Thunderbolt - Best Buy Availability/Pricing/Ordering Discussion


Vzw Staff
May 11, 2010
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Take this for face value it was Best Buy employee PLEASE. So I got my Incredible back from repair for software issues and after call to Verizon last night with no new information on their end I decided to ask while getting my phone all put back in order. They said they were authorized to tell customers they have been told they will have phone available on the 15th and they are suppose to have it for 2 days before Verizon sells it on MARCH 17th.

This is again only hearsay but this was Manager plus three sales reps stating this is what they have been told to tell customers from their upper management. So I know way endose this to be true but I feel need to pass it on since this is what I will be going by to pick up my phone until I hear otherwise before then.
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Active member
Feb 22, 2011
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Take this for face value it was Best Buy employee PLEASE. So I got my Incredible back from repair for software issues and after call to Verizon last night with no new information on their end I decided to ask while getting my phone all put back in order. They said they were authorized to tell customers they have been told they will have phone available on the 15th and they are suppose to have it for 2 days before Verizon sells it on 17th.

This is again only hearsay but this was Manager plus three sales reps stating this is what they have been told to tell customers from their upper management. So I know way endose this to be true but I feel need to pass it on since this is what I will be going by to pick up my phone until I hear otherwise before then.



Vzw Staff
May 11, 2010
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I've never stated any other dates and you are entitled like anyone else to read where I said to take it for face value, but no one from this store has even mentioned a specific date to myself. Every post i've made has stated like others been told "There is no set date at this time we know nothing more then you sorry" from Verizon and Best Buy. I'm not trying to predict or rumor anything so please take your negativty elsewhere. This is what they were told to tell customers coming into to put down $50.00 deposit, as of right now this is the information they should give to customers, that they were told the current goal date is the 15th of March.


Trusted Member
Apr 18, 2010
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While I appreciate anyone who has info to pass along, I have long since given up the ghost any release date becoming official until I can actually buy one. I don't even trust Verizon to post an official announcement. To me they would lie like the gov't during an oversight hearing. Just no way to trust them at all.

Gift Card is going back and my pre-order is canceled. I will decide what to do when and IF it actually ships.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2011
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17th seems most likely to me, simply because of the poem BMX wrote.

"when the color green is all you see

and they speak of pots of gold,

perhaps in the lingering cold

you may yet, hear the thunder roll,"

Saint Patricks day is the 17th, which is a thursday.


Mar 4, 2011
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Are all of these problems a sign of what is to become of the TB?

I put my deposit down for the TB on 02/14, and I've been as excited as all of you to get it. However, since this phone has run into this many problems prior to it's release, I'm wondering how problematic it will be after it's release. I got an HTC Evo 4G, which is a great phone, albeit a little outdated, but it's rock solid and has a huge development community behind it. I'm running CM7 nightly now and it's running smooth as silk.

But how about the TB? What do we have in store once this phone actually does come out? Poor battery life like the Evo? Slow updates from HTC/Verizon? (jeez, they aren't exactly screaming 'timely and reliable' after this fiasco) Light leaks, good/bad screen displays, and other poor quality control problems that HTC has had recently (like the MT4G)? Will we have a complicated r00ting procedure like the HTC Inspire and the gold card method?

As much as I'd like having this phone, even after this much anticipated release, we still have a while to go before we know whether all this fussing over the TB was worth it.

That being said, I'm behind you guys on one thing. If Verizon would stand up and give a real statement except 'coming soon', and if Best Buy would stop giving false and misguided information whilst taking pre-orders (they can't even seem to decide on a price, for goodness sake), we'd all be a lot calmer about this phone's current delays.

Until then...I'm glad I'm back to being a flash addict. The Evo surely does plenty of stuff to try out...


