How do I uninstall the latest Samsung software update?


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Apr 12, 2017
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Re: uninstall latest samsung software update

Is there an answer. This new update has [language redacted by Mod] my phone. I hate it !!!!!!!!!!!!
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Apr 12, 2017
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Re: uninstall latest samsung software update

I doubt it. Instantly from the moment the update finished ive had apps crashing. Texting or even messenger have become an adventure. They work when they want. (Not often). Texts received or sent are duplicated numerous times. Most times they just wont send. Sometimes they say they failed but actually do go through and i get a response to them.


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Jul 7, 2013
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Re: uninstall latest samsung software update

Is there an answer. This new update has [language edited by Mod] my phone. I hate it !!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you happen to see my post #11 in this thread? There IS a way to revert the OS but you will have to make sure you have a backup of your data as it WILL result in a wipe of the phone. That said, if you're going to make a backup of the data anyway you may as well try the suggested factory reset FIRST and if that still doesn't help with your issues then you can re-flash an older version.

You don't say what phone you have, the guide in the post mentioned is for Samsung devices.
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Nov 22, 2014
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Re: uninstall latest samsung software update

How do I uninstall latest software update. I hate it. Thanks
WOW! I see all of these negative post about Nougat. Maybe some of the problems are carrier based. I have Verizon, everything went fine with the update... I am 74 yrs old & love the new OS. A lot of your issues can be fixed in the settings. I recommend going on YouTube and watching some tutorials. There are tons of them that will go over all features & settings. I love the new "blue light filter setting. Several options on when you want it on. It is great at night... easy on the eyes & makes it easier to go to sleep (doesn't stimulate the brain). One of the best features is the "always on display". Several types to pick from... with my SCREEN turned OFF it is dimly lit, only uses 1% of battery per day. I can see time, date, battery power, add a photo etc... I get notification ICONS eg: mail, message, weather etc... If you double tap a icon on the screen when it's off it opens right into the e-mail, message, etc... You don't even have to open your home screen. Split screen works great, love the new swipe left for camera settings ( more user friendly too!) When in camera just swipe up or down anyplace on the screen to instantly switch back & forth between front & back cameras. Maybe I am one of the few people that love Nougat ,and updated with no problems!

Gerald Acker

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Apr 16, 2017
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Re: uninstall latest samsung software update

Dear god this update makes me want to throw my phone into a toaster and UPGRADE to a flip phone.

Is anyone else noticing that it is taking literally forever to get a full charge with this new update? It used to take less than maybe 3 hours to charge to full. Now if I have less than 30% and I plug it in when I go to sleep I may be lucky to have 75-80% when I wake up 6 hours or so later.

I'm trying to roll back my firmware but who knows if that will last. If Samsung thinks this will make me by a Galaxy 8 they are sadly mistaken.


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Apr 23, 2017
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Re: uninstall latest samsung software update

Welcome to Android Central! See my response in this other similar thread:

I followed the thread to your post but I'm honestly confused. The extent of my smartphone knowledge and understanding is limited. I really only know how to Google, make calls and play games on it. Can you clarify, by following those steps will i be deleting any pictures, contacts, messages etc? Thank you!

B. Diddy

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Mar 9, 2012
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Re: uninstall latest samsung software update

I followed the thread to your post but I'm honestly confused. The extent of my smartphone knowledge and understanding is limited. I really only know how to Google, make calls and play games on it. Can you clarify, by following those steps will i be deleting any pictures, contacts, messages etc? Thank you!

Welcome to Android Central! If you're a real novice, then I would strongly recommend against trying to roll back the update. It's not for beginners, and if you do something wrong, you might lose data or irreversibly brick your phone.

B. Diddy

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Mar 9, 2012
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There's clearly a lot of frustration being vented in this thread, but everyone should understand the following:

1. There is no easy way to roll back a system update. Your best option is to use Odin to flash the previous firmware, but this is not for absolute beginners:

2. If there are no settings in the system or within the apps to change the appearance of an app (e.g., the background colors, text colors, fonts, etc.), then you could try changing the theme, or installing a 3rd party launcher like Nova Launcher.

