Google keyboard on jellybean used to offer more than 3 word suggestions. How to get this back?

Jae Brandywine

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Mar 20, 2015
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I have Android 4.2.2. I briefly switched to Swiftkey for the emojis, and discovered when I switched back to Google keyboard that I was back to only 3 word predictions. These are based on words that are similar to the one I'm swiping, rather than including words I've typed before (some of which are not in the library).

For instance, I used to be able to send a text to my carpool buddy, and it predicted the identical text I send just about every day.

I have Swype ad well as Google Keyboard enabled on my device. I had then both enabled before.

I'd appreciate any help with the settings. Please tell me if you need more info. Thanks in advance!

B. Diddy

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Mar 9, 2012
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Go to Settings>Language & Input>Google Keyboard>Text Correction, and make sure Personalized Suggestions is turned on.

Chris Moschini

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Oct 26, 2015
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Go to Settings>Language & Input>Google Keyboard>Text Correction, and make sure Personalized Suggestions is turned on.

That makes no difference.

There's no setting you can change that will fix this. The best you can do is get ahold of the old version. Google screwed up.
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