New Update I727UCLI3


Apr 4, 2012
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Hey anyone know what all they did with this new update to the samsung skyrocket sgh-I727. I'm now on build number IMM76D.UCLI3 and baseband version I727UCLI3. I'm not to sure what was added when at&t updated my phone. I do have QUIK add and MOG music was added plus some other bloatware but i'm not sure what else was changed or fixed yet.


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Oct 30, 2012
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I got it too on 10/27/2012. It's a bit quicker now (in general) and I got new app updates as well. Connecting to Kies now indicates "Your device does not support software upgrading update via Kies" (it was fine before the OTA update). Not sure what else is in the update. My guess is it is a JellyBean prep.


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Nov 2, 2012
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I got it too but apart from little improvement on battery and speed the most annoying thing happened with this update is search capability of finding application. I am most disappointed with that. I wonder if you guys noticed it or not.


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Nov 2, 2012
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All of my company SII skyrockets started getting a message from at&t to connect to WIFI for an update. I assume the update you are all talking about is what at&t wants to update. Unfortunately, i have about 20 of these phones in the field for workers and I don't allow them to connect to WIFI, I have to keep them simple so the users don't screw them up. So my question is, I'd like to skip this update for now as the phones are working fine, but how can I disable this annoying message from AT&T so my users will quit getting it. If that's not possible, my only option is to pull workers off the road and perform this update myself one by one, which stinks as my workers are remote over about an 80-100 mile radius.

Any ideas? If the update was OTA this wouldn't be such a big deal as I could walk them through it remotely, but i'd rather just skip it for now.

Rick Ramo

Jun 30, 2012
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To hear, Samsung tell it there were all sorts of improved nothing much stuff. The Networking I can attest to, it does seem to connect a little snappier to Wi-Fi when I am in range. And the 4G does seem to be snappier as well. And as someone else mentioned it updated some bloatware and added MOG. I do not know that one, I did not use it before and did not use it after it "updated". There amongst the bloatware was an AT&T WiFi hootus. I had the impression that when I was in range of an att wifi (McDeath, or airport, etc.) it would hook into that automatically. I noticed a few times taking it off the charger and hitting the button, on firing up it now pings GPS, and did mention something about diagnostics once it hit the house Wi-Fi. That crashed last week, and it still pings GPS but does not mention a Diagnostic item. Same slow grainy looking camera.

My personal thought was it was a tin slug to confuse the rooting issue. Yes, I am curious about the 4.2 no I have not yet. I have to have everything working so a nightly from cyanogen that may or may not have everything hot, steady, and normal is not an option I can explore at the moment. I am fresh out of alternate devices if one goes failure prone.


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Oct 27, 2012
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i got my update a while back, and now realizing that upon connecting to usb, i can not access my phone at all, nothing happens. i have tried with debugging mode enabled, and when i goto settings/usb, and connect for mass storage, again, nothing happens.. i dont know what to do, but think i would like to revert back to Gb asap. but, if i cant access the phone via usb, how can i revert???

Rick Ramo

Jun 30, 2012
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Oh hell that was scary, I was going to try mine since you mentioned it and noticed the telltale pattern of little doggie teeth on the cable. I will have a new one shipped in and try it to see if my USB is nonfunctional after the I3 update from AT&T via Wi-Fi.
Thinking along the same lines, I did have an 8525 HTC that got a bit cranky about connecting to a Dell. Pulled the battery from the HTC, ended up opening the dell and blowing the dust out with an air hose as long as I was at it. The HTC "AT&T 8525" connected fine after that.

i got my update a while back, and now realizing that upon connecting to usb, i can not access my phone at all, nothing happens. i have tried with debugging mode enabled, and when i goto settings/usb, and connect for mass storage, again, nothing happens.. i dont know what to do, but think i would like to revert back to Gb asap. but, if i cant access the phone via usb, how can i revert???

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