Sprint Galaxy Nexus gets official OTA Jelly Bean tomorrow (Sep 6)


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Dec 17, 2011
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Re: Sprint Galaxy Nexus gets official OTA Jelly Bean tomorrow (Se

I'm back to sprint after my contract expires next year. I figure their 4g network will be up to snuff by then. Verizon has a great network but its getting annoying with the forever updates.


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Oct 10, 2011
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(1) It's unconfirmed.

(2) It does not mean that in the least.

(3) We have the leaked OTA right here. Flash it if you'd like, but I'm sure it's right around the corner. Verizon has and always will be slow with updates, unfortunately.

Hmmph that's the problem with carriers and nexus devices, if you don't buy it from Google it will never be a true nexus device. That's why I skipped the gnex for the s3

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Mar 19, 2011
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Re: Sprint Galaxy Nexus gets official OTA Jelly Bean tomorrow (Se

I seriously doubt if Sprint's LTE network will ever be competitive with Verizon's, they don't have the resources. I was on Sprint for years, the bandwidth of their 3G network was 1/3rd of Verizon's 3G network. All reports on what little LTE they have say it's by far the lowest performing LTE network. The only hope is AT&T. By the time my contract ends next August I expect that AT&T will have a decent LTE footprint although I don't expect them to catch up to Verizon for another couple of years. Assuming that AT&T has a decent network I'll buy my next Nexus phone directly from Google and skip the contract. I don't want any carrier in the way of updates.
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Dec 28, 2011
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Hmmph that's the problem with carriers and nexus devices, if you don't buy it from Google it will never be a true nexus device. That's why I skipped the gnex for the s3

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

The Verizon Nexus is source, part of AOSP (Sprint is not, FWIW). Regardless, I consider that more worthy of the Nexus definition than not. The "true" Nexus debate is built on subjective misunderstandings IMO.


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Sep 2, 2011
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Re: Sprint Galaxy Nexus gets official OTA Jelly Bean tomorrow (Se

Same. Only if its on ATT. I can't be on Sprint non existing LTE network.


Mar 1, 2012
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All the sprint hating is crazy y'all must think it takes a snap of a finger for lte smfh. I'll never EVER be with Verizon or att again data caps is the reason why u can't ever take advantage of 4g I'll take sprint unlimited any day even if its a couple mb slower than vzw

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Dec 17, 2011
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Re: Sprint Galaxy Nexus gets official OTA Jelly Bean tomorrow (Se

I dont get it. Is the S3 direct from Google?

Hmmph that's the problem with carriers and nexus devices, if you don't buy it from Google it will never be a true nexus device. That's why I skipped the gnex for the s3

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Dec 17, 2011
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Re: Sprint Galaxy Nexus gets official OTA Jelly Bean tomorrow (Se

Thats officially my plan also.

I seriously doubt if Sprint's LTE network will ever be competitive with Verizon's, they don't have the resources. I was on Sprint for years, the bandwidth of their 3G network was 1/3rd of Verizon's 3G network. All reports on what little LTE they have say it's by far the lowest performing LTE network. The only hope is AT&T. By the time my contract ends next August I expect that AT&T will have a decent LTE footprint although I don't expect them to catch up to Verizon for another couple of years. Assuming that AT&T has a decent network I'll by my next Nexus phone directly from Google and skip the contract. I don't want any carrier in the way of updates.


Geek Freak
May 15, 2010
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Re: Sprint Galaxy Nexus gets official OTA Jelly Bean tomorrow (Se

It is a bummer that it's taking a while to get the JB update from VZW, but on the VZW Nexus, rooted with the JB roms that are out there, I'm not missing anything. The best of both worlds. As long as a Nexus device is available on VZW, I will stay, root and not look back. The JB roms that are out there are better or will be improved faster than anything VZW or even Google will provide.


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Dec 17, 2011
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Re: Sprint Galaxy Nexus gets official OTA Jelly Bean tomorrow (Se

I dont know why I have Verizon. I switched from Sprint to goto Verizon specifically for this phone.

I just saw on youtube that people are getting EXCELLENT speeds on t mobile 4g. I live in NYC so suspect my speeds would be just as good.