3. For actual glitches in performance, try wiping the cache partition. The steps for most Galaxy phones are the same:

4. Major system updates will almost always come with some sort of tweaks to the UI. This is unavoidable. It's partly from the addition of new features or modification of existing ones, but there's also the constant drive to "freshen up" the look, because human beings get bored very easily. It's why people get a new phone every couple of years, or a new car every 3-7 years, or why your favorite store rearranges its aisles every few months. If you don't like how something looks and you want the manufacturer to change it, the best thing we can suggest (besides the above) is to send them feedback (and, of course, remember that Android Central does not have any direct affiliation with Google or any phone manufacturer).

Thank you for keeping your comments and responses respectful.
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Apr 23, 2017
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Re: uninstall latest samsung software update

B. Diddy, thank you very much! Definitely don't want to mess up my phone and create an even bigger mess for myself. I appreciate your response and will definitely heed your advice. Thanks again!


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May 1, 2017
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Meeee tooo!!! My Sony bag phone was less frustrating!

I am one of the haters! I love my Note 5, or did, until this horrible update. I like the blue light filter too, however I can no longer use the pull down to change screen brightness, my map no longer has anything recent, rather things from years ago. Its more like a back date. And whats up with the lock protection crap? Swipe to the side swipe up swipe to the side, do a cartwheel and swipe some more. Enter a password, a fingerprint and swipe 2 more times. Im in, but i got a phone call! The screen blacked out while on my ear and now I am back to swiping! Like wtf?

Oh andddd.... my phone is so slow now. Its crazy! I try to pull up google and it takes several minutes of looking at a blank screen before the search bar pops up.
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May 6, 2017
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I haven't seen anyone else complain about it, but since I did the update, my battery life SUCKS!! I get about 2 hours on a full charge! It happened IMMEDIATELY after the update and nothing else has changed on my phone! I am so upset!! The day after the update, I left my oldest to babysit my youngest while I ran errands. I had a full charge at 8:00am and my phone had shut down and turned off while I was out. I noticed around 10am when I was going to call and check in on them! This morning, same thing, took it off the charger at 6:45, and by 9:30 my phone has less than 20% charge! I simply cannot live like this!!!! If I can't rely on it, it does me no good!

Is the only option to move to an iPhone? This is across the board Android, so it doesn't matter what phone you have, if you have Android, you are stuck and changing phones will not matter, right? I have to do something and I have to do it now, as in THIS weekend. Having a batterly life of 2 hours will simply NOT work for me.

B. Diddy

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Mar 9, 2012
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I haven't seen anyone else complain about it, but since I did the update, my battery life SUCKS!! I get about 2 hours on a full charge! It happened IMMEDIATELY after the update and nothing else has changed on my phone! I am so upset!! The day after the update, I left my oldest to babysit my youngest while I ran errands. I had a full charge at 8:00am and my phone had shut down and turned off while I was out. I noticed around 10am when I was going to call and check in on them! This morning, same thing, took it off the charger at 6:45, and by 9:30 my phone has less than 20% charge! I simply cannot live like this!!!! If I can't rely on it, it does me no good!

Is the only option to move to an iPhone? This is across the board Android, so it doesn't matter what phone you have, if you have Android, you are stuck and changing phones will not matter, right? I have to do something and I have to do it now, as in THIS weekend. Having a batterly life of 2 hours will simply NOT work for me.

Welcome to Android Central! Sorry you're facing that issue -- no, 2 hours of battery life is not normal, but it's not "across the board" as you say. Something isn't working quite right on your phone. Have you tried wiping the system cache partition yet? This can be a helpful step after major system update, by clearing out some of the previous temporary system data that might be mucking things up. I'm not sure which phone you have, but these steps should work for most Samsung phones:


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Aug 2, 2017
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I don't usually bother to post comments or even read blogs, forums, etc. but the latest update to my S6 has infuriated me and sent my partner into incandescent orbit and so I have to say something.

