Scheduling Appointments/Meetings in the LG G2


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2014
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Hello All,

As a big user of Microsoft Outlook 2007/2010 on my desktops:

I'm looking for advice on what is the "best and similar to Outlook" appointment & meeting scheduling "invite" methods available for the LG G2.

As most know about the Outlook calendar, one can schedule a meeting, then invite people to attend the meeting (or appointment) you are scheduling, and the invites are sent out via email in Outlook, and those people get a nice formatted appointment "invite" email from you, and they can easily reply back by clicking a formatted answer button such as "Accept", "Tentative", or "Decline", and all of this is automatically populated back into your Outlook calendar, with times, dates, who "accepted" the invite, who "declined" the invite, who is "tentatively going to show up", etc etc.

My old BlackBerry had all these functions down good in their Calendar app. It worked like a charm, and replicated much of what Outlook's Calendar functions do as far a scheduling appointments go and getting replies from attendees plugged back into your calendar. A very basic function I thought for anyone who needed to perform basic meeting & appointment scheduling in calendars.

Geez, what happend with the G2? Why aren't these basic types of functions available with the default G2 calendar and email?

Since these functions do not seem available with the G2 (unless I'm missing something), I'm wondering what are the best calendar & email methods, or maybe apps available (if that the best way to do it).....something that will let you schedule a meeting in your calendar, then let you easily send formatted invitations for the meeting to each person via email, and then allow you to receive back email responses that will automatically populate your calendar appropriately...(much like Outlook does) or BlackBerry does with their mobile devices.

I thought going from a BlackBerry to an Android 4.4.2 would make life easier when it came to scheduling appointments. :-$

Thanks for any relevant advice and suggestions to what solutions will work for my scheduling concerns with the LG G2.

best to all, :cool:

5:50am pacific


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Mar 16, 2012
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I take it you're not using an exchange server where everybody is on the same or connected exchange servers? For out of network invites like this I don't have a solution. For in network it works fine.



Well-known member
Jan 10, 2014
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I take it you're not using an exchange server where everybody is on the same or connected exchange servers? For out of network invites like this I don't have a solution. For in network it works fine.


Just looking for a calendar function or app that I can use in my LG G2 that will give me "Outlook like" scheduling abilities as described in my original post.

I need the ability to send and receive "meeting invites", and "appointment invites" from my G2, like I can do with Outlook 2010 on my desktop pc.

I don't use "exchange" so any info regarding that is not relevant.

I can't believe the G2 default calendar cannot perform the basic" meeting invite functions" like the calendar in a BlackBerry, or as in Outlook on a desktop.

Hope there is someway to do it.

12:22pm pacific 6/30/14


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Jan 30, 2013
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I use upto calendar on my G2 and i am able to do email invites with my wife's Note 2. The only caveat is that I'm using Google calendar and so is my wife, so I can't test this functionality using my Microsoft calendar.


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Mar 16, 2012
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Just looking for a calendar function or app that I can use in my LG G2 that will give me "Outlook like" scheduling abilities as described in my original post.

I need the ability to send and receive "meeting invites", and "appointment invites" from my G2, like I can do with Outlook 2010 on my desktop pc.

I don't use "exchange" so any info regarding that is not relevant.

I can't believe the G2 default calendar cannot perform the basic" meeting invite functions" like the calendar in a BlackBerry, or as in Outlook on a desktop.

Hope there is someway to do it.

12:22pm pacific 6/30/14

No crap dude, I read it. I send them from an exchange server from my G2. Don't be a twerp when asking for help.



Well-known member
Jan 10, 2014
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No crap dude, I read it. I send them from an exchange server from my G2. Don't be a twerp when asking for help.


Hi SQUIRREL or jmarkey77,

No Crap.

So let's see, I simply stated I don't use "exchange" to clarify that is not an option for me.

And that prompted your response, says a lot.

Thanks, but not interested in off subject input.

1:46pm pacific


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2014
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I use upto calendar on my G2 and i am able to do email invites with my wife's Note 2. The only caveat is that I'm using Google calendar and so is my wife, so I can't test this functionality using my Microsoft calendar.