Well-known member
Nov 18, 2010
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I put my deposit down for the TB on 02/14, and I've been as excited as all of you to get it. However, since this phone has run into this many problems prior to it's release, I'm wondering how problematic it will be after it's release. I got an HTC Evo 4G, which is a great phone, albeit a little outdated, but it's rock solid and has a huge development community behind it. I'm running CM7 nightly now and it's running smooth as silk.

But how about the TB? What do we have in store once this phone actually does come out? Poor battery life like the Evo? Slow updates from HTC/Verizon? (jeez, they aren't exactly screaming 'timely and reliable' after this fiasco) Light leaks, good/bad screen displays, and other poor quality control problems that HTC has had recently (like the MT4G)? Will we have a complicated r00ting procedure like the HTC Inspire and the gold card method?

As much as I'd like having this phone, even after this much anticipated release, we still have a while to go before we know whether all this fussing over the TB was worth it.

That being said, I'm behind you guys on one thing. If Verizon would stand up and give a real statement except 'coming soon', and if Best Buy would stop giving false and misguided information whilst taking pre-orders (they can't even seem to decide on a price, for goodness sake), we'd all be a lot calmer about this phone's current delays.

Until then...I'm glad I'm back to being a flash addict. The Evo surely does plenty of stuff to try out...

From what I've read on another forum, the "gold card" method should be giving way to a simple, unrEVOked type program in the very near future.

As far as battery life, I think it will be fine on 3G. I'm using an Inspire right now, and at this very moment, my battery is at 60% after 16hrs. That's with some calls, some texts, and reading some forums. Oh, and some Twitter. The Inspire battery is only 1250MAH, compared to 1400 on the Bolt. Rooting and getting rid of "bloatware" help the battery on the EVO immensely. My GF can get over 24 hrs most days, and a good 12 on the days it's glued to her head.

From what I've heard, there are some big time Devs looking to get behind this phone once it hits. Hope this info helps.


Mar 4, 2011
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From what I've read on another forum, the "gold card" method should be giving way to a simple, unrEVOked type program in the very near future.

As far as battery life, I think it will be fine on 3G. I'm using an Inspire right now, and at this very moment, my battery is at 60% after 16hrs. That's with some calls, some texts, and reading some forums. Oh, and some Twitter. The Inspire battery is only 1250MAH, compared to 1400 on the Bolt. Rooting and getting rid of "bloatware" help the battery on the EVO immensely. My GF can get over 24 hrs most days, and a good 12 on the days it's glued to her head.

From what I've heard, there are some big time Devs looking to get behind this phone once it hits. Hope this info helps.

That sounds promising... on multiple aspects... I'm sure that when TB comes out, it will very quickly get a large dev community. I guess I'm just venting my frustration and disappointment at how the ball has been dropped regarding the TB. I'm excited to see this phone drop, however, and unlike some, I would never, not in a million years, get fed up enough by the delays to buy a *cringe* Iphone... Until then, rocking out Gameloft's Nova on my r00ted Evo running CM7 nightly...


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2011
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@TifaLockheart if your question was in fact for real and not sarcasm then....

There is not Official date, RUMORED dates range from 3/10 and 3/17 and upwards of April+.

The 10th is the date we are being told as of now by sources, but dont get your hopes up. Hope this gets you up to speed! :)


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
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I would honestly cross the 10th off the list as the iPad 2 is dropping that week.
2/10 - VZW iPhone 4
2/17 - Palm Pre 2
2/24 - Motorola Xoom
3/3 - ??? If anything.
3/11 - VZW iPad 2


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2011
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So I am through like page 5 and I am bored. Are we all better for it?

I'll sum up everything we know about the release....

.....any questions?

Seriously, nothing has been announced and the unofficial release dates has been the 14th, 17th, 24th, 28th, 3rd, 10th, April (I haven't even begun reading that I just know there's some rumor for April).

So, you've caught up. Nobody knows when this will be released...we hope on the 10th (because that's the next rumored date)....but then again, I've personally been dissappointed about 5 times (see dates above).

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