Some folks are right though, no one is going to listen or care. I have been in high end IT for 40 odd years and I know that even if you have a piece of software that works perfectly, someone will think they can add value to it. It's an ego trip ... "I know better than the user, so do it my way!" They just make changes because they can and THEY think it's cool. It doesn't matter if a high proportion of the user base doesn't like it. Beside that they need to justify their position in the IT hierarchy and build a case for their career advancement.

B. Diddy mentions that humans get bored easily; whereas in some circumstances this may be true, in this case it is not true. My S6 is a tool. As long as it does the job I want it to do, and it did, there is no need to change it. (Try as we may to make them look "better" a wheel is still a wheel) Take text messages. If I type a long text message, once it has been sent it gets truncated and I can no longer read it in the context of the preceeding or successive texts without opening a new "feature" thus hiding all the other texts in the chain. If they'd just truncated the message and added a button to restore/truncate then it could revert to the way it used to be easily - a bit like the folding editors you get with some development systems. But, oh no, they wouldn't do that because this is "better" ..... and don't get me started on the icons! ..... and will you stop asking me if I want to block notifications for updates to appLICATIONS (not Apps, I can be bothered to type or say applications) that I don't use and don't want!

Now I loathe and detest Apple and won't have an Apple device in the house (for lots of reasons, I'm techie and Apple don't like you to meddle or know what they are doing so they are very restrictive) but if anything is going to convince me to get an iPhone this it.

This update has done the Android world no favours at all and possibly hastened it's demise.


Q&A Team
Nov 22, 2014
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Re: uninstall latest samsung software update

All I'm seeing is people hate the update without actually saying what they hate about it. There are a few though that are easy to answer..

The brightness on pulldown is easy. Pull down twice to see the brightness slider. Beside it you will see a downward pointing arrow. It will bring up a menu where one of the options is 'show brightness slider on top'. Activate that and the brightness slider will once again be available on the first pull.

On the lack of color, several themes in the Samsung Store allow you to change the looks of the phones. I am currently using the high contrast theme and it looks like this:


Note that I like my backgrounds black so I chose that theme.

So any other specific problems I missed?


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Feb 21, 2018
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There's clearly a lot of frustration being vented in this thread, but everyone should understand the following:

1. There is no easy way to roll back a system update. Your best option is to use Odin to flash the previous firmware, but this is not for absolute beginners:

2. If there are no settings in the system or within the apps to change the appearance of an app (e.g., the background colors, text colors, fonts, etc.), then you could try changing the theme, or installing a 3rd party launcher like Nova Launcher.

3. For actual glitches in performance, try wiping the cache partition. The steps for most Galaxy phones are the same:

4. Major system updates will almost always come with some sort of tweaks to the UI. This is unavoidable. It's partly from the addition of new features or modification of existing ones, but there's also the constant drive to "freshen up" the look, because human beings get bored very easily. It's why people get a new phone every couple of years, or a new car every 3-7 years, or why your favorite store rearranges its aisles every few months. If you don't like how something looks and you want the manufacturer to change it, the best thing we can suggest (besides the above) is to send them feedback (and, of course, remember that Android Central does not have any direct affiliation with Google or any phone manufacturer).

Thank you for keeping your comments and responses respectful.

Mate, I'm sure the advice is good and I do think of myself as a technically literate person (I now realise erroneously) but I simply can't follow your Odin advice. Would it be possible to rewrite that in a more step by step fashion explaining where we download the Odin software from, what we should do with it etc. I would so appreciate this because otherwise my phone (the 6th Samsung I've owned and loved in about 7 years) is unworkable and will be going into the rubbish bin. Thank you.


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Feb 21, 2018
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Re: uninstall latest samsung software update

Welcome to Android Central! If you're a real novice, then I would strongly recommend against trying to roll back the update. It's not for beginners, and if you do something wrong, you might lose data or irreversibly brick your phone.

Then I'm left with an unworkable, unusable, hateful phone. I don't think that's the answer. Surely there's a way to do this - I've backed up all the data and the phone's going in the bin anyway. It's just that I can't follow your instructions. They aren't clear or detailed or divided into sufficient sub-steps

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