Hello Scottcraft,

Thank you very much for your suggestion regarding "upto calendar". :cool:

Although I'm not a fan of using a web based calendar for scheduling and setting business and personal appointments, I'll look into "upto". It's an option.....

much appreciated,

2:04pm pacific


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Jun 14, 2012
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Hi TahoeRunner, I replied to you on another board. But this post has a bit more info and so I'd like to ask: what Calendar are you using on the G2? Not the calendar application, but the calendar (e.g "Phone" (local calendar) or (gmail calendar), or (no calendar unless on exchange, which I know you are not).

When you create a calendar appointment, where does it save it to? (shows between the New Event line and the Event Name field -- not trying to be condescending, just clarifying). Or, when you are in the calendar app and click the menu button, go to settings, what is listed under Accounts?

Throughout your posts, I didn't see you mention the calendar itself (or I wasn't very observant, lol). Not all calendar [accounts] are fully calendar-functional.

If you are using gmail, my apologies but if you aren't, if you can try the following experiment: set up a gmail account, add that gmail account to your calendar app, create a meeting invite using that gmail account's calendar, invite someone / update / cancel and see if it does what you expect. Check also that syncing is on for the gmail account if not already (should be by default). Sorry if I have worded anything poorly, just want to help you solve an issue that I have been taking for granted for years.


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Jan 10, 2014
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Hi Klotar,

Thank you for both your responses at both posts to my questions about the G2 and its lack of "outlook like scheduling abilities" as I originally posted.

Unfortunately using a web based calendar system like the google calendar with the G2 is not something I am willing to do for either my business or personal needs.

I am looking for a meeting scheduling "invite" and "accept" system much like Blackberry uses, that replicates what MS Outlook affords its users.

Seems to be the standard in the business world, and I've used it for years with Blackberry, and shocked that Android doesn't have similar.

A meeting/appointment scheduling "invite and accept" system that is client based versus web based like the google calendar.

Thanks for your support anyways, I very much appreciate that.

3:15pm pacific


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Jun 14, 2012
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Okay, I think I have it: having a gmail calendar (and associated address) is unprofessional (I agree) for business purposes.

As far as web based; although gmail addresses and calendars require setup using a browser, once it is set up, you don't need to do anything else from the browser or phone, syncing will occur for the emails and calendar appointments. There are also fowarding and alias tricks that can be used to disguise the fact that you are using gmail as a calendar. It's too much to go into here but rules can be used to forward calendar appointments from one address to another, and aliases used to show the calendar acceptance reply to show from an address other than the gmail address which the calendar resides.

So, without giving away anything personal or confidential, what calendar (not app) are you using? Is it the "Phone" calendar? And what email address? (don't need a specific address but is it like and hosted by a local isp?). The reason I am asking is that if you are using the "Phone" calendar, there is nothing tying that calendar to your email address -- which I think is the issue/problem. When using gmail or (web exchange), they each have a calendar tied to the email address.

What about using instead of my previously suggested gmail? The domain is somewhat professional enough, and is relatively new enough to possibly get the address you want without resorting to wierd addresses like ( Using that as your calendar, to sync with your G2, you can still set up rules to forward emails to your main email address also (I just logged into, which I don't use, and yes it has rules capability and conditional forwarding, etc.).

Worth a shot if you haven't given up yet. Let us know though, if you are using the "Phone" calendar, which if so would confirm the issue I think.


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Jan 10, 2014
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So, without giving away anything personal or confidential, what calendar (not app) are you using? Is it the "Phone" calendar? And what email address? (don't need a specific address but is it like and hosted by a local isp?).

Worth a shot if you haven't given up yet. Let us know though, if you are using the "Phone" calendar, which if so would confirm the issue I think.

Hi Klotar,

Thanks for your potential workarounds, your info gives me some options.

One of the reasons I do not want to use a web based calendar such as the Google calendar for example, for both business and personal “invites” and “accepts” to meetings, agendas, etc, is for security reasons.

Once an agenda, or meeting, or vacation, appointment, or anything is included onto a Google calendar for example, it is no longer "just" in my control. It is subject to anyone who can get access to the calendar, legally or illegally. If it can be hacked, by a criminal, by a fellow employee, by a competitor, by mistake, by who knows whatever country or government agency, by your wireless carrier, whatever, then any information about one's business or personal agenda is no longer yours alone, and therefore anything on that calendar is now at risk.

