Moto X: Not about hardware. About the experience marketing blitz.


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Jun 22, 2013
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My take on ?ending? the specs war, aka marketing blitz for the Moto X.
I believe there is a big misconception and misleading that some people may not be aware of and seem to be fine drinking the cool aid.

Let?s explain what has been stated.
? Motorola claims it?s no longer pursuing a specs war that everyone else is involved in.
? Motorola claims the experience matters more than specs.
? Motorola claims people want features more than hardware specs.
This can lead to misinform or mislead those who don?t know better into thinking that everyone else besides Motorola is caught up in specs, and fails to deliver on the experience which is complete nonsense.

Let?s look at what has happened:
? Specs wars have yet to impede with experience for the past couple years, and every year the experience gets better and better. Projects like Butter, mfg confessions of having to simplify the OS (HTC/LG recent with the One and G2) and Motorola's own decision to scrap motoblur are proof that Motorola's statements as a clever marketing guise. The experience is getting better and better every year right along with hardware with NO signs that hardware is impeding software advances if anything at all, making them possible.
Most flagship phones are expected to provide a good experience, and most flagships already do. Just look at the reviews surrounding the S4, HTC One, Lumia 920/928/1020, and Iphone 5 (old I know).
? All of them provide a good experience, each having their own strengths and therefore weaknesses. Some relying on camera features (1020), some relying on an abundance of software and hardware features even if gimmicky (Samsung S4), some relying on feel mixed with premium hardware, lessened bloatware, and high quality build (HTC One), and lastly the Iphone 5 providing a safe ecosystem.
? With the Moto X it isn?t really about experience per say, after all they are not giving you a completely different OS nor a safe ecosystem nor a better camera, gaming, multimedia, or anything experience, at least going by Motorola?s focus it really is just about 2 features: Voice control, and quick glance. They're simply giving a semi stock but not truly stock android OS, for contract price and they added 2 more features. That about sums it up. It isn't some mystical unicorn fantasy Android version, it actually removes useful features, and doesn't really do much but give you a near Nexus experience, with a contract price to boot.
? You will notice most of these phones have strengths and weaknesses: Some are hardware strengths some are software. But let?s get to the meat of it: the ?specs wars?. Let?s point out the unique positives in the devices.o Samsung S4: SD Card, Removable battery, 13MP Camera.
o HTC One: Large pixel low light camera, boom sound, aluminum chassis.
o Nokia 1020: 41mp camera? hopefully that?s evident.
o Iphone 5: Superior fit and finish, sapphire crystal camera lens?
Now name one bad negative review for one of the aforementioned devices, except for the Lumia 920 and iphone 5 since they?re different OS.
Motorola is attempting to pull the wood over the eyes of the consumer by trying to mislead the public into thinking the industry is in a specs war and that they HAVE the solution to the problem with a new ?better? experience. An experience that consists of 2 features.
Funny and hypocritical enough, Motorola is fine with flaunting their ?hardware? when convenient with their RGB non pentile AMOLED, and their custom ?technically octa-core? SoC.
All the while saying anyone who compares specs does not understand the product design. They want to compare specs: but when they touch on flaws they immediate revert back to their hiding behind the unquantifiable: the ?experience?, which we all know to be so delicate it could be thrown out of balance\ by something as simple as having yellow instead of blue in some menu somewhere lost in a pool of binary code.

What Motorola is banking on is basically for people to pay a BMW price, for a Lexus all because the Lexus seems to do everything the BMW can. They are essentially asking with really nice marketing for consumers to take less pay the same all the while Motorola is fine with making a phone that is "just enough".

It is very clear the Moto X is meant to be used as a cash cow, to increase profits and put Motorola back in the map. But to say it's a great device fit to challenge others in the top tier of smartphones is lying to themselves. This device is meant to be the Iphone equivalent of Android in sense of becoming a money cow, without the goodies attached*.
By goodies I mean: (great apple store support, superb build quality, strongest accessories availability and a solid an well reserved ecosystem)


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2013
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I'm thinking the Moto X may go down as the phone everyone loved to hate. I just can't wait to get my hands on one

Sent from my DROID BIONIC


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May 17, 2010
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So professional reviewers are giving this phone great reviews. But you, a person that never handled it has it figured out.


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Apr 24, 2011
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Thank you asanatheist. That was one of the least entertaining, most clueless wastes of time of a comment that i've read in quite some time.


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Aug 12, 2010
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Actually, I think a lot of users have bought into a specs race as evident by the amount of negative feedback the Moto X has received regarding its specs. Even when most people who have used and reviewed the phone have stated that the phone is as fast or faster than the other flagships, many want to cover their ears and yell like a 5 year old "but, but, but...what about the quad core processor?!?!"


