Is it Better to stick with Liberty 1.5 and Froyo?


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2010
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Let me 1st say that I've had my DX for 8 months and the highest data usage I've had is about 3.5 GB per month. I tether very rarely and only when I'm traveling.

Assuming VZW is keeping closer watch, would it be better/wiser to just stay on Liberty 1.5 in case they are beginning to monitor every time a phone is reflashed and reprogrammed?

I really wanted to try Liberty 2.0, but I will survive.

Also, assuming that I stick with something Froyo based, will I still be able to use Wireless Tether for root, PDA Net, or even the Hot Spot Hack? I still plan to keep my monthly usage reasonable.

Has anyone that has used the Hot Spot Hack with Froyo also been removing it?
It sounded like it was only those that had been using it with the GB leak were panicking?
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Well-known member
Jan 16, 2011
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I wasn't panicking,lol. I didn't even know it existed until this furor began. And as for root apps, you will still be able to use them while rooted as long as two things DON'T happen
1. VZW shuts your account off
2. You un-root.


Super Moderator
Jun 8, 2010
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Let me 1st say that I've had my DX for 8 months and the highest data usage I've had is about 3.5 GB per month. I tether very rarely and only when I'm traveling.

Assuming VZW is keeping closer watch, would it be better/wiser to just stay on Liberty 1.5 in case they are beginning to monitor every time a phone is reflashed and reprogrammed?

I really wanted to try Liberty 2.0, but I will survive.

Also, assuming that I stick with something Froyo based, will I still be able to use Wireless Tether for root, PDA Net, or even the Hot Spot Hack? I still plan to keep my monthly usage reasonable.

Has anyone that has used the Hot Spot Hack with Froyo also been removing it?
It sounded like it was only those that had been using it with the GB leak were panicking?
I didnt unroot, or remove the TBH hack on the 3g hotspot. I am on wifi's alot,(at home and work)and my data use for this month is0.563GB and just a few days left on this bill

I checked my account data today its normal . I havent use the 3g hotspot since last sunday so it would have showed. I am not on it for hours at a time however :)

Panic no not me ,,,, ninja's dont panic :p
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