HTC tried hard with the 10...but failed

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May 24, 2016
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Before everyone gets riled up as if im offending their mother, hear me out. I consider myself a phone aficionado. Ive owned every iphone since the original in 2007 and every major flagship android and nexus device dating back to 2009. ALL OF THEM. So I feel Im qualified to critique these phones with some credibility. The HTC 10 is not a great phone. Its a great HTC phone. There is a difference. It seems people are praising it in comparison to what HTC has done in the past instead of on its own right. I currently have in my possession the HTC 10, galaxy s7, LG G5, iphone se and iphone 6s plus. The HTC 10 is the last phone I reach for any given day when im headed out for the day. The build is nice yea, but its lacking overall in major areas. Camera is the worse of the bunch with the exception of the maybe the SE and even that is close. Using the tmobile variant of the HTC 10 which as yet to be updated the camera is horrible and I mean HORRIBLE. Blown out photos, blurry shots, sensor that doesn't focus, auto focus sensor errors, etc...This is not acceptable from a flagship for 700$. I don't want to hear I got a bad unit because the replacement is also doing the same thing. Battery is mediocre at best when compared to the s7 or iphone 6s plus. I can barely reach 4:30 SOT and that's on wifi all day and with location and Bluetooth off. Phone also gets uncomfortably warm after normal use and video playback. Button placement also atrocious. Reaching so far down to access the home and navigation button with such a slippery device is playing with fire. Sense UI is laughable at best. yes you can add themes and its much more toned down from previous years but come on, why are these icons so far apart and small and why cant I customize my grid size like the s7? Also lets talk about charging. I have roughly 8 USB C cables that all work fine and are compatible with quick charge on my G5 and only 2 of these cables work with the HTC 10. None of them work if im not using the power plug HTC provided not even my expensive Anker ones from amazon. HTC really missed hard here and most people are just satisfied cause its the best HTC phone but not even close to the top of the ANDROID phones on the market. Ive settled on the G5 as my daily driver because of the incredible camera, wide angle lens, swappable battery and I actually like the design of the phone once you find one with no quality control issues. Do yourselves a favor, save the 80$ and change and pick up a G5 instead, you will be much happier.


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Sep 25, 2011
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Join date today................^^^^°° welcome to HTC forums. At least u gave it a shot. Hope next purchase fulfills your needs and u get monies worth.

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Laura Knotek

Moderator Captain
Jan 8, 2011
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Hi and welcome to Android Central.

Is the 10 giving you worse pictures than all of the other HTC devices you owned?


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Apr 24, 2013
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"Sense UI is laughable at best." Have you used Touchwiz or LG's UI before? They bog down the phone like crazy.

"Button placement also atrocious." It's almost exactly like Samsung's...

" camera is horrible and I mean HORRIBLE" From comparisons I've seen after the 1.53 update they seem to be better than the iphone 6's.

"Also lets talk about charging. I have roughly 8 USB C cables that all work fine and are compatible with quick charge on my G5 and only 2 of these cables work with the HTC 10. None of them work if im not using the power plug HTC provided not even my expensive Anker ones from amazon." That's more of an issue with USB C's bad launch than it is HTC's issue.

How much did LG pay you for this? lol


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Mar 27, 2012
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"Sense UI is laughable at best." Have you used Touchwiz or LG's UI before? They bog down the phone like crazy.

"Button placement also atrocious." It's almost exactly like Samsung's...

" camera is horrible and I mean HORRIBLE" From comparisons I've seen after the 1.53 update they seem to be better than the iphone 6's.

"Also lets talk about charging. I have roughly 8 USB C cables that all work fine and are compatible with quick charge on my G5 and only 2 of these cables work with the HTC 10. None of them work if im not using the power plug HTC provided not even my expensive Anker ones from amazon." That's more of an issue with USB C's bad launch than it is HTC's issue.

How much did LG pay you for this? lol

It's really not even worth debating. The OP is a hater to begin with and is just looking to get people on an HTC forum all worked up. :) Hey, just go sell the phone and be done with it!


