what are you all going to do with your s5 devices now that it won't get Nougat? (Snapdragon 801)


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Mar 12, 2016
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..."Oh nos, obsolete device, so sad, too bad, but ya gotta buy a new phone :-$ " narrative/bandwagon, what are you all going to do with your s5 devices? This strategically kills official support for the S5 and provides an equally strategic excuse to officially stop providing security patches as well. It's interesting timing given the pressure that these manufacturers have been under as a result of governments recently getting involved and asking questions about the obtuse rejection of support and security maintenance on anything they sell that is more than a couple of dozen months old. But I digress with regard to the latter. That's another discussion completely.

I'm really annoyed by this, though. It seems so strategic and coercive. I really feel like I'm being run through the wringer by android peddlers. It's always something. And it's a repetitive cycle of the same BS all of the time. It seems like there is always some timely excuse to continue strongarming technology to keep people buying shiny new thousand dollar phones every 24 months. And every single time I read an article about these practices it always falls back to the drones ppping off the same old line about "oh well, the phone is over the two year period." That's such a lame, market trained, tech media driven, narrative. And that narrative is a large reason that these companies get away with these practices because people eat it up like candy as if it's legit. This 2 year myth is, in my view, a BS trained narrative that has been popularized as a result of carrier contracts that run 24 months. It's like consumers are systematically being trained into sheep that just repeat this BS narrative and accept it as logical when it isn't logical at all. And consumers themselves are all too willing to help run interference for them. Ever read some of the comments in android articles? The comments are ridiculous. It's like romper room reading through comments. Every single time, the story gets buried and the comments degrade into a bunch of redundant fanboy spew back and forth about nothing meaningful at all. That's the trained mindset that these manufacturers and carriers bank on. They bank on the sheep mentality. They bank on useful idiots with keyboards reciting the tried and true 2 year narrative in order to justify the strongarming of technology to manipulate people into forking over anothe grand every couple of dozen months. There is absolutely no reason that this chip can't be updated. None. It's just that they don't want to do it. Which puts them into the same manipulative category as the carriers and manufacturers.

I was thinking about rooting but I can't use Android Pay if I do that as far as I know. And I'm not sure what else won't work. Those mods seem glitchy, too. But I'm not forking ove close to another thousand dollars to these people based on moral principle alone. I'm tired of it. They're getting way too comfortable with doing this to people. I'm not a fan of regulation at all but that might be the only way to get these practices under control. Just go full blown socialist on these mofos. Heh.

Seems like this Qualcomm decision is also going to effectively provide another reason for these phone makers to not provide regular security updates on top of the BS 2 year service narrative that editors and carriers have painted into the minds of sheep.

I don't know. I guess this is more of a vent post but I'm just so tired of this constant rotation of the same BS every 2 years just to cop out of servicing and updating what remain very, very capable devices.

I, for one, am just completely sick of it. I'm just not doing it anymore. This routine is getting old fast. I'm tired of Google. I'm tired of carriers. I'm tired of manufacturers. And I'm tired of tech media and useful idiots with trained sheep mentalities in the comments section running interference for them. And now I'm tired of chip makers who are getting in on the gig. Seems like it's just all one big charade and an endless rotation of circle jerkery just to force people to fork over a thousand bucks every 24 months.

Anyway, Sorry for the rant. But, I, for one, have some immediate decisions to make. And as much as I don't like the way iphones are made, that will likely be the course I take. I'm just fed up with Google and all that comes with having any part of it. Seems like it's just one big game of manipulation of both consumers and technology itself.

I do have an iphone 5S that I took out of my drawer and charged today. It immediately updated upon turning it on. I may just get a nano sim and transfer my data over from my micro sim that's in the S5 and be done with android forever. I'm just tired of this bull.

Certainly, many won't like my words here. But guess what. I really don't care. Someone has to speak up and tell it like it really is. And I'm not seeing too much of that these days.

As always, it's the same deceptive, circular, blame game played out just to get around their own BS...
LlabTooFeR says Qualcomm won't release the graphic drivers. Qualcomm says that the OEMs are calling the shots. While Sony says that Google is to blame.

Why Android 7.0 won't officially come to Snapdragon 800/801
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Q&A Team
Jul 7, 2013
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Re: Now that Qualcomm has jumped on the ...

Consider this - it costs Qualcomm money to support each chipset. They need to dedicate a team to develop the drivers to support their chips on each new version of an OS. At some point, the decision needs to be made to have those people work on other projects. That decision is likely made in conjunction with the OEMs and carriers, if those entities don't expect to support the new OS on the devices with the older chips there's no point in Qualcomm sinking money into that development.

Yes, it stinks. This happens in the computer world also it's just that the cycle there is a lot longer.

Bottom line is - the Galaxy S5 released with KitKat and has gotten two major OS updates since, that's more than can be said for some devices.


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Mar 12, 2016
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Re: Now that Qualcomm has jumped on the ...

Consider this - it costs Qualcomm money to support each chipset.

