Favorite things to do on moto 360


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Jan 15, 2011
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Being able to safely text while driving and monitoring other notifications easily during the day.
Yes yes absolutely begging for safely text while driving that's great. Notifications without pulling out the phone are also awesome.


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Jan 15, 2011
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Starting car navigation from the watch, music controls, fitness tracking, Keep notes.

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Yes not only starting navigation on the watch to the phone, but changing destination locations from watch to your phone is awesome really really awesome another thing that I didn't realize it would be cool as since the watch doesn't use nearly as much battery as our phones do, I leave my Nexus 6 charging play music through Google play music blast the speakers, and control everything with my watch I love it. It works out really great. The watch has literally turned into a remote control for the phone.


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Oct 16, 2013
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When it works (could use some polishing) I like the remote access features that I get through wifi on the occasion that I've left my phone sitting in the car cradle.

If this were more consistent, it would be reason enough alone for the Moto.


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Jan 15, 2011
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When it works (could use some polishing) I like the remote access features that I get through wifi on the occasion that I've left my phone sitting in the car cradle.

If this were more consistent, it would be reason enough alone for the Moto.
Yes, I love the fact that I Animal Control pretty much everything on my phone for my watch. Since our phones go through battery a lot quicker than the watch, it's nice to be able to put the phone up to the charger and still use the watch remotely


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Jan 15, 2016
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I am a basic user here... and the M360g2 does the basics extremely well when paired with my LG V10. So txt and call messaging are great. There are scattered comments about the vibration strength not being enough but I have not found that to be the case at all. I like responding via voice to TXT messages, although I do have to speak MUCH slower and clearer than I normally do to get it to work. Admittedly I am a fast talker by nature. It doesn't bother me at all not being able to answer voice calls through the watch, (like I thought it might). IMHO certain things should remain private.

Haven't tried games on it yet, or remote camera shots or music player controls.

One thing I DO like is the grocery shopping check list. I check off items from my wrist without taking my phone out of my pocket.

As a watch collector WatchMaker Premium is awesome. The development community and open source developer support is unreal. Fellow watch enthusiasts, simulating every watch imaginable. Absolutely worth the ~$3-4. Another good one is Intellicom watch faces, the watch designs are a little more "crude" looking and some a little less refined looking... but still there are a LOT to chose from.