Motorola Xoom or Blackberry Playbook

Motorola Xoom or Blackberry Playbook

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Oct 8, 2010
I have been doing some heavy research and Compares/contrasts on both devices for some time now and I am still undecided.

Let me first say that I have a Samsung Epic 4G using Android Froyo Ec05 2.2.1.

So I almost feel like why have 2 Android devices (Although Xoom is running Honeycomb 3.0) Before I came to Android I had Blackberry for 5 years and loved it. However, I saw some many more things out there as far as what I could get from a phone and switching to Android proved to be a great move. I am happy here!!!

But I do need Help! I love the 10inch display on the Xoom, but the Playbook with its 7inch screen also has lots of features... and its Blackberry OS, which wasnt a problem for me to being with.

So Do i go double Android or do I have the best of bother worlds.
Either way I am spending $599 on the Tablet i choose to purchase. Maybe a visit to my local Best Buy and actually play with both devices will help me make my choice. Thats what happen when my purchase was made on the Epic. I went to buy an Evo and 3 hours after using both, changed my mind.

So any insight will help, what do you guys think???????
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Aug 9, 2010
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wow a girl who likes technology and roots/ Cool stuff.

Anyways, back on topic: I have a Nexus S, had a Xoom, then went to an iPad 2 and back to Xoom. For my there was benefits of having both on the same OS. A lot of the apps I bought work for both platforms. I am also use Gtalk/Video/Gmail heavily and those play very well with each other on the tab/phone. I can go from a convo on my phone to my tablet and vice versa...wheras the ipad had apps to let me Gtalk, the conversation would not be there when I switched. Kind of annoying to me.

I'd say the bigger question for me would be the size. Id suggest looking at the galaxy tab as a "comparison" for the size aspect. The 7 inch tablet is nice, but everywhere where portability is a must, I wouldn't have a tablet at all, just my phone....anywhere where I would want to use my tablet for entertainment, I would rather have the bigger screen.

I don't know, me personally, I just want everything on the same platform.
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Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
Hey Thanks! Yes I am def a techy geek... Proudly. hehe

I looked in the Galaxy Taby, but my phone being a 4 inch screen, I decided not because my Tab and Phone just were totally the same when i had them side by side. The Tab is now $199 with Sorint, which is awesome for my pockets but I would feel like i have the same device TWICE.

My mom bought a 16G iPad 2 last week and she loves hers. Thats a last resport. I really do want 10 inches, but I maybe able to sacrafice if the PlayBook proves to be worth it. I think what I am going to end up doing is going to the store Sunday morning and having hands on. I am so torn between the 2. 1280x800 on the Xoom is a monster resolution. It excites me! lol. But to go back to my roots in the BB world would have me happy. Ive read almost ALL reviews on both and needless to say, they dont help because im still torn! :)


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Oct 8, 2010
Also, I plan to enable full time tethering on my Epic for when I am not in a Wifi network. So, I will have full usage of my tablet that i end up with. I will surely update.


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Apr 9, 2011
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In the end, even the blackberry playbook will have android apps "snicker", so I think its just a matter of what size tab. you want. I personally wanted as close as I could get to a computer with the portability and apps of a tablet. I carry this thing everywhere I go. Good luck though, let us know what you decide!

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
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Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
Yes! Thats another thing, the BBPB WILL indeed have Android apps sooner or later... Which do you have? I really want 10inch. But the different OS and options and specs are also appealing to my eye. Sunday I will make my final decision. Yes, I will let ya know! Thanks!!!


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Apr 9, 2011
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lol yeah Im using a xoom, but i just read the whole review of the playbook and it looks like a great device. I just cant get over the size factor. There are occasional force closes on the browser but they are rare and far between for me. I just want the big screen because i do so much on it like finances and i also have big hands :) . If RIM had a playbook that was 10inches with all the android apps then i would seriously look at buying it.

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk


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Oct 8, 2010


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Jan 14, 2011
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The problem with the playbook is that if you don't have a current blackberry to use with it, it doesn't have all the features. I'm thinking about getting a tablet, but since I already have an android phone i was thinking about getting a tablet with a different OS, probably webos.

Sent from my Thunderbolt using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
I definitley get that point. And I too heard that one of its biggest benefits is Syncing with a current BB Smartphone. Maybe thats their target audience.

Im 95% the Xoom, going tomorrow or Friday. and at least i can go Sunday to play with the PB and see how i feel about it.

Carlos Thomas

Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Mar 2, 2011
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I really do want 10 inches, but I maybe able to sacrafice if the PlayBook proves to be worth it. I think what I am going to end up doing is going to the store Sunday morning and having hands on.


Well if you want 10", you came to the right place...the Xoom is your choice.

People ask me all the time when I travel and they see me with my Xoom as to which one is the best (iPad or Xoom, etc.) and which one should they get. I think they are both great devices and I own both. But I tell people if they have a lot invested in Apple, (i.e. iPhone), they should stick with the iPad. If your an Android user, stick with Android 3.0 based devices.

Which brings me to my advice for you. If you don't own a BlackBerry, I would not get the PlayBook. Also, I don't think Hardware should rank as high in your decision, because in the long run, the Hardware is going to all get faster and faster. They will get thinner and have all the bells and whistles. I believe it will come down to the Operating System and APPS. At the end of the day, invest in the O/S that you like and that will satisfy your needs.

But you should at least play with it...(no pun intended).
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Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
Thanks for the advice Carlos. Thats a good point. I just am so familiar and had BB for so long that I kinda figured I would enjoy it andnot have duplicate OS... but I'm pretty sold on the Xoom. I will still go hands on, on Sunday morning with the PB. But as of now, the Xoom has my vote and the 10inch screen size is mor my preference.


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Jul 20, 2010
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Well, Lets just say I have a 10 inch - Xoom! Because size does matter! :D

Only thing - Now what? I am not saying that I am not impressed but it's not what I imagined. I guess I need to search all the threads and get a good understanding on optimizing the tablet. I also need a great screen protector *one that allows smooth transition across the screen without the sticky feeling*.
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Jan 4, 2010
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As someone that makes a living supporting Messaging infrastructures I've come to despise all things RIM. They make great phones I just wish they didn't connect to my Exchange servers.

I've had an EVO, Galaxy Tab and Xoom and I far and away like my Xoom best. The Xoom is almost as easy to hold as the Galaxy Tab was and the EVO is too small for extended viewing, imo.

Honeycomb has some things to get worked out but I haven't found anything that is too annoying or that doesn't have a work around.

Get the Xoom, you won't be sorry. Heck I liked mine so much I bought one for my technophobe wife and she's getting along just fine with it.
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Apr 11, 2011
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I say go for the Xoom....not only is the screen beautiful, the build is amazing. And Honeycomb is a "work in progress" but I think it is and will be the best tablet os on the market. The apps are ever growing i also own the Nexus One with CM7. Running that with my Xoom is perfect harmony. They both feel like to very different devices. I almost don't even used my desktop on my personal time if I am not hack or transfering files. Now back to Entourage on my Xoom. I love my Xoom!
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