What's the first thing you'll show off to the iSheep?


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Nov 2, 2011
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Ehh I wouldn't consider everyone here android sheep. I do follow alot of other technology even though I love android, apple has made some great products and the iPhone is a great product.... that being said I don't like how apple treats their customers and other companies. I also don't like how they self proclaimed their products to be the best therefore everyone thinks that they are the best aka apple sheep.

The thing about apple (and android is getting it too) is the quasi fanatical customer base that they have built up over the years. It just goes along with every computer and technology based holy war, little endian vs big endian, mac vs pc, RISC vs Early intel, GSM vs CDMA, ect ect... These events will never end, it's pretty much self perpetuating due to the nature of people trying to justify why they spent so much god damn money on this crap.

The only real (good) reason i like android over iOS is because of how open it is, and sure, it does make the system less secure but i'm at least savvy enough to figure out what is and isn't going to screw up my system and I would encourage others to learn that too. I don't want to trade in my freedom to do what I want with my gadgets for a bit of extra security that a closed environment brings, but for some people that is preferable and more power to them. It really all boils down to this, are you a power user who likes to tinker with the innards of your system? If so, go android. Or do you want a phone that "just works" with minimal settings tweaks for simplicity? If that's the case, then iOS is for you.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2011
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Ehh I wouldn't consider everyone here android sheep. I do follow alot of other technology even though I love android, apple has made some great products and the iPhone is a great product.... that being said I don't like how apple treats their customers and other companies. I also don't like how they self proclaimed their products to be the best therefore everyone thinks that they are the best aka apple sheep.

Lol. Of course they self proclaim they are the best. Its a business. I would fire my employee if he publicly didn't think his company was making the best product.

How they treat other companies maybe be unfair but its not out of the lines on which they were given. Of they didn't think of it someone else would have. I think customers think these companies are like

its a business like Verizon is a business. If they make money by doing something that pisses you off then that's what they would do. That's what any company would do.

Its survival of the fittest.


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Jun 8, 2010
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I wont have to say anything , just lay it down beside their iphone and let the comparison speak for itself .


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May 7, 2010
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Why does it have to be better? Why can't you let others enjoy what they have? Seems like a low self esteem issue.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2011
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Why does it have to be better? Why can't you let others enjoy what they have? Seems like a low self esteem issue.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk

I would suggest besides not wasting your time, try to understand why they almost blindly worship their devices. You will learn a lot more during your travels through life by examining the reasons things or people either succeed or fail.

You may not or agree with iOS device successes but you sure would help yourself through life if you examined the reasons for its success and applied it to your "operating system".

You cannot argue with success to that degree,,, quick question,,,, and i am far from an expert - are their any instances of android devices "borrowing" from Apple's playbook or is the reverse true or not?


Dec 5, 2011
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are their any instances of android devices "borrowing" from Apple's playbook or is the reverse true or not?

Definitely Android has borrowed from Apple. You can argue most of the UI was. But definitely having folders in ICS was. Then you got the flip side where Apple has borrowed from Android, ie the notification bar they finally got. I personally think it is hilarious how they keep suing each other over patent infringement.:p


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2011
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They're not allowed to own a different phone than us? Seems your worse than an "isheep"

Sent from my Samsung galaxy S2 using Tapatalk


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Dec 11, 2009
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Clicking icons to lauch apps has been around forever. Did MS steal that from Apple? Or did Apple steal that from Xerox? (If you've read the Jobs book you know the answer to the last question is 'yes.') As owner of both OS's, I see this suing buisiness from Apple as bogus with it's genesis arising from Jobs irrational hatred toward Android. Which was actually in development before the first iPhone.


Well-known member
May 7, 2010
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I would suggest besides not wasting your time, try to understand why they almost blindly worship their devices. You will learn a lot more during your travels through life by examining the reasons things or people either succeed or fail.

You may not or agree with iOS device successes but you sure would help yourself through life if you examined the reasons for its success and applied it to your "operating system".

