Google Voice commands does not recognise international telephone numbers


AC Question

Hi - I am on Kit Kat 4.4 (LG G3) and trying to use Google Voice commands to send an SMS message.

I say "Send text to <name> message Hello"

The contact is correctly found, and the message set up. Google says "Do you want to send this message" I say "Yes". It displays "Sending Message". Everything looks good - but the message does not get sent - looking in the Message app, there is no record of it being sent.

I have tracked this down to the format of the telephone number. I am using the format +44 1234 123456. This works fine from within the Message app. When I change the format to 01234 123456 the voice command works fine. Interestingly, the voice command to call a contact with an international number works fine.

Is this a bug, or is there a workaround (that doesn't involve editting all my contacts)?

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