Just Plain Android...


Aug 28, 2010
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I am new to Android (goodbye Apple) and like the progression that it is making. I have searched and "Googled" until my head hurts. Can someone, without being a jerk, tell me if I can get rid of my carrier-specific Android and install a "just-plain-Android" that I can update as the OS progresses? And, will operate correctly. Every thread that I read just seems to go in circles, with too much info about too many different things. I see alot of "this ROM is great, except..." I would like to avoid the "excepts". I just want all of my buttons and orientaion to work correctly and I would like the phone's internal features, like FM Radio, to work without the carrier lock-outs". Please help an by responding with polite idiot-terminology.




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Apr 10, 2010
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Short answer, what you are looking for in Android Speak is called AOSP.
It doesn't exist on the Captivate yet. When froyo drops, expect The Cyanogen Mod dev team to release CM 6.1 This is a pure AOSP Froyo, or damned close to it.
I'm with you in disliking all the Sammy "tweaks" you can get rid of a lot of it by just installing a new launcher like Launcher Pro or ADW. As for the FM Radio, I haven't seen any proof that it actually exists in the Captivate Hardware.


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Aug 3, 2010
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Short answer, what you are looking for in Android Speak is called AOSP.
It doesn't exist on the Captivate yet. When froyo drops, expect The Cyanogen Mod dev team to release CM 6.1 This is a pure AOSP Froyo, or damned close to it.
I'm with you in disliking all the Sammy "tweaks" you can get rid of a lot of it by just installing a new launcher like Launcher Pro or ADW. As for the FM Radio, I haven't seen any proof that it actually exists in the Captivate Hardware.

When that drops it will still need to be ported over to the Captivate since no one is working on CM6.1 except for the Vibrant.


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Apr 10, 2010
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When that drops it will still need to be ported over to the Captivate since no one is working on CM6.1 except for the Vibrant.

Not so. I read that all SGS lines were going to get 6.1 If that isn't true, all we should have to do is put the cappy froyo kernel on it.


Aug 23, 2010
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Yes, I hear it would be available for all sgs too.

Hey, Gunny, please pm me..... wanna ask something about xda, but I can't pm until I make 5 posts.....


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Aug 3, 2010
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Not so. I read that all SGS lines were going to get 6.1 If that isn't true, all we should have to do is put the cappy froyo kernel on it.

Yes, I hear it would be available for all sgs too.

Hey, Gunny, please pm me..... wanna ask something about xda, but I can't pm until I make 5 posts.....

Guys, you don't have to believe me but this will maybe tell you something. Check out the maintainers at the bottom and let me know what it says. Thanks.

CHANGELOG.mkdn at froyo from CyanogenMod's android_vendor_cyanogen - GitHub

And Gunny, since when has anything just been putting a kernel on top of anything developed for another device. You are reading at XDA and you should already know the differences between all of these SGS phones are huge and it wont just be a matter of installing a kernel.


Aug 28, 2010
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I sucked it up and flashed JH7 over the weekend. Seems a bit slower to me and it was a real pain to put all of my stuff back on (I really don't understand the easy way to backup and restore apps and settings). Moving forward...



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Aug 5, 2010
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I sucked it up and flashed JH7 over the weekend. Seems a bit slower to me and it was a real pain to put all of my stuff back on (I really don't understand the easy way to backup and restore apps and settings). Moving forward...


you shouldn't have lost previously installed apps and personal settings with the JH7 update with the Captivate. Froyo, yes, but not JH7.


Sep 26, 2010
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You can always remove touchwiz (carrier specific) and run vanilla android until then. I think that may have been your original question. Just clear cache or uninstall TWLauncher in the manage apps screen. You will then run vanilla 2.1 unless you choose to lay another launcher on top.


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Aug 3, 2010
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Ummm...I don't think that is the case at all. If you remove touchwiz you will get force closes out the *** and have to use Odin to reflash your phone. If this was possible people would have been doing this already. DONT REMOVE TOUCHWIZ FROM YOUR PHONE. Use a launcher if you want to get rid of it.


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Apr 20, 2010
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Ummm...I don't think that is the case at all. If you remove touchwiz you will get force closes out the *** and have to use Odin to reflash your phone. If this was possible people would have been doing this already. DONT REMOVE TOUCHWIZ FROM YOUR PHONE. Use a launcher if you want to get rid of it.

I've removed almost all the TouchWiz from my phone before. I set LauncherPro as my launcher, then used SDX Stock App Remover to get rid of all the TouchWiz apps. I don't image it would be much different for the Captivate.


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Aug 3, 2010
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I've removed almost all the TouchWiz from my phone before. I set LauncherPro as my launcher, then used SDX Stock App Remover to get rid of all the TouchWiz apps. I don't image it would be much different for the Captivate.

That is completely different from an AOSP project. Running launcherpro or ldw.launcher is fine if you choose to do so. But that is not vanilla android. And the way the guy mentioned just removing touchwiz will get you vanilla android is completely incorrect which is why I made my statement.


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Apr 20, 2010
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That is completely different from an AOSP project. Running launcherpro or ldw.launcher is fine if you choose to do so. But that is not vanilla android. And the way the guy mentioned just removing touchwiz will get you vanilla android is completely incorrect which is why I made my statement.

Ah I see. I thought removing TouchWiz was the goal, but you just want pure vanilla bean Android. Manually removing the TouchWiz components and installing the Vanilla launcher gets rid of most of TouchWiz. What other system components are you interested in that cannot be removed this way?


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Aug 3, 2010
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Ah I see. I thought removing TouchWiz was the goal, but you just want pure vanilla bean Android. Manually removing the TouchWiz components and installing the Vanilla launcher gets rid of most of TouchWiz. What other system components are you interested in that cannot be removed this way?

Vanilla Android is a multitude of things. Adding the AOSP app icons such as email, messaging, camera and so forth. Adding the stock lockscreen, app drawer etc. You can do most of these things with a launcher but it isn't the same when you think about it.


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Apr 20, 2010
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Vanilla Android is a multitude of things. Adding the AOSP app icons such as email, messaging, camera and so forth. Adding the stock lockscreen, app drawer etc. You can do most of these things with a launcher but it isn't the same when you think about it.

Well the app icons are easy enough to modify within the .apk, then just resign and push to the phone. Has the vanilla lock screen been ported to the Captivate yet? I have the port for my Epic as a stand alone zip. And the app drawer already comes preloaded as "Launcher", you just need to switch over to it correct?


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2010
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Well the app icons are easy enough to modify within the .apk, then just resign and push to the phone. Has the vanilla lock screen been ported to the Captivate yet? I have the port for my Epic as a stand alone zip. And the app drawer already comes preloaded as "Launcher", you just need to switch over to it correct?

I guess so. I am still learning all of this stuff but to me a launcher is just a mask, so if you do delete TW you could have a relatively close AOSP in theory if you do install the AOSP app icons. Just from reading at xda with all the res.framework and source code that isn't available yet from Samsung that to get the true AOSP is more involved than running a launcher. The stock lock screen has been ported for use on the Captivate, several ROM's have it included or we can replace it in the system/app I believe if you don't want the ROM.

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