I got my Moto Z DROID Force

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Thomas Guide

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Oct 16, 2014
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Yeah Lenovo is that good, what exactly are their sales like compared to an S7? Does their entire lineup of phones even come close outselling to the one S7? You're a Lenovo fan boy and that's fine but just because you got lucky with the one good phone they have made does not mean it's the most epic phone ever made. I'm sure a brand new S7 out of the box today with the same settings would be right on par with with the Moto. I'm glad your phone lasts long overnight, how long does it last when you actually use it? Oh that's right about the same as every other phone on the planet. One day if you're lucky
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Jul 18, 2012
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Yeah Lenovo is that good, what exactly are their sales like compared to an S7? Does their entire lineup of phones even come close outselling to the one S7? You're a Lenovo fan boy and that's fine but just because you got lucky with the one good phone they have made does not mean it's the most epic phone ever made. I'm sure a brand new S7 out of the box today with the same settings would be right on par with with the Moto. I'm glad your phone lasts long overnight, how long does it last when you actually use it? Oh that's right about the same as every other phone on the planet. One day if you're lucky
Since when is sales a measure of how good a phone is?


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May 9, 2015
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Yeah Lenovo is that good, what exactly are their sales like compared to an S7? Does their entire lineup of phones even come close outselling to the one S7? You're a Lenovo fan boy and that's fine but just because you got lucky with the one good phone they have made does not mean it's the most epic phone ever made. I'm sure a brand new S7 out of the box today with the same settings would be right on par with with the Moto. I'm glad your phone lasts long overnight, how long does it last when you actually use it? Oh that's right about the same as every other phone on the planet. One day if you're lucky

Dude, relax. Jesus. Take a ******* Xanax or something. I could give a rat's *** what sales are or who makes a phone. "Lenovo Fan Boy?" Only kids use such meaningless terms, so I'll assume you're just a young troll out to have some fun because you're bored today. But for your edification, I own - or have owned - Galaxies, iPhones and LGs. This is literally my first Moto since the RAZR flip phone back in the day. Enjoy your day sunshine.


Moderator Captain
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Nov 16, 2010
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Yeah Lenovo is that good, what exactly are their sales like compared to an S7? Does their entire lineup of phones even come close outselling to the one S7? You're a Lenovo fan boy and that's fine but just because you got lucky with the one good phone they have made does not mean it's the most epic phone ever made. I'm sure a brand new S7 out of the box today with the same settings would be right on par with with the Moto. I'm glad your phone lasts long overnight, how long does it last when you actually use it? Oh that's right about the same as every other phone on the planet. One day if you're lucky

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Why would waste your money on Moto when there are better phones at lower prices?

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Mod Note:

As Ry's posting above suggests... let's all take a chill pill. No need to go down the road of insults such as "kid", "fanboy", etc. within a civil conversation. Everyone has their likes and dislikes so let's just discuss them a civil / professional manner. The guidelines Ry posted above are a good way to conduct yourself in the forums :).


Joseph Coates

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Dec 26, 2012
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Different strokes for different folks. I like the stock android feel, the design, and the battery size. My wife just got an S7 because she likes Touchwiz.


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Jun 21, 2013
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Why would waste your money on Moto when there are better phones at lower prices?

This is a Moto forum. We all bought or are interested in the Moto Z phones. I happened to buy the Z Force on release day and think it's the best phone I've ever owned. I've owned Motorola, iPhones, LG, Samsung, Blackberry, and HTC. You don't have to agree, but that's my opinion.


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Oct 17, 2013
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Yeah Lenovo is that good, what exactly are their sales like compared to an S7? Does their entire lineup of phones even come close outselling to the one S7? You're a Lenovo fan boy and that's fine but just because you got lucky with the one good phone they have made does not mean it's the most epic phone ever made. I'm sure a brand new S7 out of the box today with the same settings would be right on par with with the Moto. I'm glad your phone lasts long overnight, how long does it last when you actually use it? Oh that's right about the same as every other phone on the planet. One day if you're lucky
I agree with the general sentiment that there's no need for arguing in this way over things that are clearly subjective, but one thing about this comment just didn't ring true...

Moto is really the only major manufacturer that has gotten battery life right for the last 3 generations of their flagships, well ahead of their time. From the Droid Max, to the Turbo and Turbo 2 they've consistently had battery capacities that for their relative sizes are significantly larger than the competition's. The other manufacturers, namely Samsung in this case, are just catching up if anything. So to ask how the phone reacts while you're using it, and imply it dies under 1 day just like any other phone, is completely erroneous. On the last 3 phones I've owned by Moto, I can get through more than a day with heavy use without any issues, and it sounds like the Force is comparable. Add the Mod battery pack and that's just icing on the cake.

You can brag all you want about various Samsung features unavailable on the Force, and maybe Samsung got things right in terms of battery life with the S7 Edge this year, but don't make it seem like or forget that Moto has been the king of battery life for years at this point. Obviously you're entitled to your opinion, but objectively speaking Moto knows what they're doing when it comes to battery performance.