I dont know why Im tolerating this non sense with Verizon when I can get a tmobile with a prepaid setup and get updates the day they come out, high 4g speeds and a decent prepaid plan. Might I also mention NO CONTRACT.

What am I missing? As long as I can get some service when Im snowboarding then Im considering the switch. There MUST be something Im not considering.

Sprint sucks by the way.

I hope not because sprint lte is gonna kill att lte by next year. Just as fast speeds and no caps

Sent from my Nexus S 4g rockin jellybean using Tapatalk 2


Inspector Gadget
Apr 22, 2010
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I dont get it. Is the S3 direct from Google?

No. Only the unlocked, GSM version of the Galaxy Nexus, which you buy direct from Google's Play Store. Only a Nexus is available direct from Google. Nexus phones are also available from the carriers, but...

Anything you buy from a carrier store or order from a carrier website (in particular Verizon or Sprint), will have some carrier influence: either bloatware or skins, or in the case of a Nexus device, delays in getting updates to the latest version of Android, despite the fact that the unlocked GSM version gets it right away.

If you buy a Nexus device from a carrier, be prepared to root and apply a ROM if you don't want to wait (possibly months) for an update.


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Aug 29, 2010
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Re: Sprint Galaxy Nexus gets official OTA Jelly Bean tomorrow (Se

To me, it does sound a bit annoying at first that the Verizon Nexus takes longer to get updated, but then I think, "Who am I kidding? My phone is rooted and I'll have a ROM on it way faster than any official releases." And then I'm like, "Whatever."

Note: This is NOT meant to be an argument for rooting. I am merely stating my own position in the matter.


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May 28, 2011
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Re: Sprint Galaxy Nexus gets official OTA Jelly Bean tomorrow (Se

I'm as annoyed as just about all the people who have posted here at Verizon. I was hoping the Nexus phone would provide updates quickly-hasnt really turned out that way. I've generally been a purist and have not modified the phone because I am nervous I'm going to brick or break it. TO be honest, the true power in this phone is twofold:
1-Verizon's network is arguably the best out there.
2-While their updates are so frustrating slow, you have the ability to tinker with it and flash what you want on it.

I've not taken advantage of option two-I'm serious thinking about finding out how to do this-I think I saw a guide from Dmmark somewhere and thats probably the best route. I feel like a dunce but I dont understand all the rooting and such and dont feel like setting my phone back to factory default either :) (also lazy).


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Aug 30, 2012
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Re: Sprint Galaxy Nexus gets official OTA Jelly Bean tomorrow (Se

now that Sprint has officially confirmed the OTA Jelly Bean update...

is Verizon even working on getting OTA Jelly Bean released?

it sure feels like those six VZW employees are on vacation right now. :)


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2012
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I have sprint but I've been reading your comments and you all have to realize they need to test products. I know it can be annoying waiting but I'm glad Verizon always gets updated first because I get to sit back and root until all the kinks are complained about. O by the way sprint gave away FREE 2100mah batteries for galaxy nexus owners. :] dueces.

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Mar 1, 2012
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I dont know why I have Verizon. I switched from Sprint to goto Verizon specifically for this phone.

I just saw on youtube that people are getting EXCELLENT speeds on t mobile 4g. I live in NYC so suspect my speeds would be just as good.

I dont know why Im tolerating this non sense with Verizon when I can get a tmobile with a prepaid setup and get updates the day they come out, high 4g speeds and a decent prepaid plan. Might I also mention NO CONTRACT.

What am I missing? As long as I can get some service when Im snowboarding then Im considering the switch. There MUST be something Im not considering.

Sprint sucks by the way.

Vzw blows though

Sent from my Nexus S 4g rockin jellybean using Tapatalk 2


Mar 1, 2012
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I have sprint but I've been reading your comments and you all have to realize they need to test products. I know it can be annoying waiting but I'm glad Verizon always gets updated first because I get to sit back and root until all the kinks are complained about. O by the way sprint gave away FREE 2100mah batteries for galaxy nexus owners. :] dueces.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Android Central Forums

But sprint sucks though lol

Sent from my Nexus S 4g rockin jellybean using Tapatalk 2

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