Should I be concerned?


** Superhero **
Oct 22, 2009
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Over that last week or so, I have noticed that my batery doesn't seem to hold a charge like it used to. For example, I took my phone off the charger @ 6:30 am, and by 9:30 I was down to 70%. Normally I would be at about 90%. Nothing has really changed in my use or the apps that I use.

I also notice that my Droid gets warmer than normal during charging. It doesn't get hot, but very warm. And, it doesn't appear to be the batery getting warm, but where the CPU is.

Thoughts anyone?


Coffee Addict
Nov 9, 2009
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Yeah, it sounds like either a new app, or they reworked the towers.. check your battery status, is cell standby or GPS higher than normal? if so try *228 option2


** Superhero **
Oct 22, 2009
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No new apps. I'll try the *228 option 2 thing and see if that helps. How would reworking the towers affect my batery?

I'm not really doing anything differently than I have in the past few weeks.


Coffee Addict
Nov 9, 2009
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How CDMA works is that it will constantly look to maintain a signal, no matter what. so if they redid towers in your area to make one closer, it will constantly seek the old tower, which now isn't optimized for that area, meaning the phone consumers more energy to maintain a consistent connection. This is especially true with 3g data


** Superhero **
Oct 22, 2009
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Well guys. Something is wrong for sure. As a test I charged it up to 100% just before I started this thread. Now exactly 1 hour from when I took it off my charger I'm down to 80%. I actually didn't use it very much in the last hour.

I made the *228 call, and looked at 2 text messages. Thats it.

No background apps that use GPS, only my normal stuff like Gmail, Exchange, Facebook, and Twitter.

I'm going to stop by my local Verizon store and have them check it out during lunch.


** Superhero **
Oct 22, 2009
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I just got back from Verizon. They didn't have any techs at that location to look at my phone. However, the guy I talked to scolded me and said I should be running ATK, and that batteries are not covered under warranty. Is this true?

I installed ATK and will see what happens.


Coffee Addict
Nov 9, 2009
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ATK sucks and does nothing to help your battery issue. I wish I could slap every rep that tells people to install it. your phone is programmed to automatically keep x amount of memory clear. once that threshold is passed it kills apps and then automatically starts them back up until it's just under the threshold. ATK interferes with this and can destroy your battery life, especially if you use it as often as reps trll you.

Batteries are typically not covered under warranty, but if you're in a year, verizon will replace it.

But if you're using the OEM wall charger, the only thing that could be killing your battery is if you plug it into the car charger a lot when it doesn't need it.


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2009
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ATK sucks and does nothing to help your battery issue. I wish I could slap every rep that tells people to install it. your phone is programmed to automatically keep x amount of memory clear. once that threshold is passed it kills apps and then automatically starts them back up until it's just under the threshold. ATK interferes with this and can destroy your battery life, especially if you use it as often as reps tell you.

Thought i'd pipe up and agree with this comment. Task Killer Apps for Android are redundant and unnecessary... they can actually cause problems.

If they don't swap out for your battery issue (they should), go to another store and try exchanging it laying down some of these excuses:

- My proximity sensor is finicky and has caused me to hang up while talking multiple times...
- The speaker in my ear piece has cut out on me randomly...
- it randomly reboots on me

Good luck with your exchange... ;)

P.S. tell them you've tried a factory reset to rule out the problems being from installed apps and that hasn't made a difference.
Last edited:


** Superhero **
Oct 22, 2009
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ATK sucks and does nothing to help your battery issue. I wish I could slap every rep that tells people to install it. your phone is programmed to automatically keep x amount of memory clear. once that threshold is passed it kills apps and then automatically starts them back up until it's just under the threshold. ATK interferes with this and can destroy your battery life, especially if you use it as often as reps trll you.

Batteries are typically not covered under warranty, but if you're in a year, verizon will replace it.

But if you're using the OEM wall charger, the only thing that could be killing your battery is if you plug it into the car charger a lot when it doesn't need it.

My thoughts exactly. I have set ATK properly, to the best of my ability, only having it kill off stuff I know it wont need to run in the back ground.

The only reasion I installed it was so I could tell Verizon this did not help. After work I'm going to go to a store where they have tech's on site and see what they say.


** Superhero **
Oct 22, 2009
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Thought i'd pipe up and agree with this comment. Task Killer Apps for Android are redundant and unnecessary... they can actually cause problems.

If they don't swap out for your battery issue (they should), go to another store and try exchanging it laying down some of these excuses:

- My proximity sensor is finicky and has caused me to hang up while talking multiple times...
- The speaker in my ear piece has cut out on me randomly...
- it randomly reboots on me

Good luck with your exchange... ;)

P.S. tell them you've tried a factory reset to rule out the problems being from installed apps and that hasn't made a difference.

I'm not trying to get an exchange, unless the actual phone is the problem. If I have a bad battery, I would like it replaced. Thats it, that all I expect.


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2009
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It does sound as if somethings going wrong. The tower info you got would be my first guess as that's very true. People wonder why their batteries die so quickly when they're in low signal (not saying you are). I agree that something has to be running in the background without your knowledge or there could be something just wrong with the battery. As far as I know batteries are not covered under warranty, only the phone due to troubleshooting reasons (no real way to diagnose problems with a battery on a tech standpoint). Hope this gets sorted out for you. My phone only gets hot under major usage (browsing, myspace and many youtube videos).


** Superhero **
Oct 22, 2009
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The problem Im having is probably due to poor signal quality in my office. Something may have with my towers reciently.

Yes I did the * 228 thing.

The two times I tested in my office I was down to 80% in less than 1 hour. Next i charged up to 100% and sat it in my car where the signal is better. It dropped to 90%. And at home it seems to have the normal level of power remaining.

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