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Jun 22, 2013
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The Moto X factory is a drive away (35 minutes away to be exact). I have only used the phone for a day. It was late last night and didn't want to have to type up another large paragraph on my experience using the phone.
Let's see:
Touchless controls were fun to use even if the microphone wasn't as responsive. When it works it works flawlessly, when it decides to hiccups I am stuck repeating Ok Google now a few times. It's a nifty feature however I find my self in awkward situations when texting friends, or trying to look things up and I am having to repeat my self Ok Google Now or I am having to disclose everything I am texting to strangers around me. Often times I found my self just reaching for the phone, unlocking and going ahead and using the device to perform more personal tasks (texting, emails, etc).

Quick Glances was nice, but it's just a neat feature not really terribly useful since it only displayed your last notification.
Camera is iffy, sometimes it takes good shots but most of the times it fails with contrast, sharpness, and detail. Bad post processing mostly. The Iphone 5 took better pictures despite being lower MP, and being far older. In low light scenarios it faired okay, but honestly the Lumia 920/928 completely tramples the Moto X's camera.
I did however greatly appreciate a non cluttered notification bar, similar to what you see on the Nexus device. Helped a bit when managing notifications.

The GUI is fast, and responsive. Only times I got lag were when updating multiple apps (auto update), uploading files, directly after playing a game, or downloading a large file. This appears to be normal on the smartphones I've used or own: HTC One, Samsung S4, Iphone 5, Moto X. I need to get my hands on an LG G2, perhaps one of my customers will come in with one once it releases.
Overall it seems to work just as well as a HTC one, or Iphone 5 albeit the Iphone 5 is a bit smoother experience due to the restrictive and controlled ecosystem and lower spec requirements to run iOS (no multitasking for one).
The S4 as you may know has touchwiz lag here and there although MF3 has certainly helped a bit, and with S voice disabled from home it's a bit better it still isn't as lag free as the HTC One, or Moto X.
Battery life was quite good..
It lasted 4:30 hours of heavy use before dropping to 25%~. That was 1.5 hours of gaming (Restaurant story in intervals, and playing mostly DH4), 30 minutes of youtube, 20 minutes of downloading/uploading apps, and setting phone up, and the rest of the time in my pocket.

Sound is okay, then again having an HTC One makes most speakers sound just "Ok."

Overall I can say the phone works really well, and for the price it's worth it. However the price justification doesn't come in the way of the 2 features heavily pushed by Moto X. It comes from the USA Assembled aspect, and the customization (which unfortunately are locked down to At&t until november).
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B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
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I would guess that most tech writers who have reviewed the X (like our very own Phil Nickinson) have used it for much longer than one day, which is bound to give them more insight.

I would also say that what Motorola is trying to do when touting the X's specs is to show you how they're using their specs differently and more efficiently, rather than boasting about how much specs they have. Essentially, it's the motion of the ocean, not the size of the boat ...

Edit--but thanks for the more detailed response.

Posted via Android Central App


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2012
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please don't tell me that Samsung hired you to write negative comments about MotoX as well. :)

so if i drive to that motorola factory i will get a MotoX as well?? Interesting /s


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2013
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I would guess that most tech writers who have reviewed the X (like our very own Phil Nickinson) have used it for much longer than one day, which is bound to give them more insight.

I would also say that what Motorola is trying to do when touting the X's specs is to show you how they're using their specs differently and more efficiently, rather than boasting about how much specs they have. Essentially, it's the motion of the ocean, not the size of the boat ...

Edit--but thanks for the more detailed response.

Posted via Android Central App

They definitely have used it for far longer. 1 day was all I managed to get.
So what exactly is being said by that statement B Diddy. It seems people keep repeating the phone "it's about the experience not specs", an unquantifiable statement with little to no direction. I think they forget that most of these devices are already giving a solid experience, each with their own strengths and weaknesses which goes the same for the Moto X, how I wish I had a bit more features in the Camera department.
It would be vastly different if the Moto X was the ONLY phone to ruin fluidly, and the ONLY phone to actually work. I understand that Motorola is trying to show you can still use little bit slower processor but achieve the same performance however who didn't know already that a quad-core processor, 2gb of ram, and a 1080p screen was overkill?

As I said, this is marketing. Just stop, and make list of what they're offering you. Both in hardware, and software features and tally it up against any other smartphone.

So who exactly in this thread has actually used the Moto X? Show of hands? It seems there's a lot of people repeating marketing bs, while not really having used the phone. Quite interesting.


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Jun 22, 2013
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I used a Galaxy S4 for a day. It took that long for the gallery to open.

I'll be here all week ? tip your waitress.

It took you 1 day to open the gallery? Wow talk about some pebkac. Or is it peboskac (problem exist between on screen keyboard and chair). Lol.

Lastly I find first hand experiences lacking in this sub-forum. So far just a lot of name calling, parroting, and overall lack of critical thinking.

Ill just keep things to my self, not really a positive or constructive forum to post in it would appear. Well just let the launch speak for itself.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2013
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And anyways, this is just the trollin thread right?

Jerry I did read, you apparently have forgotten to fill in details in your efforts to be funny. You never said you actually pressed the gallery icon, did you? Thus it took you 1 day to open the gallery thread.
Writing, Jerry. It's your friend.

Lastly yeah apparently this has been turned into a troll thread.

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