You cannot argue with success to that degree,,, quick question,,,, and i am far from an expert - are their any instances of android devices "borrowing" from Apple's playbook or is the reverse true or not?

I think you totally misunderstood my post. What does my post have to do with iOS successes? What I said is that the OP obviously has some self-esteem issues as he has to have something that's "better" than what others have.

In fact, you may have the sames issues as well since you seem to be insinuating that one is "better" than the other. Why not just let everyone enjoy what they have? Both are great OS in different ways.

People need to grow up and realize that not everyone likes the same things and what is "best" to you isn't always "best" to someone else. iOS isn't "better" than Android and Android isn't "better" than iOS. They both have their strengths and weaknesses and appeal to different people.


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Oct 18, 2011
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Not particularly interested in "showing it off" to iPhone owners.

However, if the topic of discussion comes up, I'll be all too happy to demonstrate just how restricted, outdated, inflexible and overpriced the iPhone is.

Not to show off the GN, per se, but simply to help tear down the various myths that Apple is innovative, forward-thinking, consumer-focused, or leading the pack -- all based on my ever-growing resentment toward Apple's corporate attitude, product design and business model.

I'd dislike those factors about Apple anyway, especially since I'm stuck dealing with a Mac at work. But it galls me even more than Apple/Jobs are currently hailed as tech saints -- anything can do to help bludgeon that myth into submission with actual, physical proof of their failings will put a smile on my face.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2011
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I think you totally misunderstood my post. What does my post have to do with iOS successes? What I said is that the OP obviously has some self-esteem issues as he has to have something that's "better" than what others have.

In fact, you may have the sames issues as well since you seem to be insinuating that one is "better" than the other. Why not just let everyone enjoy what they have? Both are great OS in different ways.

People need to grow up and realize that not everyone likes the same things and what is "best" to you isn't always "best" to someone else. iOS isn't "better" than Android and Android isn't "better" than iOS. They both have their strengths and weaknesses and appeal to different people.

I may have and if i did i offer my most sincerest of apologies.

i have no ponies in this race was offering some advice for the poster to learn from the success of Apple products.

I could not care less what device someone chooses to purchase.

again, so sorry if wronged you.



Well-known member
Dec 14, 2010
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I won't show anything off.

I have friends who think that Apple is the end all....nothing I will say or do will change their minds. For me, my office gave me an iphone 4. It is relatively easy to use, however, has many quirks (like not being able to in one exercise - mark ALL as read (email)), amongst other things - so it is NOT for me. My email organization is very important to me - IOS's itineration just doesn't work.

If a friend/relative wants to see my new phone, I would be happy to explain the relative freedom as compared to IOS that Android provides. Like I said, most people (MOST) do not have a clue as to what today's smartphones are capable of...they just know how to do what they want to be able to do with it.

Having to "show off" to someone else is pretty sad....imo

Wireless Vet

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Feb 3, 2011
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I am a 15 year-old android enthusiast who loves hearing the hilarious reasons "why the iPhone is better" from my ignorant iPhone-toting friends. What should I do first to show their small, ignorant, high school minds that the galaxy nexus and android as a whole is better? Right now, I give them reasons and they say, "Well, the iPhone is cooler!" So what are you guys planning on doing and what do you recommend for me? :D

Update: I see that some of you are commenting about me getting a high-end android phone at an early age and not paying for it. I actually am paying for it with the money I earn from my online bike store and bike manufacturing business. Endo BMX | Van Nuys, CA 91406 / I put 10 percent of that money in to various charities and the rest goes in to the stock market; some going to the galaxy nexus. I am sorry that I made a controversial forum and please do not think that I am a snobby teenager. I try not to be. Thank you so much.

If you are such an "Android enthusiast", then why do you have to ask what to show off? After all, you are an "Android enthusiast". You should know.


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2011
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The only person I've ever "showed off" my 3GS to is my father, trying to explain the whole smartphone thing to him. Nobody else gives a damn, and I doubt they will start doing so once I get a GNex.

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