Thomas Guide

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Oct 16, 2014
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Most people plug their phone in at night, it becomes moot how well the battery performs while doing nothing. If the battery is so great it should last longer throughout the day not just the night. But that really isn't the case is it. At best it gets you through more than a day but you will most likely have to plug it in right away in the morning. Bragging about night time non use performance of a battery is silly.

Thomas Guide

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Oct 16, 2014
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OP3 is better and cheaper, Nexus 6P is better and cheaper, ZTE Axon 7, heck even the $300 Robin is a better phone. Motorola was good for a while, but they have clearly lost their mojo. They've gotten lazy with updates, the designs of the Z phones with those horrible camera bumps are just plain ugly. Pricing their phones in the same ball park as Samsung and iphone? What exactly makes them worth that? GS7 is superior to moto in every way possible, It's worth the extra money. Iphones are riding on brand recognition. What does Moto have going for it? It will retain it's battery overnight? Great! That's feature I couldn't live without. It's expensive, it's mods are expensive, mods usefulness is debatable, updates? What's an update? Not in this lifetime. It's ugly, mods make the phone bulky. Battery is small on the Z forcing you to buy a battery mod or look for a third party battery add on. No headphone jack, Why? Just so they can say they beat Apple to the punch?
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Oct 14, 2009
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OP3 is better and cheaper, Nexus 6P is better and cheaper, ZTE Axon 7, heck even the $300 Robin is a better phone. Motorola was good for a while, but they have clearly lost their mojo. They've gotten lazy with updates, the designs of the Z phones with those horrible camera bumps are just plain ugly. Pricing their phones in the same ball park as Samsung and iphone? What exactly makes them worth that? GS7 is superior to moto in every way possible iphones are riding on brand recognition. What does Moto have going for it? It will retain it's battery overnight? Great! That's feature I couldn't live without.
Something is worth what someone will pay. I appreciate the fact you dont like it. But others do. You think it's ugly and that's OK. I happen to think it's the best designed phone all year. And that's even with my OP3, s7 edge, HTC 10, Note 5, iPhone 6s plus and other devices I have had this year. So what's that worth. Nothing. It only matters to me.

So far I think the Z fares far better than all those other devices. But that's in my eyes. But to call something better or worse or ugly or whatever is the user opion not fact. The Moto Z is running almost the same hardware as everyone else minus the camera and wireless charging.


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Apr 17, 2012
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Time to put this thread on a time out.

Going to re-open this thread. Let's all follow Ry's earlier post below.

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Be attentive and helpful. Answer questions in a timely manner when you can, and provide thoughts and suggestions that might lead to the solution of a members’ problem.


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2012
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OP3 is better and cheaper, Nexus 6P is better and cheaper, ZTE Axon 7, heck even the $300 Robin is a better phone. Motorola was good for a while, but they have clearly lost their mojo. They've gotten lazy with updates, the designs of the Z phones with those horrible camera bumps are just plain ugly. Pricing their phones in the same ball park as Samsung and iphone? What exactly makes them worth that? GS7 is superior to moto in every way possible, It's worth the extra money. Iphones are riding on brand recognition. What does Moto have going for it? It will retain it's battery overnight? Great! That's feature I couldn't live without. It's expensive, it's mods are expensive, mods usefulness is debatable, updates? What's an update? Not in this lifetime. It's ugly, mods make the phone bulky. Battery is small on the Z forcing you to buy a battery mod or look for a third party battery add on. No headphone jack, Why? Just so they can say they beat Apple to the punch?

While I can see where someone might prefer some of those other phones, I disagree that they're straight-up "better". I can spell out why on a model-by-model basis if you like. It seems that you simply don't like Motorola phones, and think the Z is too expensive. That's fine, you're entitled to your opinion, though at some point sharing repeatedly without getting into why isn't productive, and you need to understand that some of your complaints are simply preference or opinion.

I do agree that it's disappointing that updates aren't as fast or dependable as they once were. That was one thing that made me hesitate at buying my Zf. However, while I was tempted to hold out for one of the new Nexus phones, my previous phone was the Nexus 6, and I really missed some of the Motorola features, like the enhanced always listening, twist for camera, etc. My Droid Maxx didn't have the chop for flashlight or the sensors where you can wave your hand & see notifications, and I'm loving those additions.

Also, while it's fair to be cautious about build quality with the transition over to devices developed under Lenovo, there's every indication that the build quality on the Z/Zf is excellent. You ask why it's worth similar money as iPhones or Samsung Galaxys, and the answer is build quality, features & specs, and discounts (few are going to pay full price for these phones, unless it's through a no-interest 2yr payment plan).

By the way, the camera bump is only there if you don't use a style mod, which is included, and I think Moto expects most people to use if they're not using another mod. You question the mods' usefulness, and that's fair, but the phone is excellent without them. And the regular Z has enough battery to go through a day for more average users, and the Force has enough battery to get through the day for somewhat heavy users. The fact that the battery mod is an option is icing on the cake. I have the Zf, and so far I don't see myself buying a battery mod unless i'ts on sale and I buy it for when I travel and use my phone heavily due to a lot of time to kill. Or I may just stick with the battery bank I already have.
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