Right. They knew that when they decided to go into the chipset business. It's what makes the chipset business the chipset buisness.

They need to dedicate a team to develop the drivers to support their chips on each new version of an OS.

Right. That's part of being in the chipset business.

At some point, the decision needs to be made to have those people work on other projects.

Right. Part of running a chipset business is delegating authority. So you have some folks work on the more widely used chipsets while you put people on the other projects. Naw? Makes sense to me.

That decision is likely made in conjunction with the OEMs and carriers, if those entities don't expect to support the new OS on the devices with the older chips there's no point in Qualcomm sinking money into that development.

Agreed. They're all in it together.

Yes, it stinks.

Absolutely. It's practically extortion.

This happens in the computer world also it's just that the cycle there is a lot longer.

Post hoc, ergo propter hoc - "it happened after so it was caused by" - confusion of cause and effect.

Bottom line is - the Galaxy S5 released with KitKat and has gotten two major OS updates since, that's more than can be said for some devices.

This is the most common fallacy of logic and rhetoric that is spread in order to justify these predatory practices.

You want an end of the day explanation? I'll give you one. And it's the right one. The device/hardware manufacturers are piggybacking their policy off of the consumer logic in 24 month carrier agreements and the drones don't have the common sense to start questioning the legitimacy of the manufacturers practice of following suit. Hardware doesn't automatically become obsolete and expire like carrier constructs do. But this is an illusion that people help create by spreading this narrative.

End of the day, this chipset can be made fully compatible. The only reason they aren't doing it is because the suckers working their 9 to 5 at McDonalds or wherever keep systematically emptying their pockets like trained sheep without demonstrating any notion that they've actually thought through why it is that they really shouldn't have to.
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Aug 16, 2016
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Re: Now that Qualcomm has jumped on the ...

You Can use Android pay App by using su hide made by the same guy that made supersu


Moderator Captain
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Nov 16, 2010
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Re: Now that Qualcomm has jumped on the ...

Consider this - it costs Qualcomm money to support each chipset. They need to dedicate a team to develop the drivers to support their chips on each new version of an OS. At some point, the decision needs to be made to have those people work on other projects. That decision is likely made in conjunction with the OEMs and carriers, if those entities don't expect to support the new OS on the devices with the older chips there's no point in Qualcomm sinking money into that development.

Yes, it stinks. This happens in the computer world also it's just that the cycle there is a lot longer.

Bottom line is - the Galaxy S5 released with KitKat and has gotten two major OS updates since, that's more than can be said for some devices.

The other thing is - the phone doesn't stop working because it doesn't get Nougat. And really - we should be pushing for consistency with security updates.

But it's not like we're paying these OEM's a monthly fee for support.


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Apr 20, 2014
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This is the first I've read that my S5 which I love won't get Android Nougat. I am not surprised though.

Can I ask you all what happens to the operation of a phone when it is no longer supported by new versions of Android?My S5 is the first high end smartphone I got and so I am in unfamiliar territory.

Do all the individual apps still update normally on the Google Play? Exactly what happens to the day to day running if the phone even you are using an outdated Android version? I don't want to replace my S5 as it is running flawlessly.



Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
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Consider this - it costs Qualcomm money to support each chipset. They need to dedicate a team to develop the drivers to support their chips on each new version of an OS. At some point, the decision needs to be made to have those people work on other projects. That decision is likely made in conjunction with the OEMs and carriers, if those entities don't expect to support the new OS on the devices with the older chips there's no point in Qualcomm sinking money into that development.

Yes, it stinks. This happens in the computer world also it's just that the cycle there is a lot longer.

Bottom line is - the Galaxy S5 released with KitKat and has gotten two major OS updates since, that's more than can be said for some devices.

I am running Marshmallow 6.0.1. and am grateful for it. But I agree with the OP. Here in Australia, all these flagship phones cost $1000 plus. You should be getting software and security patch support for 4 years. After that I say bad luck if you still hang on to it. But 2 years is a travesty when you buy a flagship phone.

Imagine buying a BMW or Merc and you cannot get spares after a couple of years.


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Feb 21, 2013
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I am running Marshmallow 6.0.1. and am grateful for it. But I agree with the OP. Here in Australia, all these flagship phones cost $1000 plus. You should be getting software and security patch support for 4 years. After that I say bad luck if you still hang on to it. But 2 years is a travesty when you buy a flagship phone.

Imagine buying a BMW or Merc and you cannot get spares after a couple of years.

Even Apple seems to be supporting their devices for about 4 years now. My 5S is three years old and will be getting iOS 10 when it's out and it will be supported for a nother full year.


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Jan 11, 2016
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The iPhone 5S is also orders of magnitude faster than the iPhone 4S / iPad 2, and look how long those devices lasted.

I feel it's safe to say the 5S is getting at least another 2-3 years minimum. The phone will probably stop working before they end support.


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2014
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2-3 years more patches? I suppose that's possible if extremely unlikely.
Nougat? Thread already explains why it won't.

Also app developers will start breaking compatibility.

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