screen protector issue


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Jul 11, 2012
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Re: Don't buy this screen protector!

Considering that of the 11 reviews on Amazon at the link you provided, 9 were 5 stars, 1 was 4 stars that didn't actually say anything negative whatsoever, and only 1 was 1 star (where the cited issue was that the screen protector was causing the display to intermittently black out, which is not something a piece of plastic could do), I'd suggest that perhaps you simply got a defective or damaged product. Have you tried contacting the vendor to give them an opportunity to replace it?

Edit: As of a moment ago, there are now two 1-star reviews - I'm guessing you just posted yours? If so, from your review: "The package was wet, wrinkled, and folded in 3 parts like a piece of paper." Don't blame the vendor or the product for poor handling by the parcel delivery service.


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Jul 15, 2012
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Re: Don't buy this screen protector!

Here's a thing. When I purchase my stuff online I expect them to be in perfect condition considering that I give my hard earned money in return for their product. There should be in no way that I receive such defective product and still give the company another chance. What I lost from this was my time, money, and screen protector while the company didn't lose anything. Now I have to travel like an hour to ship these back if I want then to be returned. Because of a company's mistake people like me who want clean, no defective product have to spend more money and time dealing with it. And honestly shipping these back would cost the same amount of money I spend


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Jul 11, 2012
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Re: Don't buy this screen protector!

You have every right to expect it to be in perfect condition. But holding the seller responsible when the package arrived "wet, wrinkled, and folded in 3 parts"? That is a shipping issue. That being said, and I don't know if it's the case with this product, but the packaging it is shipped in should have something to the effect of "Do Not Bend" stamped on the packaging.

If you order a laptop online and the box is delivered crushed to the point where you hear parts rattling around when you shake it, you should by all accounts be quite upset. But do you blame the seller or the shipper?

Also, have you tried contacting the seller? Given the cost of these things, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if they offered to simply send out another gratis.


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Jul 15, 2012
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Re: Don't buy this screen protector!

Assuming that seller also deals with not only the customers but shipping company as well I blame the seller. I paid my dues upfront and its the seller's part to see if.everything goes well with shipping and such. If I had to blame the shipping company then I should have given options to get my package ex choosing which company. But I was not given the choice and basically who sells the product? If there's something wrong with your nexus 7 screen you complain directly to google not the company that made the screen. If I paid my money I should be able to make criticism.


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Jul 11, 2012
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Re: Don't buy this screen protector!

You need to complain to the point of mishandling. By the logic you're expressing, if you cut open the package with scissors and accidentally cut the screen protector, the seller is responsible because they didn't apply it for you. When you buy online, you take the savings in exchange for delivery time and the possibility of mishaps like this. The seller can only control the process up until the point that it leaves their possession into the next step (shipping) to a reputable carrier.

I'm fairly certain that they didn't tie it to a balloon, or put it it a bottle and throw it in the ocean with hopes that it would make its way to you, but rather handed it off to USPS, UPS, or the like.

This is pretty clear cut. My suggestion to you is to contact the seller and explain what happened (but in a calm manner) and ask if they can help you out. Of course, if it was delivered by any type of signature-required service, you are actually in large part responsible for your having accepted delivery of a package that you clearly felt was damaged.


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Jul 15, 2012
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Re: Don't buy this screen protector!

First of all your example of opening a package doesn't apply to my situation because both the seller and the buyer knew that seller won't/can't apply the screen protector, so buyer is at full fault for damaging the merchandise when he/she was using it. The focus should be put on the seller who was PAID and did not fulfill his/her bargain, which in this case is the company. I'm pretty sure too that the seller does not deserve 100%, but it is still its responsibility to make sure the product reaches the buyer in its best condition.

Another example would be when you order food from restaurant and a waiter/waitress delivers it to you, and you found bugs crawling in your food, you don't blame the waiter/waitress. You'd probably demand to see the chef to complain.

I would contact the seller and explain what happened with my package (of course in civilized manner, the way i was brought up) but I still cast some of the blames on seller

Btw my package was not signature required. The UPS guy knocked on my door and put it on front of it.


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Jul 11, 2012
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Re: Don't buy this screen protector!

The waiter is a direct employee of the restaurant. If he/she spills a tray of food on top of you, the restaurant is liable. UPS is a service contracted by the seller. If they mishandle a package, they are liable.

These are two very, very different things.

That said, I get the feeling that your mind is made up on this, and you apparently have no intention of even contacting the seller to give them a heads-up as to the issue you had with UPS, or to give them an opportunity to 'make it right' (something they would have no obligation to do, but they might anyway if you ask nicely).

Anyway, I'm leaving it off there. I'm pretty confident anyone reading this thread will see pretty quickly that the evaluation you gave of the product has nothing to do with the product itself.

Best of luck.


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Jul 15, 2012
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Re: Don't buy this screen protector!

For your information I did contact the sellers and still received no response.

And thanks for correcting me using wrong comparison. Didn't really think twice before posting.

One thing is for sure I probably won't do business with this company again unless
there's something really special that would change my mind.
I've never had received such defective package in my life and I use online shopping for almost everything. This was such an inconvenient and unexpected thing that I think I went little bit out of control. But still the seller is not granted free of the blame because in my part I purchased the product expecting it in full condition.

At least I'm giving the community second option to think about before buying and risking faulty product that they may receive.


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2012
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It's a freaking screen protector.. Call them up and they will send you a new one. And if they don't maybe then you can whine.... Until then then stfu.!

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


Active member
Jul 15, 2012
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Re: Don't buy this screen protector!

It's a freaking screen protector.. Call them up and they will send you a new one. And if they don't maybe then you can whine.... Until then then stfu.!

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

maybe when you buy and receive defective product I hope someone would say that right at your face! Hope that be your new phone/TV/Car or even something that just has more zeroes at the end :)


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2010
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Re: Don't buy this screen protector!

I ordered the same ones and had no issues at all with them. Since they are fulfilled by Amazon, you should contact them and they will sort it out in no time.


Jul 14, 2012
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Looks like you for forgot to push the air bubbles out......

What's the big issue here? Your package wasn't pretty and you didn't put the screen protector on right?

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