MailDroid vs K-9


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Apr 13, 2010
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Very slow to start. I initially get a black screen that says Maildroid at the top. It takes 5 to 10 seconds before the account list shows up. Fairly repeatable, I suspect after it's been terminated by the OS.

I've also had messages that I read and deleted in the evening at home last night show up as unread in Maildroid in the morning. One time I specifically had it refresh the account and they went away. So far it's repeatable every morning.

Fixed in 1.41. Bunch of memory issues. Go grab the latest.


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Apr 13, 2010
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I tried both of these apps and neither of them is close to BB BIS. The characteristic I miss the most is the little question BB ask you when you delete an email. Do you want to delete it on the phone or the phone and server. This is a great characteristic for the way I use email on my phone. You don't have to change anything in settings it just ask this question with two buttons when you delet email. It would really be nice if someone would write an email client for Droid that emulates all of the characteristics of BB email. I would pay, anybody listening.

The number of features to emulate BB is almost impossible as BB is the best at email (I won't deny that). I have this as a possible feature for some time down the road, but I don't see this as something higher up on the list that search and combined inbox.


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Apr 13, 2010
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Really like the app. A little slow responding to email deletes. I'd also like to be able to have the email checkbox scale down a little bit, it's a bit horsey. Maybe a small and regular option. Integrated inbox with color listng like L8 would be great. A "no ads" version for pay, too.

This is my# 1 mail app now. great work, thank you!

It should only be slow for deleting email if it is a POP provider as I will flag it and then delete it on the next pull.

A redo of the UI will come, but not until after I get some more features in.


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Apr 13, 2010
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1.41 is out. It fixes some memory issues and a few bugs that you may have seen. This I hope is my last 'stability' version to go out as I am hopeful I am now as stable as I was with version 1.32. The next release should contain some of the major features that most of you have been asking for.


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Aug 26, 2010
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First off - Terrific app. I have tried several email apps since I picked up my Droid and Maildroid is the best by far.

I have a question about the auto suggest for the email address while composing. Is there any way to clear that? I am pulling in address from any email sent to me and I only need them from my contacts. Having the ability to clear once in awhile would be great.

Thanks agin for the great app.


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Jun 28, 2010
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Just to let everyone know that because this thread's original topic was MailDroid VS K-9 Mail and it got effectively hijacked into a MailDroid support thread maildroiddev appears to have started a semi-official MailDroid support thread (only 12 posts there so far... :D )? Here is the link to it:

I see maildroiddev is still posting on this thread also, so I guess we'll have to keep track of two of them... :)

I'll see you guys there...

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2010
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First off - Terrific app. I have tried several email apps since I picked up my Droid and Maildroid is the best by far.

I have a question about the auto suggest for the email address while composing. Is there any way to clear that? I am pulling in address from any email sent to me and I only need them from my contacts. Having the ability to clear once in awhile would be great.

Thanks agin for the great app.

Not yet. I have had this request brought up to me, so maybe I'll sneak it into 1.45 as a configurable option.


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Dec 3, 2009
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A note on K-9. The latest update has brought back full IMAP functionality to my Droid (running 2.2). They also appear to have fixed the data leaking problem that was occurring, where an inbox would hold more data than messages are in there. They also added the ability to change accounts in the e-mail when drafting a new message, so you can send from any account that is set up on the device.

It's back to my favorite app, at least the one I use the most.


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Jul 22, 2010
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I've tried every email app, but keep coming back to Maildroid. It seems to be improving with every update, but it is still abit slow when trying to delete emails (takes like 10-15 seconds before they are deleted).

I'm currently using IMAP settings with my Yahoo email. Does it matter if we use POP3 or IMAP with Yahoo email and will I see any difference in getting my emails/notifications?


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Apr 26, 2010
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One of the updates stopped my audible/visual notifications. I used to get the vibrate, icon, light and beep. I now only get the icon and the settings, or rule, has them all selected for the proper act, is on the top and is not being superseded by another rule.

I cannot get the led to flash or the beep to sound. Vibrate does not work either. Ideas?
Is this because of Froyo? I cannot remember if this started after I updated to that but it could have been.

I have no utilities set to turn these off and my Evo beeps and flashes for other things.
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Sep 9, 2010
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Wrong message opens

I love this app but...starting today I'm getting an odd issue.

When I click on most of the messages in my inbox (pop), the same message opens rather than the message I clicked on. It doesn't happen with all messages but most. I've tried refreshing the mail, killing maildroid and restarting my EPIC but the issue persists.

This is really odd.

Anyone seen this?

I don't want to uninstall this app as I think it has the potential to be a great replacement for the stock mail app but, obviously, this is not acceptable.


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Jun 28, 2010
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Personally, I haven't seen this. However, you might get a quicker response if you go to the MailDroid support thread I linked to above. I don't know that MailDroidDev comes by this thread as often anymore...



Aug 4, 2010
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I having a problem after the app has been running for awhile. It acts like it quits talking to the server. I can't delete anything not refresh mail. a reboot allows it to work again for a little while.

I do not think I'm doing anything different, but not sure.

I'm having the same issue with 1.47 (beta). The "Delete" and "Refresh mail" buttons don't do anything. I'm using an IMAP account with IMAP IDLE. Any ideas?


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Oct 10, 2010
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I'm having the same issue with 1.47 (beta). The "Delete" and "Refresh mail" buttons don't do anything. I'm using an IMAP account with IMAP IDLE. Any ideas?

I'm also having this issue. I just downloaded Maildroid for the first time today. It's a great app but too unreliable with this bug.

I suspect it has something to do with the sleep mode. I've never had any issues with K-9 working 24/7 but I don't know what sleep mode it uses. With MD i've had it set up as Let Device Sleep. Basically, when you've been using it a while there's no problems. When the phone has slept for a while the problem occurs. Perhaps it's not waking out of a sleep properly? I'll experiment further and put it in to Wake every 15 minutes mode and see what the results are tomorrow.

I'm really liking the app so far.. I hope this bug can be fixed though.

Edit: Apologies for dredging up this thread again. It was relevent to the previous post and I didn't realize a new thread was started purposely to supercede this one.

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