However when information is included for example, onto a "client based" calendar, such as a desktop calendar as with MS Office Outlook, or another good example, on a Blackberry device calendar, then that is the only location it exists, except with those you choose to share it with. When the desktop or Blackberry is turned off, nobody can access it, it cannot be hacked into if it is not turned on. (this alone is just one of several simple layers of security in itself that does not exist if one's personal or business agenda is on a web based calendar such as Google calendar)

When it comes down to it, I have more faith in my own IT security, than that of Google on my behalf in this particular example. They have too many people to be concerned about, why would they take my individual security as serious as I do and as I need to?

It was just last month that Google sent out an email to me suggesting I should reset any Google account password I may have, due to the Heartbleed virus potentially compromising their Google security measures that were in place at that time when the Heartbleed virus first presented itself to the world

And so I believe one’s security of personal information needs to be at the frontline of all issues.

Another reason I like the MS Office Outlook type of “invites”, “accepts”, "declines", etc etc that are afforded users within the Outlook calendar on any desktop and on a Blackberry device is, (at least previous to me switching from a Blackberry to an Android) is that Blackberry understands that the Outlook calendar setup in regards to certain aspects is the gold standard in the business world when it comes to business people sending “invites” for appointments and meetings, and “accepting” those invites, and then “tracking all of the attendees”, and therefore Blackberry designed “their device calendar” to mimic how Outlook’s desktop calendar functioned. There is no “sync issue” required..... or web based security issue anything. It all resides only on your device, or on your desktop. Private, period.

For Example: an invite sent out from a desktop using Outlook’s calendar via email (any email type you used), was received on any other system using MS Outlook, or a Blackberry device, via Blackberry’s default email or any other, in the same professional looking and efficient manner as if it were received on another desktop using Outlook, and then, from a Blackberry calendar you could send out “invites” to any desktop or laptop that had Outlook, it was formatted and looked just like it came from a desktop using Outlook…..and then the same for sending the “acceptance of any invites" and responding accordingly, as well as tracking attendees.

Once accepted on a Blackberry, or within any instance of Outlook on a desktop, the accepted invites automatically populate your calendar and track attendees responses, it tells you who accepted, who is tentative, who declined, etc etc….and then plugs into your calendar for you any "accepts" at the appropriate date and time, makes it all so easy and professional looking. I don't know if the web based Google calendar system does this?

For anyone familiar with MS Office Outlook, whether it be client-based or with exchange, if you do any "inviting" or "accepting of invites" for business meetings or appointments and the scheduling of agendas, you already know what I'm talking about here. (and so why doesn't Android have a similar client-based system as an option for users?)

Again, I don't know if other web based calendar systems, or the Google calendar system offers all that the MS Office Outlook calendar does, or the Blackberry device default calendar does?

So Klotar, to answer one of your previous questions, these are just two examples of why I use a client-based calendar and not the default Android calendar simply sync'd with the Google calendar. (maybe you know a better more secure way?)

Currently on my Android however, using the default android phone calendar and email, I’ve been left in the dark as to how to “invite”, “accept”, and “track attendees responses”, in a effective and professional manner (such as with the Outlook and Blackberry system) without having to risk putting all my personal and business information onto a web based calendar like Google calendar.

I suspect many others are also hesitant of posting their most personal and business information onto a web based calendar such as with Google.

And so that is why I’m asking, what “client based” calendar systems are available to Android users, other than web based systems…..if Blackberry could do it and make it the gold standard in regards to security, why hasn’t Android done it?

If the President of the United states and the Secret Service is concerned about security on his device, (a Blackberry, not an Android), why shouldn't I also be as concerned about the security of my info if using an Android?

Any help finding a secure client-based MS Outlook like calendar system for the purpose of sending "invites", "accepts", "declines", "tentatives" and the "tracking of all attendees" for meetings and appointments, while using an Android 4.4.2, would be greatly appreciated.

That would save the day for a whole bunch of Android users in the business world.

12:55am pacific
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Well-known member
Jun 14, 2012
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Thanks for the detailed explanation. The adage "If you need it secure, don't use the cloud" seems to apply here.

I must admit I don't have any suggestions for you; other than hosted exchange. It's still an additional and undesired layer but at least a proven one; that, combined with device passwords is secure enough for most corporations.


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2014
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I want to know if I am setting appointments correct in the calendar.I put it in events will it remind me a head of time ?

You need to set a reminder when putting events in the calendar. You will see it under the date/time and it has different times, i.e. 10 min before event to alert you.