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May 30, 2011
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T-Mobile model, cam not updated yet, as stated in his post.

Dudes got every phone ever made. He's obviously an expert. ;)


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Apr 28, 2010
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I have the HTC 10, S7 edge, 6p, and 6s plus and to be honest not one of them jumps out as the best device. They all have their areas they are strong and weak in. However I've noticed none of the issues you have detailed with the 10. Especially battery life. I'm finding that it actually gets more SOT than my Edge despite a smaller battery. Also I have no problem using the USB-c cable and block from my 6p to charge it.

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Jan 15, 2011
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So you have used every major flagship phone since 2009. Thus 2016, today, and the HTC 10 has just made you join android central to make your review. Credibility at its worst.

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May 24, 2016
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Who cares if it's my first post? Maybe I just finally felt inclined to come share my thoughts. So LG paid a random nobody on a forum to come make a post? I'm sorry but not everyone has to share you're same fandom. What I'm saying about the camera shouldn't be new. Every major YouTube reviewer and website has stated the same thing. It's much improved but still lagging way behind the other flagships. 6 Hours screen on time??? Don't make me laugh. Every reviewer claimed they were lucky to get 4:30. I've been using the HTC 10 since launch on the 18th and everyday since I've failed to get more than 4:30 of SOT. Posting your photos proves nothing. WOW you got a decent shot out of a 2016 flagship, CONGRATS! This is my opinion and its shared among many others.
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Jul 6, 2015
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The wide angle lens is pretty cool on the G5 but overall I prefer other phones. A couple reasons the G5 is a no go right off the bat.

1. On screen navigation buttons, can't go back to that.

2. Placement of finger touch unlock on back, much rather prefer it to be on the front of the device.


Feb 7, 2015
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Show me one video..ONE saying that the htc 10 camera is as good as either the s7 or G5

They're all over YouTube look it up. And you say "posting your photos proves nothing". LMAO! It proves that the htc 10 has a good camera. Don't be such a hater, it's bad for your health.

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May 24, 2016
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No one said the camera was useless. I could get good photos from a 1st gen motto G if I tried. The point is compared to other 700$ flagships it can't compare. Simple as that


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Mar 27, 2012
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Who cares if it's my first post? Maybe I just finally felt inclined to come share my thoughts. So LG paid a random nobody on a forum to come make a post? I'm sorry you guys are butt hurt about you're beloved HTC 10 but not everyone has to share you're same fandom. What I'm saying about the camera shouldn't be new. Every major YouTube reviewer and website has stated the same thing. It's much improved but still lagging way behind the other flagships. 6 Hours screen on time??? Don't make me laugh. Every reviewer claimed they were lucky to get 4:30. I've been using the HTC 10 since launch on the 18th and everyday since I've failed to get more than 4:30 of SOT. Posting your photos proves nothing. WOW you got a decent shot out of a 2016 flagship, CONGRATS! Troll on, this is my opinion and its shared among many others.

Hahaha... and WE are the trolls? Dude, you're on an HTC 10 forum bashing the phone. It's not like this is the general Android forum where people go to compare every phone currently out there! Just sell or return the 10 and use whatever you'd like. Most of us participate in this forum because we're partial to HTC. It's a lost cause.


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Jun 6, 2013
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Here's a nice comparison of the various top-end phones under low light. I think the HTC's photos are certainly better than the iPhone's. Do you disagree?

Unfortunately, you are lacking the software update that improved the camera. I would agree HTC should have had the software resolved earlier. If you take photos in RAW format and process them with Google Photos you'll likely get better results.

This is an imperfect comparison for sure but the battery performance seems to be on par at worst.

"I have roughly 8 USB C cables that all work fine and are compatible with quick charge on my G5 and only 2 of these cables work with the HTC 10. None of them work if im not using the power plug HTC provided not even my expensive Anker ones from amazon. HTC really missed hard here"
That seems to be a rather trivial issue in the grand scheme of things, but that's just my view.

If you listened to music through the phone you might have a more positive attitude. Music has charms to soothe the savage beast.
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