I forgot the PIN NUMBER of an S MEMO and I need to open it (written by Myself )


AC Question

I had written down an account of Police maltreatment and to keep it secure I used a PIN code on "S MEMO (DEC ,2014),and need to open the memo in order to in detail, Share it to NYPD internal affairs.
Please help me. It is not to do anything with malicious intent but to show that, since I had just purchased the mobile phone in 14 October 2014,I used the "S MEMO application " and keep them from reading or altering the abuse of authority on multiple occasions. One cop that didn't have a search of premises warrant wanted to break down a locked door (where my sister was storing her prized possessions in, and wasn't home that particular morning, my phone (this very same one )and proceeded to throw it out a window but missed the slightly open window (because I was going to take my heart /hypertension medications and then they started knocking down my front door because of gossip at a "tenant association meeting ",where they love to hear arguments not reasons for a Search warrant to be issued,and my Mother is elderly and when I try to stop his disrespect to her he gets more belligerent and she for some reason gives in to his "extortion ",blaming me (the only one of six to never abandon her. )
Please I beg you to unlock the 2"S MEMO",files.contact me through Ģmail or text me the PIN CODE FOR the two locked.
Yours Truly

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