HTC ONE M8 Or iPhone 6

Neha Mehra

Sep 27, 2014
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Hey leathernuts#WP,i am actually bored of iOS for a while so getting myself an M8..Have never tried Android so will get one M8 for myself today.Thanks for your suggestion

Neha Mehra

Sep 27, 2014
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Hey Sandersj80
thanks for your advice and yes dear i am going for the M8..i love it..Infact i will be picking one up in an hour.It will be my first android phone,i am so excited!


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Jul 24, 2012
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I used to be a big iPhone fan and finally strayed for the bigger screen on the galaxy s3. Didn't care much for the Samsung but it showed me enough about android to keep me and I've since had a nexus 5 and now the one m8.

It's strange but my soft spot for the iPhone still remains to some extent and I kind of want apple to win me back. I've been researching the 6 and 6 plus a lot but not sure they've quite done enough yet. When you look at what they charge it would really have to destroy the m8 to be worthwhile and I don't think it does. In fact it probably losses in most respects.

I find it quite sad how customers flock to the iPhone and apple can seemingly do no wrong. This years iPhones are a big step up but really I wish apple would make more of an effort and really try and win customers by offering something different and better. The iPhone is so popular though that they don't really need to

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May 15, 2014
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If you're deeply immersed in the iOS ecosystem (apps, music, movies, etc.) I'd say go for iPhone 6. If not, give the M8 a try.

The comment about the M8 battery life being terrific is not informative. 73% after 10 hours is NOT normal. The battery is fine, but that's obviously being ultra conservative with battery use. Both phones will give you about the same battery life. Very good, but not like that.

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Feb 23, 2010
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I have the M8 and have been an avid android user with one regression for the iPhone 4. I decided for myself it was time to make a change and have a iPhone 6 being shipped out to me this week. Now a days you cannot go wrong with either platform - the spec watchers and number crunchers will talk about how the M8 beats out the 6, but I am looking for user experience and not benchmarks. Android also is much more customizable - for me I am past my rooting days and customizing much. the iPhone choice was one for simplicity as I live a Apple environment and it makes it easier. Again though - you cannot go wrong with either.


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Aug 23, 2014
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If you're deeply immersed in the iOS ecosystem (apps, music, movies, etc.) I'd say go for iPhone 6. If not, give the M8 a try.

The comment about the M8 battery life being terrific is not informative. 73% after 10 hours is NOT normal. The battery is fine, but that's obviously being ultra conservative with battery use. Both phones will give you about the same battery life. Very good, but not like that.

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Maybe it's because I've only had the phone for a week, but I wasn't being any more conservative with battery use than normal. I was really surprised about it lasting that long as well. But Friday and Saturday I had insanely good battery life for some reason. I can't really get a handle on battery life on this thing for some reason. Earlier in the week it was running really hot and eating through battery. The past couple days it's been crazy good. I don't really understand it honestly.


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May 14, 2014
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Maybe it's because I've only had the phone for a week, but I wasn't being any more conservative with battery use than normal. I was really surprised about it lasting that long as well. But Friday and Saturday I had insanely good battery life for some reason. I can't really get a handle on battery life on this thing for some reason. Earlier in the week it was running really hot and eating through battery. The past couple days it's been crazy good. I don't really understand it honestly.

My M8 has had fantastic battery life. Can seriously go 2 days without charging when needed.


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Apr 13, 2011
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I have both right now, and here are my thoughts:

