Stay with Evo or switch to Epic


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Feb 9, 2010
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Samsung Epic 4g vs Evo 4g ; what do you guys think is the better phone?

Samsung's Epic 4G for Sprint seems to live up to its name -- Engadget

Kinda interesting that it has a physical keyboard. Probably is going to be a brick at 14.x mm thick but at least it gives people options. 4' vs 4.3' screen. Samsung super AMOLED seems nice for sunlight visibility. No kickstands though which sucks.

What do you guys think will come out on top?

Either way Sprint had BETTER put on an extra $10 "premium data" fee unless they want a riot by Evo owners ;)


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May 19, 2010
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It all comes down to personal preference. I absolutely hate phones with physical keyboards. And I mean that with a deep deep passion. I've yet to use one that I didn't get frustrated within 2 seconds and want to unload a clip from a M249... Ok I'm exaggerating a bit but my point is everyone is different. There are people who feel the same way about full touchscreen phone. I'm sure it's going to be a GREAT phone. But for me PERSONALLY I like full touchscreen phones. And the Evo is one amazing full touchscreen phone. Now you have people in the middle. At that point you would have to look deeper into it. HTC Sense vs whatever Samsung has cooking for its UI. Kickstand or no Kickstand. Stuff like that. But I don't think in this case you can say which is better, they really aren't direct competitors like lets say the Droid X is.


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May 7, 2010
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I can't stand phones that look ugly, Palm Pre was gorgeous so I got that, then the EVO 4G came out and I found out that it was GORGEOUS ... AND it had awesome features. This thing looks so fugly, looks like a cheapy 50$ touchscreen phone.


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Jun 6, 2010
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Depends on if samsung decides to support the device in a timely manner and if its built like a plastic toy you'd find in a mc donald s happy meal.

Given samsung's ambitions and given how many carriers this is hitting I'd guess they are aiming to do it right.


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Jun 5, 2010
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luckily i am in the 30 day window when this hits on my old tmo and sprint. That way i will have the Evo. and 2 Samsungs to compare before decided where to go


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May 31, 2010
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the bf likes hardware keyboards and he has the samsung moment on my second line, so he will definitely be getting the "epic 4g" from samsung. Meanwhile, I'll continue to keep my evo 4g.


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May 20, 2010
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I have to agree with the other posters about it being a keyboard choice. I previously had a very nice keyboard on my pantech ocean and it was the perfect size for speedy thumb typing.

Now I have swype and I find I don't miss having a keyboard as much. Swype is easier on my thumbs and just as fast for text input and I am still getting used to it. In time it may very well be faster. It also makes it slightly thinner and possibly lighter without a keyboard.

All of the new phones are very close in basic specs so I'm afraid you may have to put a very fine point on what it is you want most. The one finite feature you are going to nitpick over since that is what people seem to be doing. Biggest screen, graphics chip, keyboard, usb vs hdmi out, dual core procs(soon) stuff like that.


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May 16, 2010
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I Epic looks promising. I love physical keyboards, but I like them laid out like the palm pre. Having the EVO with swype, texting is a whole lot better, so not having a keyboard is not an issue for me anymore.

Besides not having a Samsung HDTV, DLNA wouldn't cater to me, and their front facing camera is only VGA. The super AMOLED screen seems enticing but I'm satisfied with the EVO's TFT LCD.

I guess from the specs and presentations that I've seen for the Galaxy S or Epic 4g, there's really nothing that this phone can do that the EVO can't for my likings. Until i actually play with it for a good amount of time then I guess I'll make a true judgment. But I'm glad Sprint is rolling this phone out for us in 4g and that it's being released to other carriers as well. I'm just wondering why t-mobile decided to take out the front camera.


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May 23, 2010
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Choice is great, but as a Pre lover, I tried a MyTouch Slider and my thumbs were confused!

I think landscape keyboards are much harder than portrait keyboards because of the distance my thumbs travel from different keys.

Consider that the MyTouch Slider is only a 3.2 inch screen, have a huge keyboard on a 4 inch screen phone will be difficult for me.

Plus the phone has a lot of features but I love my kickstand on the Evo and Unrevoked makes root and recovery as easy as Preware.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2010
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The Evo is so much better for now, well, because it's in my hands. The Sammy Epic is not.

My wife will probably get the Epic.


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Apr 18, 2010
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Yeah for me the main thing is that Hummingbird under the hood. But then again, as of now there isn't too much software out that uses 3d all that much on Android. We have all the Gameloft games that run pretty crappy on the Evo, but ran ok on the Pre but which I never played because I always got the TMC error when I did try to play and then had to reboot the phone just to play a game. The games themselves were rather frustrating to something better comes out in the software department, that hummingbird will be twiddeling thumbs or spending 0.00001% of its power to render live wallpapers. I just hope more games come out programmed with the Android platform in mind, not just straight ports from iPhone games.


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May 31, 2010
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Ive had Smart phones for quite some time and The first slider keyboard I had was the Palm Pre ... I liked them til I got the Evo ... I don't I will ever go back to a physical keyboard again ... I love the form factor of the Evo ... Thin ... Sleek ... Sturdy ... awww yeah.


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Jun 20, 2010
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My wife has to have a physical keyboard, so I'm excited to see the Epic come out. I'm quite happy with the Evo keyboard, but it doesn't work well for her.


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May 31, 2010
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Having come from several Treos and a Mogul, I am a fan of physical keyboards. Well, WAS a fan I should say. It took a couple of days of getting used to, but my Evo has sold me! Swype was just the icing on the cake. I can easily type as fast on my Evo as I could on any previous phone I have owned. I don't see me ever going back to a physical keyboard. The Evo is so much slimmer and sexier.

The GPU would be nice, but I didn't buy my phone to play games, I needed it for my business. I'll play games on my gaming rig.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2010
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Screw it...I am staying with the Evo. By the same time next year, some dual core monster will be waiting for us at the Sprint store, and by then, I am sure there will be much more in the way of 3d games to actually take advantage of all that power.


Well-known member
May 7, 2010
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Waiting for an upgrade in AUG, coming from a Pre I have become VERY weary about phones in two pieces. I'm still thinking solid slab and 4.3" screen for me, we'll see.


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Jun 1, 2010
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The 45nm chip will mean very good battery life combined with the super amoled screen, and it also has Swype built in for touch screen users. But, I do not like the physical design of Samsung phones (plastic looking and cheap) and really do not like TouchWiz its UI overlay. Very happy with EVO and will not consider this but it?s good for Sprint to have more than 1 high end smartphone.

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