Win a free Evo 4G from Android Central [contest]

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Feb 23, 2010
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I am all about the 4G. I've been using Wimax here since late 2008 but never on a phone. I will be glad to finally have it in my pocket.

Other than that, this is the perfect storm of a phone for me.

- I wanted a bigger glass screen after Pre's little plastic one.
- I wanted a Snapdragon class processor and the newest Android ever since Nexus launched
- Front cam for video chat is awesome
- HDMI out means I can bring movies to friends' houses without burning discs or toting my laptop
- Even though I hate having to pay another $10/month, Sprint is still the best combination of price and coverage where I live. I go for Sprint over any other carrier.


May 14, 2010
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Im most excited because this will be my first Android Phone, and its a WHopper!!I have been a Blackberry user for awhile, and I waited patiently for this bad boy to release me from the pit that is Blackberry. On a side note I am a new Android Central member as of 3 days ago, and Im lovin the site the forums and the podcasts!

David :D


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Apr 22, 2010
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As a current Windows Mobile user, the feature I'm most excited about is the Android OS - the app catalog especially. So many time I've wanted to quickly use a WinMo app only to be frustrated by both the sluggishness of the OS and the relative dearth of WinMo apps. And I also live in a WiMax area, so I'm really salivating thinking about streaming via Qik and YouTubeHD. Seeya later, Touch Pro!


May 17, 2010
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What i like mostly about the device is the HDMI support.
You record a great movie and can show it to your friends (either on the big screen or) by plugging it to your TV.
That is an amazing feature for all photos and videos fans :)


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May 17, 2010
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the thing i am most excited about the EVO 4G is the fact it runs android on a 4.3 inch screen. every one said that the best thing you could do with HTC HD2 is run it on android. now there is a phone with the same hardware out that runs android. the beautiful 4.3 inch screen is godly. this phone will kick the iphone's ass to the next century. and, now the at&t cant say that you can use the phone and the internet at the same time cause EVO can do it too :p. TAKE THAT AT&T AND IPHONE!!!!


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May 17, 2010
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I have to say that the feature that I'm most excited for is the design. HTC was able to pack all that power and features into a large but very slim device! :D


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May 4, 2010
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I'm most excited about the android operating system (switching from iphone), and the 4.3" montrosity of a screen. Can't wait for your review too!


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Dec 17, 2009
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I really want the big screen so I can better show off Android Central to all my non-android friends. It would be easier to type this out too! :)



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May 7, 2010
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I am most excited about the blazing 4G speed, so I can laugh at all my iPhone buddies as they eat my dust. And, more importantly, I can rid of the abomination that is my current phone - my wife's old beat up pink (yes, PINK) Katana. And I am a guy, so I live in shame every time I have to answer the phone. Please Android Central, help a brother out and give me an EVO!!!!!


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May 7, 2010
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Let me preface my reason here with a story.

When my girlfriend and I started dating, I had a razr and she had some samsung slider garbage. Neither of us had discovered smartphones yet but I began to realize that I wanted a keyboard out of my phone-- this was 2007 and I was texting so much that I couldn't imagine having a touchscreen. I picked up a helio ocean and it was... Ok, at best. I was able to browse a little and text quickly even though my phone was slow and gargantuan-- it was a taste of more to come but I didn't really realize what phones were capable of. Then I got wind of the blackberry bold and I started saving my pennies.

The bold was a spectacular phone! The improvement from my helio was enormous-- I could text quickly, do many things at once and browse reasonably. I had a high def screen and I could listen to music. It seemed like the future of phones... And as soon as my girlfriend picked it up, she was smitten. Within a month she purchased a sunset blackberry curve 8310, and shortly thereafter she upgraded to a curve 8900 and we became "that blackberry couple", phones in our hands at restaurants and car rides and airports and everywhere. I became a blackberry evangelist and started professing the worth of blackberries to everyone. I got four of my coworkers to switch and encouraged my mother to upgrade her aging 8800 to a shiny new tour. But in the process, I began to make a few concessions-- maybe a touchscreen isn't so bad for browsing, maybe the blackberry browser can't keep up with everything.

Flash to a month ago-- two of my coworkers walk in with brand new droid incredibles. Oh, what could this phone do... My bold felt antiquated and sluggish. It couldn't do anything I wanted it to and android's browsing experience seemed akin to my desktop. It didn't feel like a phone. I wanted it, but my girlfriend would be shocked. She hated touchscreens! She loved blackberries! What could I do?

I read about the evo the next day. If there is any phone that would sway my girl, it was this one. The massive screen! The sharp picture! The lightning speeds and full featured browsing! Certainly she would have to admit that this was a phone worth switching to. I secretly hope that she'll want one of her own... So I can win this one for her and buy one for myself. :)
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