  1. I'm not married to or invested in any mobile ecosystem, so I feel I can be objective. I'm not a "fanboi" or an "Android geek".
  2. This is my first personal iPhone since the 3GS, but I've been using an iPhone 5 as my work phone for the past 1.5 years.
  3. Since 2011, for Android I've had an Motorola Atrix, Galaxy S2, HTC One X, HTC One X+, Galaxy Note 2, Galaxy S3, HTC One M7, Moto X and HTC One M8.
  4. Both the M8 and iPhone 6 are very, very solid...though the iPhone is lighter. The M8 feels heavier and more substantial, if that matters to you. Both look and feel fantastic in the hand.
  5. Both are buttery smooth, with the iPhone 6 being perhaps just a *tick* smoother, mainly because of the tight hardware/software integration. Having said that, the M8 is the smoothest Android I've ever used...Sense 6 is as responsive as they come, with no discernible stutter, lag or hesitation.
  6. While I really enjoy the smoothness of IOS, I find myself missing the ability to customize as I did on the M8. The widgets and live wallpapers are the best.
  7. I switch back and forth between the two when at home (on wifi, not mobile voice/data), but right now I'm using the iPhone as my daily driver and actual phone.
  8. There are some advantages to the iPhone, like more (and often better) apps, scads of accessories, and some truly nice new features, though nothing so innovative that you can't find as good or better options on Android.
  9. I do like some of the new IOS messages options (share location, block replies, quick voice/video send options, etc.)
  10. That said, I often find myself wishing I could do things on the iPhone that I can do easily on my M8.
  11. IOS's implementation of "widgets" in their notification bar is a joke, but I guess it's a start.
  12. I LOVE the fingerprint touch options on iPhone.
  13. I HATE itunes.
  14. I miss Google Now...sorry, Siri, you just don't measure up.
  15. The M8 is as smooth and powerful a device as I've ever used, and I would have absolutely NO problem going back to it as my daily driver.
  16. Battery life has been pretty good with both, but I am usually near a charger wherever I go, so this isn't a huge deal for me either way.

So with a gun to my head, which would I choose? It would be VERY tough, but I think I would have to go with the iPhone simply due to the smoothness, ease of use, better camera, and more apps and accessories. The 4.7" screen is finally a good size, it's comfortable and lightweight, and also happens to be very nice looking (as of course is the M8).

Having said that, if someone said I needed to keep my M8 and give up the iPhone, I would probably be just as happy. It's a really, REALLY tough call in all honesty,


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Aug 23, 2014
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I have both right now, and here are my thoughts:

So with a gun to my head, which would I choose? It would be VERY tough, but I think I would have to go with the iPhone simply due to the smoothness, ease of use, better camera, and more apps and accessories. The 4.7" screen is finally a good size, it's comfortable and lightweight, and also happens to be very nice looking (as of course is the M8).

Having said that, if someone said I needed to keep my M8 and give up the iPhone, I would probably be just as happy. It's a really, REALLY tough call in all honesty,

I've been trying out the M8 for about a week, and I finally decided I think I'm gonna return it for an iPhone 6. Mostly for the reasons you mentioned. Additionally:
When I hold the M8 for long periods of time it starts hurting my hand. I don't know if it's the weight or the width.

Speaking of width, while I love that the extra width on the M8 gives the ability for a bigger keyboard, (I absolutely love the stock Sense keyboard), the iPhone 6 feels much more comfortable for me to hold. I don't have small hands, but my fingers are a little shorter than most guys. The M8 feels a little unwieldily at times.

I don't really use Google Now or Siri, but when I have Siri was actually better for my needs.

I don't mind iTunes, and miss TouchID like crazy.

The only customizing I do is honestly to make Sense behave more like iOS. (I hate that the screen doesn't light up for notifications and a couple other things. I found apps that do that, but they don't always work right.

Some of the apps I use most just don't work as well on Android as their iOS counterpart.

When it comes down to it the only things I'm gonna miss about the M8 is:
1080p screen. When I look at the 2 side by side the M8 looks a little better even though the iPhone gets brighter. I'm thinking I won't really notice it since I won't have the M8 side by side with the 6 once I get it.

Battery life. I think the M8 has really good battery life. My 5S wasn't horrible, but nowhere near as good as the M8. Even if Apple improved it a little I think I'll be ok.

BoomSound. These speakers are insanely good. Better than my laptop even. The thing is, they're nice to have, but I don't really watch or listen without my headphones very often.

I love being able to have a minimal home screen. I'll probably miss that the most. Right now all I have is the Sense clock widget and the 4 apps I use the most that are static at the bottom. I'm not sure if I will like going back to a home screen filled with app icons.

@bigoldthor, Do you notice much of a difference in display quality between the M8 and iPhone 6?


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Apr 13, 2011
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@bigoldthor, Do you notice much of a difference in display quality between the M8 and iPhone 6?

Not really. I just held them side by side and looked at the same articles in Pulse, and text on the M8 looked a teeny bit crisper. If I wasn't straining and studying them up close, I probably would never notice. Next, I looked at one of my message boards in Safari and the M8 native browser, and couldn't really seen any difference in sharpness.

