Gestures in apps!


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Jul 8, 2013
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After posting an inquery in a sub-sub-forum and leaving it there for a day with no replies, I'm trying my luck here! I'm sorry if that's not kosher by Android Central standards...


Disclaimer: This is my first post here, and I'm a greenhorn in the Android jungle, so please bear with me if I use the wrong terms and expressions, and if anything's just dead wrong!

After using my old iPhone 4 at Roskilde and returning to my Xperia Z, this is has bigger problem than when I switched.

In iOS, in apps like Facebook and Instagram, navigating is made easy by using gestures, such as
- swiping towards right to go back/up or revealing menu;
- swiping down to exit full-picture view.

Now, is there a way to implement this in my Xperia Z? With the navigate back/up button being located in the top left corner you'd have to be Shaq to reach it without readjusting your grip!

Any solution will do; I'm not a huge fan of the stock launcher, so if there's a better one, please let me know!

Thank you!


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May 23, 2010
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Welcome to Forums! Regarding gestures, it all depends on each particular app and if the developer has enabled that feature or design element into the app. If certain apps have features on iOS it would not be safe to assume that the equivelant is avaialable for Android.

For Launchers, I use Nova Launcher Pro. Other good choices include ADW EX, Apex and Go Launcher -- these are launchers that I have used and find each good to use. Give the free versions a spin and see if its worth getting the paid. Remember that you will lose your stock widgets since those are tied to the stock launcher. For every stock widget you lose you'll likely find an equivelant or better third-party solution in the Play Store.

Let us know how things go.

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