How do I move the photo gallery images to my SD card?


AC Question

how do I move photo gallery images to my SD card? I need to free up device space.

I have a newly installed 32G SD card and can't figure out how to move device files [photos, for instance] to the card . . .


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Feb 12, 2012
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Re: how do I move photo gallery images to my SD card? I need to free up device space.

Plug the phone into a computer. Open Card. Create the folders you want to put the pictures in. (An "album" in Galley is the name of the folder the picture is in, so you can create a structure that seems right to you.) Now open another Windows Explorer window and open Phone. Find the pictures and drag them from where they are in Phone to where you want them in Card.

When you're done, check at least a few of them at random. (If there aren't too many, check them all.) If the copies on Card are good, delete the originals on Phone.

Eject the phone and restart it. (Copying files doesn't make the media scnner rerun, so things might look like your pictures are missing until you restart and force a rescan.)