If we're picking fly **** out of the pepper, I would say the M8 looks a little crisper if you look really, really closely. But to the average viewer and app, you wouldn't notice a difference. Now, if you use Google Chrome or Gmail on the iPhone vs. the M8, you'll notice the upscaling on the iPhone and it will look MUCH better on the M8. I assume once Google updates the apps to match the new iPhone resolutions, things will improve quite a bit.

Both screens are fantastic, and I wouldn't have a problem looking at either one for extended periods of time. You really cannot go wrong with either one.


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Aug 23, 2014
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Not really. I just held them side by side and looked at the same articles in Pulse, and text on the M8 looked a teeny bit crisper. If I wasn't straining and studying them up close, I probably would never notice. Next, I looked at one of my message boards in Safari and the M8 native browser, and couldn't really seen any difference in sharpness.

If we're picking fly **** out of the pepper, I would say the M8 looks a little crisper if you look really, really closely. But to the average viewer and app, you wouldn't notice a difference. Now, if you use Google Chrome or Gmail on the iPhone vs. the M8, you'll notice the upscaling on the iPhone and it will look MUCH better on the M8. I assume once Google updates the apps to match the new iPhone resolutions, things will improve quite a bit.

Both screens are fantastic, and I wouldn't have a problem looking at either one for extended periods of time. You really cannot go wrong with either one.

I only noticed it when I watched video side by side. It wasn't really a huge difference. I think I noticed it more because it was an action sequence with explosions and fire. There was more detail on the M8. Doubt it'd be anything I'd ever notice though if I didn't have the two sitting next to each other.

The camera itself kinda helped me decide too. I was taking some pics late afternoon and there was so much blurriness and noise in the background of the M8 shot. The area of focus looked okay, but stuff in the background looked pretty bad on the M8.


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Feb 23, 2013
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What a crock, both bend under pressure, "Only 9 out of millions reported the bend in the iphone" OK, the M8 has been out a longer time, how many reports of bending was there? The solution is? Don't put your freaking phone in you tight pants!!! LoL


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Apr 4, 2014
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I've been trying out the M8 for about a week, and I finally decided I think I'm gonna return it for an iPhone 6. Mostly for the reasons you mentioned. Additionally:
When I hold the M8 for long periods of time it starts hurting my hand. I don't know if it's the weight or the width.

Speaking of width, while I love that the extra width on the M8 gives the ability for a bigger keyboard, (I absolutely love the stock Sense keyboard), the iPhone 6 feels much more comfortable for me to hold. I don't have small hands, but my fingers are a little shorter than most guys. The M8 feels a little unwieldily at times.

I don't really use Google Now or Siri, but when I have Siri was actually better for my needs.

I don't mind iTunes, and miss TouchID like crazy.

The only customizing I do is honestly to make Sense behave more like iOS. (I hate that the screen doesn't light up for notifications and a couple other things. I found apps that do that, but they don't always work right.

Some of the apps I use most just don't work as well on Android as their iOS counterpart.

When it comes down to it the only things I'm gonna miss about the M8 is:
1080p screen. When I look at the 2 side by side the M8 looks a little better even though the iPhone gets brighter. I'm thinking I won't really notice it since I won't have the M8 side by side with the 6 once I get it.

Battery life. I think the M8 has really good battery life. My 5S wasn't horrible, but nowhere near as good as the M8. Even if Apple improved it a little I think I'll be ok.

BoomSound. These speakers are insanely good. Better than my laptop even. The thing is, they're nice to have, but I don't really watch or listen without my headphones very often.

I love being able to have a minimal home screen. I'll probably miss that the most. Right now all I have is the Sense clock widget and the 4 apps I use the most that are static at the bottom. I'm not sure if I will like going back to a home screen filled with app icons.

@bigoldthor, Do you notice much of a difference in display quality between the M8 and iPhone 6?

I don't think you really had any intention of keeping the M8 if you are scrapping it after one week. Then again, when I scrapped my iPhone for an M7 the 5S was out and that tiny screen wasn't going to cut it. Now the iPhone 6 is out, but it's a day late and a dollar short....actually hundreds of dollars too much (-;

I would be interested in knowing what your experience is like going back. I still have my iPhone, I basically use it as an iPod. I can't get used to the static environment vs the dynamic environment that is Android. It is like living in a two dimensional world vs a three dimensional one.

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