be faulty. I do realize that sometimes there are defective items, but it shouldn't be expected. If you pay money for a product, then the product should work as advertised.

Sent from my iPhone 4S using Tapatalk


Galaxy nexus!
Jul 27, 2010
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I hate vzw reps in store,they worry about their sale numbers more than customer service,that's why I order online and not deal with all of that.


Well-known member
May 20, 2010
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I hate vzw reps in store,they worry about their sale numbers more than customer service,that's why I order online and not deal with all of that.

You're absolutely right. I love when I go in to buy a phone and the rep says "I'll be right back with your phone". When he comes back not only does he have the phone but like 15 other accessories i never asked for and they place it down like they are about to ring it all up until you speak up. I actually had one rep tell me that I needed the covers and screen guards, etc because Verizon had a new policy that if one tiny scratch is found on the phone then the warranty is voided!


Well-known member
May 22, 2010
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Yup, the employees at the VZW store built your phone. They specifically singled you out to give that one too.

If you can't handle the wait, maybe don't buy a popular phone on launch date.

So yours is one in a million. There are always a few defective units that get out, from ALL manufacturers.

These VZW employees deal with customers like YOU pretty much all day every day. So try taking a breath, and enjoying being alive in this time to have a mini super computer communication device in your pocket that is only 7mm thin. Give your heart and these eemployees a break.

Your phone will be replaced whether you are a jerk or not. And chances are, if you're polite, things will go 10x smoother.


You talk a lot for someone who wasn't there. The idiocy and ignorance of done individuals.


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2010
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Yup, the employees at the VZW store built your phone. They specifically singled you out to give that one too.

If you can't handle the wait, maybe don't buy a popular phone on launch date.

So yours is one in a million. There are always a few defective units that get out, from ALL manufacturers.

These VZW employees deal with customers like YOU pretty much all day every day. So try taking a breath, and enjoying being alive in this time to have a mini super computer communication device in your pocket that is only 7mm thin. Give your heart and these eemployees a break.

Your phone will be replaced whether you are a jerk or not. And chances are, if you're polite, things will go 10x smoother.

JCrome, I agree with you! I think the people who are complaining are probably the rude customers who expect to be treated nicely if their the ones being rude. If a customer is rude to me from the beginning I refuse to deal with them I walk away and let upper management know I will not be subjected to rudeness or harassment in anyway. People who are rude should realize bad attitude = bad service so try changing your poor attitude and you might get great service.


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Sep 22, 2010
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I can't imagine Verizon reps being that rude, but unfortunately I know certain stores have their less than stellar reps. I work for a corporate store and I know ours is the best customer service wise in our area. We get a lot of people surprised at our level of customer service many times hearing the words "Wow, you guys are much nicer than (enter store here)!"

Admittedly, I like to here that but also don't. Really, though, this happens in most commission-based environments. I worked for Sears, Circuit City and Sprint and it seems these stories never end. Oh, well. Glad they took care of you though. Our launch here was thankfully a smashing success. No DOA's.


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Oct 28, 2009
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I am in the hating Verizon sales assc. today as I experienced one of the worst privacy issue and unprofessional customer service I have ever had. To sum up the story I had been having issues with Bluetooth connection and the HDMI saying it was connecting when it wasn't all day. Went to a store to exchange it about 6 hours from time of purchase and of course they did a factory reset.

After still experiencing the the HDMI issue the rep then took my phone into the back room for approx. 15 min. He then returned with Ginger root installed on the phone...... which he had just preformed a factory reset on!!! and tried to accuse of of rooting the phone.

I asked what gave him the right to go though my personal files on my SD card, I have work related sensitive information on there which is where the privacy issue comes up, and why did he install something on the phone if he didn't know what it was?

I felt they went too far as I am not the type of person who tries to cover up rooting, I was honest and straightforward with them from the beginning, as I do not root devices until the 14 days are past to make sure the phone works properly. Not only did they go through my personal files without asking me, but they also installed ginger root on the device themselves and then tried to blame me.

I am honestly considering leaving Verizon as I feel that was too far. Thanks for letting me rant. =)